Paranormal Stories

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The Ozarks (self.paranormal)
submitted 1 year ago by Hooligan to c/paranormal


So, before I say anything, this is not a "creepy pasta," or a fake story, or anything like that. It's a real experience I had, but, that's up for you to decide if you believe me, think I"m crazy, or whatever, but this is not an attempt to make a creepy pasta or scary story. I'm no writer, I'm a geography major in college. Perhaps a hallucination, or creation of my mind at the time, but it felt real to me. Very real. I have never had any mental illness other than depression/anxiety that are now medicated, but never anything more serious. At the time this happened, I hadn't done any drugs other than a few beers after the incident to relax and get to sleep.

This was in 2017, I was turning 18 at the time, I'm 23 nearly 24 now.

I haven't told anyone in my personal life because of two reasons, one, they'd think I'm either A) Crazy, or more likely, B) making it up, and I've a reputation for not being a liar, making things up, I hate being called a liar and have went out of my way in life to be as honest as I can, if not sometimes too honest, because I just hate being called a liar, even if I am actually lying in this case by neglecting to tell it, or when someone asks me if I've ever had any "supernatural" experiences, I just say "no," but. . . I have. I just don't want people to think I'm crazy or lying, but it's been years since this happened and I just had to tell someone, so here I am.

Also, for what it's worth, I'm not religious, I'd say I'm agnostic. I don't really believe in the supernatural, but I also don't say it's impossible, as I don't know everything. Far from it. This story doesn't help. But I don't believe in "ghost stories" for the most part, UFO's, etc. I'm very skeptical of that stuff and believe there are explanations that are far less exciting than people would like to believe. But this is something I've experienced that I can't explain, and still bothers me to this day when I think of it, and when I have nightmares.

So, some backstory. My mother and little sister were going to visit my grandparents, they lived near this little town called "eminence Missouri," about 30 mins south (I think south?) of the town deep in the mountains. It wasn't super super remote, there were neighbors a few miles away and such, and they were the hillbilly types as you could imagine. It's deep in the Ozarks in Missouri, so yeah. Lots of missing teeth and meth and crazy ole' mountain folk haha, if you've been in the Missouri hills you know what I mean.

So, we were staying in a camper about 200 or so foot from the grandparents house, my mom sister and I. One day a few hours before dark, I decided to get on the 4 wheeler and go into the woods. I had toyed around in the woods/hills a bit, but I wanted to get deep in there on teh 4 wheeler and haveh some fun.

So I filled the 4 wheeler up, asked my grandparents where the trail was (there was a trail that you could take to ride horses down, 4 wheelers, etc, and it was a one way road with no turn offs to get lost, so that's where they told me to go) and I drove off. I rode for about 40 mins in one direction until I was nearly half out of gas, and about this time, I was searing fo ra place to turn around and head back. It was a small and narrow trail so I had to wait until there was a small clearing to do a U turn.

Here is where things get weird. I remember as I was riding, the tress blowing in the wind, the bird songs, the animal noises, the wood peckers, all the wonderful noises of nature I love so much from teh woods. Suddenly, they all stopped. It went dead silent. I mean DEAD silent. I remember goosebumps going all over my body just from the lack of noise alone, knowing there were animals all around, but everything just went silent. It felt like I was in a noise vacuum or something. Everything felt different. Sounded different, or more accurately, sounded like nothing at all. The only noise was the brrrrrrrr of the 4 wheeler.

As I was riding down the mountain, I saw a huge deer, or antlered deer like animal, and I mean it was fucking massive, standing in the pathway I was driving on, about idk, 50 foot in front of me or something. Not exactly sure, but close, but not too close. It wasn't there, then one second, it was.

It wasn't moving. Just staring at me. It had dark, dark black eyes, like I was staring into nothingness. Intense darkness that stood out from the color of the forest very clearly. I still see this animal in my dreams, staring at me. I have nightmares every now and then about this animal, just staring at me. The antlers were nearly the size of it's body itself. The antlers also looked. . . . like tree roots or something? I'm not too familiar with deer, I've never hunted or anything, but the antlers just. . . didn't look like anything I've ever seen on a deer or any animal that has antlers. Too large, and too "spindly/windy" .Something about it just looked terribly off and I could feel my heart jump into my throat, and I stopped the 4wheeler instantly and just. . . stared at it. I was terrified, but also couldn't help but. . . stare back. While it stared at me. I remember the wind started blowing and rustling the trees, and it sounded like the trees were. . . speaking to me in some language unknown. Or maybe I was just hearing things and scared out of my mind. I remember getting the feeling I was being told to "leave and never return". That's all I could make out, but again, I never heard those words spoken. It was just a "feeling" I can't explain it very well. I may not have "understood the language," but it was clear. Like if you were in a country where you ddidn't speak their language, came up to their house door, and started hearing them yell at you to leave, you may not understand the language, but you know what they're telling you. That's how this felt. But in a language of wind, trees, nature. Jesus christ, I sound fucking insane.

