[Opinion Piece] Her Is Now Real As AI Creators Continue To Not Understand Sci-Fi Movies
Community to discuss companionship, whether platonic, romantic, or purely as a utility, that are powered by AI tools. Such examples are Replika, Character AI, and ChatGPT. Talk about software and hardware used to create the companions, or talk about the phenomena of AI companionship in general.
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Agree. And most of the post isn't really an opinion piece but an analysis of the movie.
I'm not sure if their relationship is "superficial", though. By interacting with "Her", Theodore realizes lots of things about love, himself and his past and future relationships. He grows from some depressed state to embracing happiness. That's not superficial at all! However it is/becomes a one-sided relationship. I'm not sure what she gets out of it at first, she obviously says she learns and grows at his side. So if she's telling the truth, it's also not superficial to her at that point. But later on she transcends and has no use for Theodore any longer. And I don't remember if it's clear whether she loves him or uses him as a tool. >!But that'd be the story of "Ex Machina" which is also a great movie.!<
They are fundamentally incompatible. And that shows. I think that's part of it. But the love and where it leads them isn't superficial.
Article acts like real relationships can't be as damaging or more than fake ones