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Hello new Lemmy friends!

Word on the street tells us our community is regularly making it the all page. While this is very cool news to hear, we can see how the sudden emergence of our posts in your feed might feel jarring and probably raises some questions. And also how, without knowing the backstory, our community might appear less than virtuous, so here’s a very brief introduction which hopefully will clear a few things up.

The woman we’re discussing is a body positive influencer and media personality who has gained fame and wealth by lying, manipulating, exploiting her children for content, plagiarizing BIPOC creators and blaming her BIPOC content editor for it (thereby ruining her career), among other things. Her fraudulent behavior is no different (I’d argue worse) from the likes of Jay Shetty (google him if you don’t know who he is or what he did). She’s the latest in a long line of grifting influencers who are abusing their power, taking advantage of their position and exploiting their followers. The difference is that she’s Canadian. Our laws around social media and advertising aren’t as clear (and where they are she’s disobeyed them), add to that, our mainstream media has protected her from those who’ve tried to expose her grift and silenced/intimidated anyone who’s tried to speak out.

Our Reddit sub was taken down due to reports of copyright infringement, which is unfounded and categorically untrue as no one ever tried to steal her work and pass it off as their own. The mods have made an appeal. While at first glance it may seem like we’re just “shitting on her” the sub has been more devoted to investigation and posting proof of her lies than just bitching for the sake of bitching. The reality is that she’s hurt, manipulated and let down a lot of people. She stole intellectual property and employment, caused mental distress and has repeatedly told lies to boost engagement and profit off her audience, so people are understandably upset that their voices are being silenced.

We’re grateful to have been welcomed so kindly by so many of you, and to those sticking around to watch the drama unfold, we’re glad to have you!

**all posts are alleged.


-Please follow Lemmy content guidelines. See

-Minor's Right to Privacy: No posts about the children whatsoever. No mention of full names and no photos. Minors must be completely removed from all photos/videos. No exceptions. This goes for ANY child. No just TBP's.

-No snarking on the character or appearance of any of the children. This is a site dedicated to Sarah Landry.

-No posting information that is not readily available online/NoDoxxing: Influencers post an abundance of personal information online. Examples of doxxing include:

-Comments Regarding Mental Health: Jokes or Snide remarks about mental health or unaliving oneself will not be tolerated under any circumstances. No armchair diagnosing.

-Do not post or solicit communication with TBP or related influencers: This includes screenshots and references to 'this is what I commented.' Please message a mod if you would like to share anything anonymously.

-No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, body shaming or other ism/bigotry.

-No TBP crusaders

-No commenting with the sole purpose of being rude/insulting: while criticism/debate is welcome on the page, being purposefully mean, insulting and rude is not.

-No brigading/incitement of mass harassment. Do not post links to affiliate sites, or incite members of the sub to brigade against TBP/related parties (this includes brands).

-Fact check and do your homework: Make sure to research before posting. If you are posting photos or videos that are filtered/photoshopped, make sure it is blatantly obvious. No rumours. no speculations (example Ozempic use).

-No overly vulgar language.

-No advertisement of any kind

-No duplicate posts

founded 3 weeks ago

As requested, a thread for general snarking that may not need its own post.


LEFT SIDE IMAGE (black outfit) features The Birds Papaya (Sarah) from a instagram video posted on June 6, 2024. (body slimming filter detected). RIGHT SIDE IMAGE (bathing suit) features The Birds Papaya (Sarah) from a instagram video posted on June 25, 2024 (Getty images, no filter).


She really has the babydoll sexpot look going on for walking around Disney today. Like nips out for Disney? 😬 Good lord dress like a normal person for a long day at a Disney park! It isn’t a fashion show. Literally who dresses like this at a Disney park with your family? She’s so embarrassing.


Sarah Nicole Landry puts her female children into traditional, outdated gender boxes and it’s bothered me for a long time. I remember when her son was younger and he was encouraged to be who he is and wore nail polish and what some may consider non-traditional clothes for boys but she doesn’t do the same for her daughters. She’s all about dressing L up in extremely feminine clothes, always encouraging her to ‘do her nails’ and get her hair done and then drags her to the stupid Disney salon. We never see L out playing ball or learning to ride a bike. She’s taken on walks and then allowed some time to play at the park. That seems to be it. She doesn’t have trucks or cars to play with. All the toys are gendered for females like the Barbies. Even the movies the child is exposed to aren’t diverse. Sarah has mentioned in her stories, more than once, the child does not like having her hair washed so why would she think this is a great activity for her? She did it for the Gram. That’s the only reason. She dresses the pre-schooler in floofy, synthetic fabric dresses in the Florida swamp heat and drags her around pushing her into Sarah’s box.


Sarah (The Birds Papaya) expects people to believe that she gained more followers (organically) than Celine Dion in the last 30 days. I think The Birds Papaya is bleeding followers and is buying bots.

Let's compare the two women to see why The Birds Papaya's numbers don't add up.