So, I did. I fucking left. I hightailed it. I bolted. I beat it. I got movin' n groovin'. I turned the 4 wheeler around, nearly toppling it off the trail and falling down some 15 foot drop near the trail, since I hadn't found a good u turn clearing yet and wasn't about to keep driving towards the "deer", or whatever it was. It was a tight u turn but I made it and floored it as fast as the 4 wheeler would go.

It was still dead fucking silent. I've never heard silence like that. My father is a sound engineer, he has a home studio and a studio that have "dead boxes" or whatever that you can sing in that have no noise from the sound proofing, and that's the closest I can explain the silence being. It was that fucking quiet. In the god damned woods, where it was alive with noise not too long ago.

I floored the 4 wheeler to go as fast as I could back up the mountain, around the bends, and get out of there as fast as I could not worrying about the danger I was putting myself in driving so fast near some of the sketchy parts of the trail I was on.

I got on a flat, straight path and around this time I was about halfway back to the entrance of the trail I would estimate, and I started to see animals, deer, birds, I saw a black bear too, the only one I've ever seen in my life, all sitting or standing near the trail, not like right next to it, but about 15-20 feet back in the woods amongst the trees just. . . fucking staring at me. . . . all these wild animals, including the birds in the trees, all silent, not moving, and just staring at me, only their heads moving following me with their eyes while I left as fast as I could. Not making a sound, these animals. Not even the wind. The birds that were up in the trees looking at me. All watching me, silently. I'll never forget the feeling of their fucking eyes burning in my back once I passed them all. It's the scariest feeling I've ever felt to this day. The eeriest feeling of my life.

I kept going as fast as I could, the sun was getting close to setting, but it was still plenty light out thankfully. About an hour from setting I'd say, but I just kept going. I remember going past areas I hadn't recognized at all, it felt like I was on a new trail or had taken a wrong turn, but I knew that was impossible because. . . this trail had no turn offs, it was just a single road trail. A one way or whatever. But the surroundings were 100% not the same as on my way back in. I started to freak out, reminded myself it wasn't possible since it was a 1 way trail, and just kept going.

I remember passing a huge tree that had moss all over it, this massive fucking tree, like something out of a fantasy movie, a tree I would have 100% noticed on the way in when I was originally coming into the trail, and now here it was. Terrain and trees with moss I had never seen or noticed before. I also didn't see my 4 wheeler tracks that would have been there, but, for some reason, were blown over and no longer there. I can remember the fear that i was on the wrong trail now somehow, but I knew being a one way, that was impossible. So I kept going, and I surely wasn't about to turn around to see if I missed a turn off somehow.

Eventually, I came to an area that suddenly looked normal and I could see my tracks again from when I came in. Somehow there was a part of the trail I had passed through that had changed scenery, and removed my 4 wheeler tracks. I have no idea how this is / was possible. I don't like to think about it.

I kept seeing animals on occasion, just sitting back from he trail staring at me from time to time.

Shortly after getting back on the "normal trail" or whatever, I remember hearing the wind pick up and start to "speak" to me in that foreign language I mentioned earlier. I've never heard wind like this before, and I've been in the woods when it's windy a fair amount of times. It was "otherworldly", if you will. Idk. Thinking about it now terrifies me still. This time it sounded less. . . ominous and more, friendly? As if it was encouraging me to keep going, and I was doing the right thing by leaving, as if it was no longer angry at me for my intrusion.

I eventually got to the entrance to the trail, which was a 2 way, it was a Y shaped trail, the right side was the side I took, the left side was another trail that was also a one way but in a different direction, and the tail of the Y was the way back home onto the highway.

I remember as I pulled off onto the shoulder of the highway from the trail, everything went silent once again. That dead silence I was talking about was suddenly back. I turned back and saw the exact same motherfucking deer, or whatever it was, standing there, but this time it was moving, stomping its foot and raising / lowering its head like a horse shaking off flies. The wind blew once again and I felt like it said, again, it never made any understandable words, "never return", or something like that.

Then, It walked into the trees and then out of sight. Then, once out of sight, a few seconds later the birds began to sing, the normal noises of the forest returned, and everything returned to the expected "normal" of the woods. I just sat there staring back from where I had come into the woods, feeling relieved to be out, but also feeling like I had no idea what had just happened or how to even parse it out in my mind. I was shaking and barely able to keep my thumb on the gas trigger on the 4 wheeler as I peeled out onto the shoulder of the highway to get back home.

