this post was submitted on 22 May 2024
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[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Are you familiar with Brexit, Teresa May's Hostile Environment for Immigrants, Windrush, partying while the Queen mourned alone following the covid rules, Trussonimics sending inflation soaring and Sunak literally today denying that there's a problem with DWP putting hundreds of thousands of unpaid carers into thousands of pounds of debt by not allowing them to earn a penny over £151 if they want to keep a single penny of their payment for providing care, noting in their system that the increase in the minimum wage put them over, not warning them, not even cancelling the payment, just waiting for literally years then taking them to court to claim back all the money in the intervening time?

The Conservative Party membership is pathologically committed to choosing the worst possible Prime Minister from any pair of candidates.

This "both sides" stuff is such a croc of *.