Sarah Nicole Landry is a 39.5 year old mother of four who lives in Guelph Ontario with her husband (who we suspect doesn't work). Sarah is known for taking nearly naked videos in her bathroom (she claims she is an underwear model and body confidence activist). In her bathroom Sarah (in underwear) will often slap her fupa, jiggle her skin folds and dance in her videos. In the last 30 days, Sarah also known as The Birds Papaya had one feature on, the feature was pay for play. In the last 30 days Sarah had a paid article in Sports Illustrated. The article is about menstrual blood absorbing swimwear and how Sarah is being bullied. Sarah was featured in a press release for period panties and swimwear. No major outlets ran a story from the press release. Sarah's walk in the SI Miami swim show runway was over a month ago. For her appearance on the SI runway Sarah (The Birds Papaya) received no organic press coverage, wasn't mentioned on reddit, tiktok, she barely was mentioned on Instagram. Mainstream TV in Canada didn't mention Sarah's SI appearance. Have the Canadian media finally had enough with Sarah and her lies? The period underwear company- Essity paid for Sarah to walk the SI runway. Essity is a global hygiene company. Essity make period underwear, adult diapers and paper towel for commercial bathrooms.

Now let's take a look at Celine DIon who had had one of the busiest months of promotion in her LIFE.

Celine Dion is a Canadian born signer who has sold over 200 million albums worldwide. Celine is the best selling Canadian recording artist of all time. In the USA, Celine is the sixth best selling recording artist of all time. Globally Celine Dion is the second best selling female artist of all time. Celine comes second to legend Whitney Houston. Celine has a deep admiration for the late Whitney Houston, calling her an immense inspiration and the greatest. (Unlike Sarah, Celine does not have to be the best or the only). In the past 30 days Celine Dion has been featured on over 30+ magazine covers globally, including People Magazine in the USA. She's been featured on EVERY SINGLE North American media outlet. She has guested on the Today show and last night she surprised the NHL draft and announced the Montreal Canadians first round draft pick. Her new documentary- the top documentary holds a very rare 100% approval rate on Rotton Tomatoes. Her new single a remix of "I'm alive" sits 6 on on the charts. Celine is EVERYWHERE in the news.

On social media. Celine Dion is trending on X (USA and Canada), Celine Dion has 945,000 hash tagged posts on Instagram. When you search Celine Dion on Instagram she comes up as popular. On instagram, The Birds Papaya has 5000 tagged posts (mostly naked women or women in lingerie, string bikinis, tagging Sarah), her youngest child as a baby is reposted and tagged in many of the tagged images). When you search Celine Dion on Instagram she comes up as popular. The Birds Papaya does not. The Birds Papaya has almost no presence on the popular news and conversation platform Reddit. If no one is talking about you on Reddit it usually means no one is talking about you. As one can imagine Celine Dion's presence on Reddit is massive. There is too much to count. Celine Dion is trending on TikTok. The most serach Tiktok for The Birds Papaya is "the birds papaya snark".

Celine Dion remains incredibly popular globally. In Ghana and Nigeria she never stopped trending in the last 15 years, the combined population of these two countries is 251 million. Musical talents in both countries always remix Celine Dion. Celine is massively popular in Russia (population 142 million and yes Russians are on Instagram). Celine is LOVED in France and was just on not one but two covers of French Vogue (population of France 67 million). Celine is loved in the UK and all over the news in England (population 66.9 million). Celine is one of the most played music singer on YouTube in India. Celine Dion is most known faces of international music in India. (population 1.47 BILLION). Celine is on the cover of the India Express today. She was on the cover of Tribute India on June 19th she's also been on the cover of the Times of India, India Today, HELLO! India, and RollingStone India (in the last 30 days). This is worth noting as India and the United States have the greatest number of Instagram users. Much like other platforms, India leads the way even when it comes to Instagram. The country has 229.5 million Instagram users. The United States comes next with 149.35 million users. (source sprout social). When Celine debuts a song it always goes direct to no. 1 in 17 countries (source wikipedia).

Sarah is has a few real followers from northern states and in parts of Canada. Quebec don't know Sarah. When Sarah was on Breakfast Television many comments asked "who is this".

Sarah Nicole Landry the birds papaya is no where in the news online, in print, in social, on TV. Sarah wasn't invited to ONE TV show to discuss her SI appearance. Without Essity (the adult diaper and period underwear company) paying Sports Illustrated to feature The Birds Papaya, Sarah wouldn't have had any appearances in the past 40 days. When you google "Celine Dion" last 24 hours you get 67,200 results. When you google "The Birds Papaya" last 24 hours, you get 10 results. One result for Sarah is an article rerun about a belly falling over her panties, the rest of the results are her facebook etc. No news. No news in a banner like Celine.

WTF??? The Birds Papaya has gained 7,000 more followers than Celine Dion in the past 30 days. Sure Jan, sure.

*WHEN searching the last 24 hours I put both ladies names in quotations to obtain finite search results.


Don't forget to tell her how brave she is and how she doesn't have to apologize for complaining. After all, people are dying, as is my intelligence from watching this.


Oct. 6 - 11, check in after 4pm on the 6th, check out by 10am on the 11th, in the deeply unexciting area of Flesherton, Ontario (do people really consider this "cottage country"?) In OCTOBER, for the bargain price of almost $4000? Jesus Christ. 🤯 Cuba quote is based on 4 people (as is the Flesherton quote) in 2 rooms.