I just got back onto he highway and started to gun it about a mile or two up the road to my grandparents driveway. On the way there I passed a local on his gator (a type of 4 wheeler with a trunk thing in the back, more for farm work than fun) and he waved at me, and maybe it was just me already being creeped out, but he had this. . . look. . . like he knew what I had just seen. Like he was "in on it", and kept going. I don't know. Probably just my imagination making a friendly stranger more than he was. I waved back and just kept going.

All I know is I'll never be going back into the Ozarks, or any mountains for that matter, for as long as I live. People may think I'm lying, trying to make a story, went crazy temporarily, or whatever, but I know what I saw, I have no idea what it meant or was about, but whatever it was, didn't want me there or wasn't where I should be. So I'll never return to the mountains again. Fuck that. I don't know what I saw. I don't know what happened. I'm open to the idea I had a hallucination, as that makes far more sense than what I saw being real. But. . . I just don't feel that was what happened, but then again, how would I really know? It drives me insane trying to figure this out. I guess I never will. Chalk this up to another "weird story of being out in the woods" people hear. But I'll tell you one thing, I definitely take weird stories people say they've heard/seen in the woods a little more seriously.

All I can say is while this all sounds insane, looking back on it, I never felt in danger. I never felt as if the animals wanted to hurt me. Simply scare me off. As if I was somewhere I shouldn't be, and they were doing me a favor by leading me back home to civilization. As if I was just, somewhere I shouldn't be and they knew it and were doing me a favor. Even though the "deer" had dark, black eyes, they didn't feel. . . menacing? Just. . . black.

Even in my nightmares I have about this creature, it never is aggressive towards me. It almost feels protective of me. But it still scares the fucking wits of out of me. Like a guardian angel shepherding me out of a place I have no place being. I have had several nightmares that have had nothing to do with the woods, or this animal, and then I see the "deer" in my dream to lead me out. It's very bizarre and I just don't know what the fuck is going on with all of this.

I am curious if anyone reading this has had similar experiences in the Ozarks or mountains in general. I just had to get this out somewhere, at least where nobody knows who I am so if I am called a liar or schizophrenic or a shitty creepy pasta maker, it's anonymous. So there's my story, whatever you think of it. I live a normal life, in college, doing well, have an apartment with a buddy, I have a girlfriend and a job, I'm very happy and enjoy life and most of the time I'm just an average guy like everyone else. But sometimes, this pops up in my mind and I remember. . . or I have a dream and it all comes back. An experience I will never forget, but wish I could.

That's all. Thanks for reading. If anyone has been in this area and had anything similar happen, please, do tell. It would make me feel better to know I'm not the only one. I've googled some and haven't found anything similar to this experience that I considered credible. Idk.

submitted 1 year ago by Hooligan to c/paranormal

(ONM) I have seen hundreds of these things at night in the woods in the rural areas around Memphis, starting around 2020. They are tall humanoid creatures with blacked out eyes and they move slowly and in strange jerky movements. First time I seen them I was visiting a veteran friend of mine who was down on his luck about midnight of Thanksgiving day in 2020. He had been living in a run down camper vehicle at the edge of the woods on his brothers property. Between his camper and the tree line there was the remains of an old trailer that had been destroyed by a tornado with a street light on top of the pole that was used to run electricity to the destroyed mobile home, on the other side of the pole was approximately 15 yards (meters) of a field that an old dirt road that split it in half with tall grass and brush at the edge of the far side of the field after which the tree line started.

I thought they were people hiding at first as they seemed to be grouping more in the darker areas where the light from pole was not as bright. I asked my friend about them and he shrugged it off and said that they were always there, and they didn't bother him. He also told me that no matter what you did that you couldn't get close to one.

So being a combat veteran with 2 deployments under my belt and my personal firearm from my vehicle I attempted to approach these things. As I got closer I noticed that they were solid white creatures with solid black eye sockets that moved in a jerky but very slow manner. There had to be 50 or more in that field, down the dirt road, and at the edge of the tree line and beyond. Determined to let some thing fuck around and find out I continued to walk towards them and all of a sudden they all looked at me with black empty looking sockets and instantly caused me to feel more fear than I have ever remember having in my life before. I did not approach them that night, I turned away and got out of the area and took my buddy with me to stay a few days at my place.

Since that first time I seen them I have seen them about a dozen times since, always at night and around wooded areas at all different locations.

I have since tried to run and catch them, and failed, because the creature simply disappeared the moment I closed in within 5-10 yards and lost direct eye contact for a mere flash. It's like they can phase in or out or something. If you get in close you can see that the weird jerky moment is parts of them (arms, legs, head) disappearing and then reappearing in a different position. I think they disappear anytime they move so they cannot be seen if they walk. I have pumped 45 5.56mm incinerary rounds from my AR-15 into one without a single shred of evidence of it left behind. These things do make audible noise that can be recorded but do not show up on video from a cell phone or old analog camcorder with cassette tapes. Animals also see them, however I have tried to show them to people and only about half of those I have shown have seen them.

