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This is a person who never saw comunism irl, have a taste of some daily soviet life. Living in fear of beeing accused of beeing a wester spy or helping the partisans by your neighbours onley for them to get a papper praise for theyr “patriotism”. Working shit jobs for a few cents and not getting an opportuinty to get a better job because you dont know any people higher up. If you didnt knew people who could get you trough the iron wall to smugle jeans or cola, you couldnt earn money other way, remember personal buissnes was forbiden. Yeah medical atention was free and aceptible to all, but there was lines and waiting periods. If you wanted to get a kidney for your dying mom, you couldnt pay because you couldnt earn money “legal” way. You wanted to get a better peace of meat? Tough look all the best peaces were taken by the family of the shop worker, all is left are scraps. Cant buy a steak because of the shortage, because of the localisations of farms. All your “free time for art” would end up with work for others for you to earn money. Because 40% worked the fields all day, 40% factories and onley a few lucky ones in the offices. Wait your saying your smart and a scollar? You could get a nice office work? No you wouldnt! Its already taken by the mayors son in law and later his son will work in that spot. Best job you could get would be a bus driver to drive people form and to the fields, but remeber there was no A/C, enjoy the hot box all day. Geting back from work and going to your neighbor house to watch tv, because he spent his taloon on a tv while you on a washing machine so your wife could wash easier. Want a cold beer? Alcohol is forbiden, go drink collogne or desinfectant spirit. Want to drive to a lake for vacation? 10 year waiting period for geting a car, if your lucky. You know what a brag in ex-soviet countries? My grandpa had a lada from a factorie! The onley other brag you could hear would be that you always had a job and thats it, you could eat baton and water all your life but atleast you had a job. He who does not work, neither shall he eat. But the onley food to eat would be stale bread and milk.