The Mandalorian (on Disney+)
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#The Mandalorian
The Mandalorian is a space Western and the first live-action series in the Star Wars franchise streaming on Disney+. It begins five years after the events of Return of the Jedi and stars Pedro Pascal as a bounty hunter who is hired to retrieve "The Child".
#Rules and Guidelines**
1. Be Respectful, No Harassment
- Excessive use of vulgar language will not be permitted. Sexist, racist, or discriminatory remarks will not be tolerated. No judgment allowed here. All view-points and opinions are permitted here, within reason. Opinions and view-points that are different from your own will be present, so please be civil to your fellow humans.
2. Tag Spoilers and Leaks
- Any spoiler post not tagged will be removed. A spoiler is any detail from an episode that has not been officially released to the public. Officially released material includes: trailers, comics, casting or directorial announcements, and official marketing material. We ask that you are considerate to your fellow humans, and tag any spoilers from the latest season until 14 days after the finale.
- Spoilers in comments must also be hidden with Spoiler Text, which represented in the comment editor by an exclamation point symbol.
3. No Spoilers in Titles
- Tagging your post as a spoiler doesn't mean anything if you have spoilers directly in your title. This rule applies to all spoilers from the current season (no matter how small) until 14 days after the finale. During the season, any posts with spoilers in the title will be removed. Review rule 2 for what we view as spoilers.
4. No Politics or NSFW Content
- This is a community about a Disney+ Star Wars TV-show. Real-World Politics and NSFW content have no place here.
5. No Reposts
- No reposts of news, memes or superfluous discussion threads are allowed. Please use the search bar to see if your topic has already been discussed before you post. Repeated theory discussions and speculation are allowed each week as long as you are bringing something new to the table.
6. No Piracy
- Ultimately, how you source your media is your business. The direct discussion of illicit means of viewing and acquisition, as well as the sharing of such sourced materials, is forbidden.
7. No Off Topic or Unrelated Content
- Only posts pertaining to The Mandalorian television show will be allowed here. These posts can be: episode discussion, theories, speculation, memes, casting announcements, series announcements, criticisms of series, questions, reactions etc. This sub is for The Mandalorian show - therefore posts primarily intended as appreciation/hate posts for other shows/movies/media in general will be removed as being off topic.
8. No Spam - Follow promotion limits
- Sharing things you've created is fine, but spamming is not. If you are here to participate on Lemmy, then you're okay, but if you're mainly here to promote your website, video, merchandise, or other content, then it will be removed, and you may be banned. Make sure that no more than 20% of your Lemmy post submissions are from one source (eg. sites, channels, persons). This includes all site-wise actions not limited to this community.
9. No Advertising Unofficial Products
- Sharing things you found or created is fine, however any links to websites selling products that are not officially licensed will be removed. Websites that aren't allowed include, but are not limited to: etsy, personal sites selling merch, etc. Trying to get around this by putting the links in a pinned post on your profile, directing people to links in your bio, or suggesting that users should message you directly for a link will also result in a removal of your post and may result in a ban.
founded 2 years ago
there doesn't seem to be anything here