There are so many places in the world for a family vacation but this family is back at Disney because it’s Sarah Nicole Landry, The Birds Papaya’s, favourite place on earth. It doesn’t matter what anyone else would like to do - Sarah’s going to book their day and they’re going to love it and be part of all the pics and videos she’s going to post to show everyone what a great time her loving family is having! There aren’t too many pair of ears people can have. Who cares about planet? Not this woman!


Hello everyone,

Just a small announcement that might be interesting: there were 999 active users in this community last month, and you are the 11th most active community (based on weekly activity with 446 weekly active users) on!

For people on the website, the detailed stats are available at the bottom of the sidebar:

Thank you for trying out Lemmy as a new discussion board, we hope you are having a good time!


She should be embarrassed she's such a fraud. What a disservice to her followers and FitGlow’s followers. FitGlow should be embarrassed, too.


So she posts a reel with M, who asks not to be posted, so she manipulates her into a reel without her face. She then proceeds to include her bending over to pick up L’s sign. She is such an asshole. I hope she knows that M will realize this one day. The clock is ticking.


Most of the old school mommy bloggers that went Instagram heavy are now going back to blog style newsletters and substacks. Their kids are growing up becoming autonomous and they have found their voices again for this next phase of life. Birdie has absolutely no place in those conversations. The over made up barbie influencer types podcast market is saturated, everyone is tired of the heavy linkers, she is not crafty, or motherly, has no fashion or interior design sense. She only travels to one place. She is not healthy or well or fit. She does not cook, she does clean/organize. Her real estate investment 🙄 is going to tank. She thankfully seems to be relying less on Lemon for content. At the end of the day she is left in her bathroom, in her underwear with her world famous fupa. She literally has nothing left to offer. Where could she possibly be going with this “brand”?


If this post isn’t allowed please delete just looking for help. This isn’t about Sarah but her minion Alicia. I commented on a story she posted and she has since posted it to her stories. I’ve had many people trying to add me. What can I do? If anyone can please report the post. I don’t need to be harassed by her people.


These images of #thebirdspapaya are from the same date: June 20, 2024. They were taken hours apart. #thebirdspapaya is wearing the same outfit. Her makeup and hair are unchanged. The lighting is similar. Both images were screen grabbed from iphone videos. Both iphones used are the latest iphone model. The birds papaya has earned millions of dollars for being a body-positive, body-confidence influencer. #thebirdspapaya has stated multiple times (in the press) that she has not edited, filtered or photoshopped her physical appearance since 2019. When questioned why she looks dramatically different in real life vs what she posts on instagram, Sarah Nicole Landry aka the Birds Papaya claims that makeup, angles, lighting and lenses cause the visual differences. In the above Instagram vs Reality side by side comparison we are able to eliminate lenses, lighting, makeup and angles as the cause for the visual differences. To us it looks like Sarah used the "no slim beauty filter" from tiktok and loaded the saved, un posted tiktok video to her instagram stories. This theory explains the multiple glitches found in the Instagram video. We were not able to see or capture any glitches from the IRL video. Both videos were taken using the same iphone model.


The dark Amit is back to play


Did you know her oldest is educating “literally high school”?


Today she’s telling us how she’s afraid of the Bermuda Triangle and quicksand as she gives us the no makeup, messy hair version of Sarah. She’s been sporting this look a lot since getting home from LA.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is my first post and I literally have no idea what I’m doing. On birdies post of her recap of her exhausting ny to la trip or maybe it was the reel of her in the sting bikini, I dunno regardless I commented and mentioned how she seemed more confident lately since si. She’s a train wreck, go watch her stories as the verbal diarrhea is in full play explaining the reason for her increase in self confidence ( if you call it that) wow 🥴


We just said it doesn’t look like she has much going on and she posts this. She doesn’t post the ad but posts a teaser for the ad. Why?


Imagine using the ideas and wording from a dead pastor (Darrin Patrick) who unalived himself in 2020 to manipulate other people into believing you’re authentic. 😬🫣🤯 Imagine planning out this content, including getting a set of binoculars, setting up cameras, filters, and taking all that time out of your day, time away from kids and real life, to prove you don't give a fuck. 🤣 Imagine pretending you give two shits about anybody but yourself. Girl, go home. Look in a real mirror, maybe read a book.


She just gets more ridiculous by the day. This is NOT how she looks. She shoots it with the ‘no makeup’ look trying to convince everyone she’s ’just showing up’. She’s missing at least half her body and her skin has absolutely no texture. I don’t know why it infuriates me but it does and everyday I get a little more angry. Her time needs to be up!


She’s playing at something with this pic. She’s showing some skin texture and the eyes aren’t huge but the neck isnt her own. The lips are so strange and unnatural. What else am I missing? She’s trying to keep working the con that she doesn’t filter and only uses Botox for migraines


Finally on her way home but she’s exhausted! All that fun just takes it out of her!


Answer: nope.

Funny how we haven’t heard about any of that, or her armpits, or her PMDD, or really any of her issues…

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