I have wondered if I was loosing my mind and if anyone else has seen them and/or tried other experiments with them. I have searched all over the internet and only found a few cryptid creatures that share one or two similar things to them but nothing that was close enough for me to be satisfied. The only thing that was really close was the origin of White Zombies, sort of. There's been a few people tell me this shape shifting creature, but they don't change, or bleed. They seem to be different sizes, se larger some smaller and they group up in what I have came to call family clusters, 4 to 5 of them usually with two taller ones and one or two smaller ones.

Please let me know if you have any ideas on what they could be or if you have seen them before in the comments below.


ONM (Obligatory not mine)

Peace be upon you. I'm sorry, but this may be a very long post, and probably not as exciting as you'd expect (thanks Hollywood).

I've been asked many times now, in responses and conversations in this sub (and others) to share my experiences as an Order of St John Chaplain and Demonologist. It's hard to know where to start to be honest, but the most important thing I think is to say that these are my beliefs and experiences. I certainly don't begrudge you yours, and definitely don't want to assert any kind of authority over the beliefs of others. As Chaplains we are not positioned within a Church, because we minister to communities. It is not our place to judge any member of that community, but only to care for and support them in their needs. Also rule no.1 of the job is to disprove, disprove, and disprove again.

Other than that, to save you the trouble, I'll write things in order of how much interest I think they'd get. Experiences, some insight into our processes (what I'm allowed to speak to), how I got into the field, and then the training I undertook.


General and passive paranormal experiences are part and parcel of the job. I'll touch on it more later, but I'm not afraid of things that go bump in the night. I used to be, but once you've studied and understand it, the paranormal loses its excitement and becomes more of a puzzle that needs to be solved. My passive experiences are things like every month or so I'll have new knocking on our doors and windows, even though we live in a secure 3rd floor apartment. I get random prods and pokes when I'm by myself, whispering, murmuring, growling, scratching, electrical interference, random mists, distorted shadows and shadow figures here and there. This has all become weekly occurrence, although when I say that its usually just one of these things that happens, I deal with it, and it goes away almost immediately.

The Hitchhiker:

This is probably my most fascinating one, because its a recurring event that happens every couple of months, and I haven't yet solved the puzzle. I travel a lot for my role, at the moment I've been sent to one of our small towns to train people, run mental health programs, or help with large scale crisis responses. This results in my driving for long hours, sometimes during the day and sometimes at night.

I will see the same stocky, hitch hiking figure walking along the side of the road in a black hoodie and jeans, with hood up, thumb out. I've never stopped, and he's never turned around when I've approached. I've seen him at every point in the day, dawn, day, dusk, night. I've seen him in locations several hours drive from each location. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but hitch hiking is really uncommon in our country (we're small, and buses are cheap).


This is another recurring one, although its newer. Its more annoying than anything else to be honest, but several times my partner and I have been woken to a long howl in our bedroom. We're windows closed, apartment unit like I said, but its ruining my sleep and I really enjoy my sleep.

Cloaked Figure:

This is one that I've thankfully resolved, but had to deal with over a series of years. To cut a long story short, whenever I was in the middle of a really tough case supporting someone in what we call spiritual warfare I'd get a visit from whatever this was. It was the same every time, where I would have a dream of a cloaked figure, wake up to a spinning room, and be choking. I've had sleep paralysis episodes before, but this was certainly different. I'm still half convinced this was some kind of sleep apnea issue or episode, the only thing that makes me think it was paranormal is because it happened without fail when I dreamt of this figure, and it stopped after I put some intentional work into stopping it.

There are experiences of clients that I cannot share because I've made a strict confidentiality agreement with them, and that rests on my soul. But, generally speaking, I've helped people deal with their psychological issues more than spiritual. Some spiritual ones have been fascinating, and there's a feeling I get when there's a really obvious sign of oppression or infestation (its like a heavy feeling on my chest, and stuffy air). I've helped people by blessing their houses, which is a complicated process and - depending on your beliefs - can be somewhat risky. You essentially have to call forth the oppressing force, challenge it, rebuke it, and either condemn it or suppress it (if it can't be dealt with in one blessing). I've also helped people with deliverance, although I'm not big on the evangelical deliverance ministry (we're a more traditional denomination), but I've never helped with an exorcism. I'm still relatively young for my role, and while I am a commissioned member of the Order I'm not yet a fully Ordained Minister.


