Systems Administration (Linux)

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I guess the GPL protects them from litigation here because users can still access the sources.

The new TOS pretty much states that if you "abuse" your RH subscription by repackaging their SRPMs and releasing them in the wild their lawyers will flay you in the town square.

Can IBM/Red Hat really lay claim to the modifications/patches they've made to open source packages? What about all of the contributions RH has made to the kernel over the years? Is that not "theirs" too?

In the software packaging world you see maintainers using freely available patches from Debian, Fedora, and so on for their own distros. So what happens now if a patch is only available through Red Hat? Is it reasonable to assume you'll get sued because it came from one of their SRPM packages?

I just think it's messed up. If this was limited to RH's own software projects maybe I wouldn't care, but making folks pay for access to what's already free (and they didn't write from scratch internally) is shitty. Unless I'm totally mistaken a lot of what ends up in CentOS and RHEL is derived from changes contributed to Fedora using the free labor/time/energy of everyday RPM maintainers.


What made Red Hat think it was a good idea to bind containers to a docker hosts's /etc/rhsm and /etc/pki data?

I recently ran into a situation where a RHEL 7 docker host that's primarily used for continuous integration jobs couldn't use the ubi9/ubi container image. Why? Because the host didn't have entitlements for RHEL 9.

After fiddling around with injecting RHEL 9 certs into the image I managed to enable the base repositories and a few extras, however that's about the time I realized this whole thing was an exercise in futility. Basic packages like createrepo_c were completely missing and I wasn't able to figure out which RHN channel provided it. Why are they separating rpmdevtools from createrepo_c at the repository level anyway; what's the point?

I wasted a solid day sifting through the only relevant documentation Red Hat provides (for OpenShift, not Docker) before giving up and going with

After that I was back in business, building and distributing RPMs in about three minutes time.