Sly Cooper

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A community for all things related to the Sly Cooper franchise.


  1. Relevancy: Posts must be related in some way to the Sly Cooper franchise, including games, shows, movies, art, comics, books, merchandise, themed attractions, or fan works.
  2. NSFW content: Posts and comments must not contain sexually explicit or overly gory content, even if marked NSFW. Posts which are properly tagged will just be removed, but posting without the proper tag will result in removal and a warning.
  3. Attribution: Credit must be given in the title if your post uses content created by somebody other than yourself and the contents of the link do not make the author readily apparent. Failure to do so may result in a warning. You may be banned if you provably falsely claim to be the original creator of a piece of content.
  4. AI: No posts of AI-generated artwork.
  5. Spam: More than 4 posts in an hour or 8 posts in a day by a single user will be seen as spam and may be removed at a moderator's discretion.
  6. Reposting: Reposts will be removed.
  7. Spoilers: Spoilers for official works which are under a month old (including games, movies, shows, and comics) must be marked accordingly via a '[SPOILER]' tag and, if applicable, using spoiler markdown for text.
  8. Self-promotion: Keep self-promotion to a minimum. Do not post fan works as an excuse to link to your socials, and do not advertise fan merchandise.
  9. Misc: No cheating to win the Lumberjack Games.
  10. ToS: All Lemmy.World terms of service apply. Please ensure you've read them at least once before posting or commenting.

This is not in any way a rule, but if you want to post a very large file to this community, consider using a third party like (disclaimer: not FOSS) instead of uploading directly to Lemmy to help keep the server load manageable.

Banner is promotional art for Thieves in Time.

founded 6 months ago

You can also buy them separately from the store.

Bentley fan art (
submitted 6 months ago by TheTechnician27 to c/slycooper

cross-posted from:

Sly - Bentley


That was pretty wild, right?