We have to be careful with what we share, and that's for a really inane reason. We often get people who either want to play a prank, or desperately want something paranormal to be happening, and the information we don't share is essentially the key information we need while triaging our cases. What I can say is how we view the paranormal is unusual. Anything paranormal, by our theology, is Demonological, Angelic, or the Holy Spirit. When it comes to things that we humans get scared of? We're hard wired to be scared of the paranormal if we believe in it. Its an non=interactable nocturnal threat, and we are diurnal creatures. Its really easy to trigger our limbic system. However, and again just my view, I see paranormal activity as parlour tricks of a dammed and jealous entity. But I have the power to send it back where it belongs, and it knows that, so it will struggle however it can. It will try and scare me, because it is scared of me. And it should be, I'm there to do a job. Its like spiritual pest extermination. But a moving cup, whispering, growling, etc etc is nowhere as scary to me as... say... driving in heavy rain, or the things I dealt with as a bouncer (while I studied). Humans, dogs, even cats, are more dangerous than most "hauntings" or paranormal experiences. One exception is that possession is incredibly dangerous, but intensely rare. I'm not scared of these things, not because I'm tough or brave, but because they're not actually dangerous. And they need to be condemned.

That being said, if we go through an intensive investigatory process, looks like this;

We are a medical Order. We're the Knights Hospitaller. We're also an indigenously focused arm of the Order, and our indigeneity gives us a different world view. When we assess a person we don't just look at their spiritual health, we look at their social, physical, and psychological health as well. The first thing we will do, fully funded, is have the person see a Doctor and a Psychologist for assessment. This isn't because we think they're crazy, its because we're building a comprehensive profile for exactly what we're dealing with.

If someone is positive for physical or mental health issues that could be causing symptoms that they believe are spiritual, we need to treat those issues and see if the symptoms go away. Our Church fully covers any costs associated with this process.

If that doesn't solve the problem, my job is to definitively disprove the existence of paranormal activity or presences, but do so while believing there may well be a presence. Skepticism is a good thing most of the time, but its sometimes bad. We're not there to assume the issue is mundane, we take all the information we can, assess it, and arrive it the likely outcomes - and we consider spiritual outcomes to be similarly as likely as mundane ones. However, we still need to disprove all of the mundane theories we can. But there's another layer. We also need to prove all of the mundane theories. This helps us have equality of information. So we wont be happy to say "Oh, its probably just this mundane thing" unless we can prove that.

After this, if there is persistence of a spiritual issue, we begin our Church sanctified processes of blessings and protections for the affected individual. These interventions vary on intensity dependent on the person, their faith relationship, and the persistence of whatever we're dealing with.

How I got into the field:

I didn't take a standard pathway. A standard pathway is that you attend a Church that believes in Demonological study, get as involved as possible with whatever you can, talk to the Pastor about your desire to study and follow this pathway, and see if the Church will support you. Its a long pathway though. You can also try to become a Lay Chaplain for certain denominations, but honestly the best thing you can do is wholeheartedly commit to a Church, show them you're willing, and they'll support your journey.

My pathway was that I studied a Youth Psych degree, and specialized in youth gangs. Then a Church was investing into the community and looking for a Christian with my expertise to be their Youth Pastor. I worked there for some time, and after a bit of a journey came back to my home denomination and that's who I work for now. I got a Masters in Professional Practice - Chaplaincy, and a Diploma in Demonology. But my psychology knowledge is what sets me apart for this Ministry in the eyes of the Church. I'm much more equipped to do a referral assessment than many of the Clergy or congregation.

My Training:

My training in Demonology comes from several sources. I completed the Diploma at Bible College, but have also done a small amount of training under a course from Bishop James Long, I did the Paranormal Academy of the United Kingdom online course because its non-Christian, and I trained under our Arch Bishop for some time to specifically respond to the needs of the community in this regard. As a Chaplain, this calling fit under my purview in his eyes. When I need to escalate Church involvement I can go straight to him. He taught me our beliefs, blessings, the processes of our Church, etc. He also taught me our Churches stance on Demonology, which is old school (we're Anglican, King James was a Demonologist so its a particular field for us).

That's pretty much it. I'm always open to helping people on here, so if you have trouble please just reach out through a message. I'm also happy to answer questions and engage in discourse, although I'm not going to be entirely engaging in "what ifs" from the stories. For me it is almost impossible to prove the paranormal online due to the nature of evidence, and how easily it can be faked. So I'm not going to go into that. And I've peer reviewed these things with my colleagues.

Mt Shasta (self.paranormal)
submitted 1 year ago by Hooligan to c/paranormal

(Obligatory not mine)

I went on a little hiking trip with my dad to Shasta, California: a small town in Northern California near the Oregon border. Shasta is home to a potentially active volcano named, of course, Mount Shasta. There are many trails on Mt Shasta, so my father and I were excited to do some hiking. We drove up the side of the mountain to the parking lot in which one of the trails begins. I believe it was called the old ski bowl trail. The landscape was a very barren incline, filled with rocks, boulders, dirt and very few trees. About an hour into the trail, we came across a very odd assembly of these large boulders. They were arranged in a circle. We thought it was strange, but we continued on. If you look up pictures of the trail, you’ll see much smaller rocks arranged in patterns and circles.

