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Everything pertaining to the technological singularity and related topics, e.g. AI, human enhancement, etc.

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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/Mission-Length7704 on 2023-07-18 02:21:28+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/Borrowedshorts on 2023-07-18 02:23:04+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/LightVelox on 2023-07-18 02:03:25+00:00.

I keep hearing that LLMs are incapable of reasoning, that they are just probability machines that spew out the most logical bullshit that can convince you, and to be honest, i did think that was maybe the case, but now with the release of Claude 2 with 100k context length, i tried using it for something i always wanted to do before: create a story for the world i've built, i ended up doing something else though, ask questions about the world, and i was amazed at the results.

For that, i explained my overly complex power system, every single rule i could remember, then i gave some basic information about the worldbuilding, then about the races that populate this world, and the main "faction" that the story should revolve around. But over time i felt like the AI could actually reason about things that are in it's context window far better than things it was just trained on, Claude actually felt like he was getting smarter the more he talked to me, not just about understanding my world, but also about properly responding to questions instead of just spouting out nonsense, like it usually did whenever i had short conversations with it, I will give you examples so you guys can understand.

First i started by saying i needed help with writing a story and would give him the worldbuilding so he could help me with actually writing it later on, then i explained the power system to him, it's a few thousand words long so i will spare you from having to read through it, i also explained the basis of how the world worked and the races that populated it, here is the summary Claude gave me for all of it:

Okay, it is all correct, but not that impressive right? I mean, ChatGPT can do the same, it's just a summary, even though my explanation was more than 11k words long, above ChatGPT's context length.

But well, the best part came later, I kinda of didn't know what to write about, so i just started asking things related to the world, just like the summary, the be really certain it actually KNEW how it worked, instead of just memorizing the words, and that's when it got impressive.

I asked those questions, my explanations of how the power system worked never really went into detail of things like healing, necromancy, time or mind control. I just gave an overall idea of how it worked, by controlling energies around the user's body, with the addition of spirit and soul energy that didn't exist in real life, so i wasn't expecting it to get it right at first try, i thought it would get it wrong and then i would explain why it was wrong so it could properly understand how it worked, but to my surprise, it got everything right!

I was also amazed at how it remembered that you could cast abilities outside of your "aura", it understood that there is no such thing as just "healing" but you can modify someone's spirit, which in my story is what controls your body, to simulate healing, time travel doesn't make sense in a power system that works by controlling energy unless there was some sort of "time energy", trying to release abilities inside someone else's aura causes disruptions, ressurection would indeed not be possible since even someone's personality is just pure energy in this world and so it would dissipate once that person died and using your soul as an energy source would literally make you lose yourself and your memories, impressive! But still quite basic, that was all just remembering information i gave it earlier, even though it needed some logic behind it, so i went a step further:

I wanted to test two things here, first if there was a filter since i was indirectly mentioning r4pe, genocide and ethnic cleansing(i think?). Second if it would remember how the power system worked, because, during those 11k words of explanation, i briefly talked about the concept of aspects, you don't have to read it since it's very long, but the main idea is: a lot of people in an area feel an emotion -> a cloud of emotions is formed -> an aspect pertaining to that emotion is born

So, if it got it right, it should understand that in a genocide, there is obviously a lot of people, and those people hate each other, meaning an Aspect of Hatred should be born here, and possibly one of lust because of the r4pe but i think that would be asking too much, here is the answer it gave:

It didn't mention Lust but that's fine

This was when it really hit me, like,damn! This was first try! actually, everything here is, i didn't ask it to retry anything, not even a single time, to this point or conversation already had 15k words, next i tried something simpler, but didn't give any hints like specifying it was related to the power system, or using words like "hatefully" and "lustfully" to lure in a response

And again, all correct answers

Then i gave it the most complicated question, i tried to be as vague as possible and see if it could logically get to a conclusion

For context, this is the correct answer

As you can see, the single line "are around 15 centimeters high, but can grow their bodies up to around 150 centimeters" has the response, it's just a few words in more than 15k words of context, and it's such a small detail it could go unnoticed by someone, especially since Fairies are only mentioned here and not anywhere else

Completely logical and correct, I even had to praise it haha, Thing is, i think even a person would have problem responding to this if this happened during a conversation.

This was the last thing i asked it, simpler than the other one but also needed some reasoning skills, since the ability of the guy was to shoot losers, that meant he had to use energy to project it, since he's not manipulating something already present in the environment, so he's bound to get mental exhaustion, since he flux power system works via concentraton.

Logically, the fireball was generated by an aspect, since an aspect is a symbyote that can have it's own personality, by the rules of the power system, it is it's own individual and thus can use flux even though it's part of someone else, so that explains how the guy was saved even though no one was nearby and he didn't notice the beast behind him.

I just wanted to post this for a few things, to go against the idea LLMs are incapable of reasoning and can't do more than predict the next word and only give reasonable responses that might not make any sense, which for whatever reason is an argument some people still use; to show that claude 2 is available for free and that the context window alone might actually make AIs at least feel smarter, and to see what you guys think about all of this.

TLDR; I gave a 15k word explanation of my fantasy worldbuilding and magic system and it could understand how it worked and accurately solve puzzles and respond to tricky questions about it, and for that i think it's actually capable of reasoning

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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/darkkite on 2023-07-18 01:56:13+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/fratrovimtd on 2023-07-18 01:49:29+00:00.

I've been doing a research on high-tech for two weeks, during the research, I'm pondering on the facinating question of whether smartphones will be replaced in the future. Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. However, with technology evolving rapidly, it's natural to wonder about potential alternatives to our beloved smartphones. Here are some potentials in my mind:

  1. Wearable Technology: One possible replacement for smartphones could be wearable devices. The rise of smartwatches and fitness trackers has already demonstrated their ability to offer some smartphone functionalities on a smaller scale. For instance, take the Apple Watch – it allows you to message, call, and even engage in video conversations. With further advancements, wearable technology could become more capable, providing an immersive and interactive experience that could render smartphones redundant.
  2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR technologies are gaining traction and have the potential to revolutionize our interaction with digital content. Recently, I came across a product called INMO Air2, which claims to provide music, video, meeting, translation, photography features, and even includes a built-in chatGPT. In the future, instead of relying on handheld devices like smartphones, we might utilize AR glasses or VR headsets to access information, communicate, and navigate the digital world. These technologies offer a more immersive and hands-free experience, potentially making smartphones obsolete.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assistants: AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have already become an indispensable part of our smartphone experience. As AI continues to progress, these assistants could evolve into standalone devices capable of performing tasks traditionally associated with smartphones. With AI assistants integrated into our environment, we may no longer require a physical device like a smartphone to access and interact with digital services.
  4. Internet of Things (IoT): The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected devices that communicate with each other and share data. As IoT technology advances, everyday objects such as home appliances, cars, and even clothing could become "smart" and interconnected. In such a scenario, our smartphones could be replaced by a centralized control hub that manages all our IoT devices, reducing the smartphone's necessity.

Are there any other potential products or technologies you guys have considered? What are your thoughts on these possibilities?

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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/Useful-Ad-7895 on 2023-07-18 01:13:05+00:00.

I created a Google Sheet of who to follow re AI news, future predictions, AI Safety and Practical use of LLMs curated from most various threads on reddit and googling. Probably got a few things wrong/made some mistakes, sorry in advance, just trying to save some people some time and help out.

Other existing lists of AI sources to follow