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In your request: submit the photo(s) you want edited, and in the title add a concise description of what you need done.
No illegal forgery ( falsifying documents, adding cracks to TV screens, etc)
No obscene NSFW content. If its mild PG-13 style NSFW please tag it as such
Repeat instances of deleting posts and not thanking editors will result in a ban
Repeatedly abusing the hard work of editors here just to use their images to promote your own products for profit elsewhere will result in a ban
================== Photoshop Editor Rules
Followup questions are allowed if the OP wasn't clear in their request, otherwise please keep submission to a single comment consisting of:
Hyperlink to your Photoshopped image
Hyperlink to your tipjar (keep text short and to the point, no begging)
Watermarks required
Please provide quality Photoshop work and not quick AI fixes for tips
If you are found to be private messaging OP's behind the scenes in the hopes of securing a tip and giving yourself leverage over other editors will result in a ban
Stealing edits from other editors will result in a ban
founded 2 years ago
there doesn't seem to be anything here