My father and I only encountered three people. At least, that’s what they appeared to be at first. The first two were a father and son. We met them on a steep incline that went along the wall of a cliff that would then switch back as it reached the top of the cliff. We stopped and said hello, talked about the trail, and then went our separate ways.

Here’s where it gets weird.

Dad and I kept walking up the incline for just about 2 minutes. I turned around and I saw the father and son SO far down the trail. It should’ve have taken them AT LEAST 20 min to get down to where they were. But somehow, they were in only about 2 minutes. To this day, I have absolutely no idea how that could’ve happened. There was no one else on the trail at that point, and I could see the color of their clothes from that distance, so I knew it was them. I pointed it out to my dad, we thought it was weird but we didn’t dwell on it, so we kept going.

And here is where it gets so much weirder.

As we reached the top of the cliff, there was another strange rock arrangement that was off to the side of the Trail. This time, there were far more rocks than before and they were now arranged in rows, almost like gravestones. We continued on the trail and reached another sort of incline with a switchback to reach the top of another cliff. We reached a point where we would need climbing gear to continue, so we decided to head back.

When we turned around, I saw a man standing among the rocks, staring at us. He was wearing a button up shirt, cargo shorts and a wide brimmed straw hat. He was at a distance where I should’ve been able to make out his facial features... but it was almost as if he had none. Like his face was just flesh and skin. I pointed him out to my dad, and then the man quickly ducked down behind a boulder, and was peering out at us over the top of the boulder. It seemed almost playful, like a child trying to hide.

For a few moments, I was out of it and I have no recollection of what was going on. According to my dad, I just started walking towards the man in the hat. My dad was calling to me “Joshua! Josh what are you doing?! Where are you going?!”. And then I came to. I was standing right at the edge of a cliff. It was a huge drop. Enough to kill me or seriously injure me. My dad grabbed me and pulled me back to the trail. He told me to stay put, and my dad went down to the boulders to search for the man. But, he wasn’t there. There was nowhere for him to go except up or down the trail. It didn’t make any sense, he just disappeared.

I have no idea what was going on on that trail, and I have no explanation for it. I’ve told this many times to family and friends, and no one has an explanation. I’ve done research and found similar stories about encounters with a man with no facial features wearing a hat. I’ve also read that the Native American tribes from the area viewed Mt Shasta as a holy site. They believe it could act as a portal to other dimensions, and that it is guarded by spirits who would potentially harm anyone who tried to go up the volcano.

If anybody has any similar experiences or any insight at all, I would love to hear. So please share anything you have to offer.

Thank you for reading

Prison tales (self.paranormal)
submitted 1 year ago by Hooligan to c/paranormal

(Obligatory not my story)

I've worked as a correctional officer for a long time, I've worked at facilities in Texas and in Michigan. The oldest prison I've ever worked at just recently started to close in Michigan and it got me thinking about all the paranormal experiences I've had there and in the other prisons of worked at. I'd like to share with all of you some of the more notable paranormal experiences that I've had while working in these prisons.

First off I'd like to say that I never really believed in ghosts before I started working as a correctional officer. I started off working in Texas at an intake facility. I worked night shifts 12 hours from 6pm to 6am. The first experience that I ever had was working on a lower security housing unit. When finishing a round I was chatting with my partner and I heard a loud banging sound. It was at like 3am at this point. No prisoners should be out of their bunks. I asked my partner if they new what the banging was. They being an older officer told me bluntly that the unit we were working was haunted. They told me the sound was coming from a door of one of small quiet cells in a hallway not directly visible from the officer station and about how a prisoner had died in one. The prisoner allegedly died because the officers working there at the time had given them a sack of food when it was lunch time for prisoners and the prisoner had choked on the food and died. I really didn't believe that the unit was haunted so I decided to go look at this door. The sound volume increased as I got closer to the door. The door itself was visibly shaking as if someone was pounding on it. There was nothing that could have been causing the door to shake like it was. I was at a loss for words. Later that night I checked the door again and there was a steamed up hand print visble on the glass of the doors window.

