'I'll Take Up Arms If He Asks': Violent Supporters Rush to Trump After Guilty Verdict
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Got into guns a bit before 01/06, just for fun. After that day, it's wasn't 100% for fun.
Some facts and opinions:
Not calling on all y'all to get strapped. Owning a gun is nothing, any idiot can buy a gun, and many do. Being able to use a gun is another story. It takes a good deal of time, money, practice and thought. If you don't want to put in the effort, I get ya. OTOH, some of you need to pull your head out your ~~ass~~ suburban home long before the trains start running.
Yes. It can happen here. Didn't take a large percentage of the population to arrive at Brown Shirts. Imagine Red Shirts forming local posses. I can see it happening right on my block, already know who the leader(s) will be and who will join, even the reluctant holdouts. The rest will stay quiet and live in fear. And we've already seen the sympathy police show to these sorts. They'll come knocking to talk about, "My own protection, my own good."
On a lighter note, I finished refurbishing my 1920s 20-gauge. Single-shot, long barrel, much fun. Loaded with 00 or slugs, that's some hellacious firepower for $100! You can get really, really fast reloading with practice. (I'm actually more on target with my single-shots than my pumps.) Just sayin'. Can't wait to take it to camp tomorrow!