this post was submitted on 23 May 2024
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[–] trollbearpig 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

First of all man, chill lol. Second of all, nice way to project here, I'm saying that the "AIs" are overhyped, and they are being used to justify rampant plagiarism by Microsoft (OpenAI), Google, Meta and the like. This is not the same as me saying the technology is useless, though hobestly I only use LLMs for autocomplete when coding, and even then is meh.

And third dude, what makes you think we have to prove to you that AI is dumb? Way to shift the burden of proof lol. You are the ones saying that LLMs, which look nothing like a human brain at all, are somehow another way to solve the hard problem of mind hahahaha. Come on man, you are the ones that need to provide proof if you are going to make such wild claim. Your entire post is "you can't prove that LLMs don't think". And yeah, I can't prove a negative. Doesn't mean you are right though.