Another experience I had was at the same facility but at a different housing unit. It was around 1-2am and I was sitting inside the officer station watching the cameras and talking to my partner. I look at one of the cameras and clearly see a prisoner sitting at a table in the day room. I turn my head to look at the day room and no one is sitting at the table I just saw on camera. I ask my partner to go check it out because no one is supposed to be out of bed yet. I roll back the time on the camera to see if I could see where the prisoner might have gone, the prisoner on the camera literally slowly fades away and vanishes completely. My partner comes back into the officer station and we both watch this video over and over. Later on that same night during one of my rounds I notice a wet floor sign that got left out, I return it to the porter closet. I get back to the officer station and look back to where the porter closet is and see the same wet floor sign left out. I ask my partner if they are playing a joke on me or something because I just put the sign away, partner denies doing anything with it. I go back out and make sure I put the sign back in the closet and lock the door. Get back the officer station, wet floor sign right there in the open again. My partner and I are both watching this wet floor sign now. It starts to tip over on one end very slowly, two of its legs off the ground. The sign then slams itself to the ground, it then proceeded to slide quickly up the hallway and then back to infront of the closet door before ceasing all movement. My partner and I refused to come out of the officer station for the rest of the night because we were scared shitless.

One more notable one from Texas. I was working in an ad seg unit, really high security unit for prisoners that get in fights and cause a lot of problems repeatedly. We had a prisoner who was sitting in one of our close observation cells, these cells are usually used for people who threaten harming themselves. In the summertime prisoners will sometimes just say they are suicidal to be put in one of these cells because they are a lot cooler and are near ac vents that the normal housing units don't have. The prisoner told me that this was what they were doing and that they didn't want to cause any problems. Later on that night one of my partners and I were watching cameras and all the sudden we see a shadow moving across the floor. Eventually it come to the close observation cell and disappears under the door. This is where it gets a little crazy. I do a round and check on the close observation cell. The prisoner is pacing in the cell. I ask the prisoner if they are okay and the prisoner tells me that something doesn't feel right and that they are hearing voices that aren't there. I try to calm them down and eventually they do and lay on the bed. Later on my partner calls for assistance because the prisoner had bit in the skin of their own wrists causing them to bleed, held them above their head and allegedly was speaking in tongues.

When I started working at prisons in Michigan I worked at a prison that's now closing, it was built back in 1877 and is one of the oldest prisons still operating in all of the United States. There were so many small experiences that I've had here. Doors would slam, you'd hear voices, cold chills. The first really notable experience I had was around Christmas time on third shift. I was working the oldest unit on the facility, usually we don't have prisoners there but we had opened the unit to separate prisoners during the covid pandemic. I didn't have a partner due to how short staffed we were so one of the other officers setup a tv for me to keep me entertained because I'd be really far away from all the other units and get bored with no one to talk to. I do rounds for most of the night watching tv in between them. I suddenly hear a banging noise from a door that leads to a hallway that takes you all the way to an even older unused condemned part of the prison. I open the door and take a look down the hallway. A cold breeze hits me and suddenly my arm hairs stand on end. I close the door throughly creeped out. I go and sit down and start watching tv again. The tv starts flipping through channels rapidly and then stops on static. I have to get moved to a different unit because I'm scared shitless.

One day on third shift my work friend and I were working positions that allowed us to have a lot of free time and no prisoners to watch. We decided to explore the prison. We explored the tunnels that went underneath the prison, the old barns, the old unstaffed gun towers. We eventually decided to go look at the old condemned part of the prison from my earlier experience. There was a big metal gate that was about halfway down the hallway that had to be opened by a big skeleton key. We get back to the old condemned part and my friend tells me about how this part was supposed to be the old segregation. We had to use flashlights to see because this section is so old its not powered. The energy back there I won't ever forget, just being there filled me with a feeling of dread. I ask my friend to head back and we start to head back down to where the hallway to the gate was. My friends flashlight suddenly dies. We make it to the hallway barely able to see anything in the almost pitch blackness. We hear something running after us, so we start running up the hallway too. My friend fumbles with the key as we hear it getting closer. We get the gate open and sprint out of there. Later on I noticed that my friend had red claw marks all over his arms.

Well thats all I got for you all. Hope you enjoy reading about these

Tour Guide (self.paranormal)
submitted 1 year ago by Hooligan to c/paranormal

( Not mine)

I used to be a tour guide in a popular tourist town in Tennessee. My job at the time was to take people on a circuitous two mile walk around the town, telling them the ghost stories of the people who had lived there. During the Summer, tours started a little before sundown and would end well after dark. All-in-all, it would take us roughly 1-2 hours to get through a tour, depending on the walking speed of my group.

Just to preface this, the vast majority of stories we told were not true. They were either largely exaggerated, entirely fabricated, or simply gruesome stories of local murders with a paranormal twist added at the end with "the ghost of the killer" still lurking about.

I didn't write the script, don't blame me. In fact, I visited a local museum and sourced authentic ghost stories from a curator in order to add a few of my own to the tour which were actually authentic.

That said, there were a handful of times during my stint as a tour guide in which I had experiences that were... Not so easily explained. In this post, I'm going to detail three of the most interesting ones.

Story One:

One of the tools we got for our tours were EMF detectors, which I'm sure you're mostly all familiar with. They're intended to scan for electro-magnetic frequencies, and will detect the relative strength of a signal they pick up. Now, just because one of these things goes off doesn't mean you're seeing a ghost, they also pick up power lines and will go off like crazy near a generator; but if you're in the middle of nowhere and you suddenly get a strong signal, it's worth looking into.

Now these detectors we used had about five lights on them, changing in hue from green to yellow to red. Red meant no signal, and green indicates a strong signal. The light never goes below red unless you turn the thing off, that's the baseline.

At the end of our tour, we would come to an old graveyard (nobody buried there in at least 100 years). After I did my thing with the final story, people would wander around and look at the graves with flashlights and scare themselves shitless. But one night as they were wandering, a man called me over to see one of the graves.

I went over and had a look, and saw what the problem was. Whenever he passed his EMF detector over this particular grave, all the lights would turn off. The entire machine would turn itself off when it was over this grave, and turn back on as soon as you moved it away. We tried with a couple other graves, but only this one had the effect.

We were curious about the grave, so we tried to read the name of the person, but the headstone was too worn down for us to read it. The first name Thomas was faintly able to be read, but the surname was too hard to read. We had the whole group (5 people) leaning over it at this point trying to read it, when we all heard the same thing. As one of the group wondered aloud what the man's surname was, a loud voice from behind us shouted "WHALEY!".

As you may have guessed, there was nobody behind us when we turned around, and we called the tour to a close shortly after that. I never messed with that specific grave again, except to place some flowers on it one time (as was my habit every once in a while, since nobody visited that place anymore).

Story Two:

At the end of the tour, sometimes I would get tips if people had fun/got spooked. Older Boomer and Gen X men really enjoy the charade of the "covert" handshake tip, where they palm you the money as they shake your hand. I always indulged the bit, because hey, I was getting a tip.

One tour I ran had a family of three (mother, father, daughter) and an older man who I initially thought was grandpa, but later learned had been lumped into their group because we didn't run solo tours. The old guy was pretty quiet throughout the tour, but would occasionally ask very pointed questions that stood out to me as odd. I don't remember most of his questions anymore (this was years ago), but one example is that I was telling a story of a girl who fell from a balcony and "her ghost haunts the river she plummeted into to this day", and he asked me if I thought she died right away when she hit the ground, or whether I thought she died slow and suffered. Just... Weird things like that.

Well at the end of the tour, the family took off into the graves to have a look about, see if ghosts would show up in their pictures, etc. Old man came to give me that typical handshake, and mentally I was thinking that all his weird behavior could be easily forgotten if he tipped well. The handshake was normal except that his hand was ice cold, but old folks have cold hands, so I didn't think about it too much. Except he didn't palm me a dollar, he palmed me a coin. I thought it was a half dollar when I felt it at first, but it was too big. I turned to glance at the guy as he walked past me to leave, and I shit you not, he was just gone.

The path leaving the graveyard was downhill and you had visibility from the top for at least 300 feet. There was no way he could have covered that distance in that time, and I didn't even hear running. Just this old, tottering man in front of me one second and gone in the blink of an eye when he walked past me.

When I got home and looked up the coin, I learned it was a 1 troy ounce silver bullion. Minted to an older year, I don't remember exactly. I can check the year when I get home this evening if anyone cares. Overall, the experience left me a little shocked, and the family agreed he was really odd when I walked them back to their car. Apparently, the guy greeted their daughter by name when they arrived at the meet-up spot a few minutes before me, but they had no idea who he was.

Story 3:

So two weird experiences, but no ghostly apparitions or demonic screams. Unfortunately, most nights on the ghost tour were entirely mundane. However, I have got one more odd story I experienced which really set my belief of ghosts in stone.

One of the earlier stops in our tour was an old cabin where the town's progenitor once lived. The cabin has been moved around a couple of times to build parking garages, but has since been placed back on its original spot. We don't actually have a photo of the woman who founded the town, but we have got pictures of her granddaughter, who everyone at the time swore was a dead-ringer for her grandmother. Because of this, an old black-and-white photo of her granddaughter is on the sign outside the cabin.

The cabin is kept locked up with a padlock at all times except when the historical society opens it up for school groups. The windows are so dirty you can't see inside, and most of the time it's too dark to get a decent look inside anyway. Regardless, I liked to encourage people to peek through the cracks in the old wood because they'd psyche themselves into thinking they saw something move, and a spooky tour is a tour with good tips.

Anyway, one night after I did the whole schpeal about her founding the town, and how people say they can see her ghost within the cabin on some nights to this day, I let them all have a go at peeking inside. One of the younger teens in the group approached me after looking inside, and we had a very odd conversation. These kids (13-16) usually think it makes them cool to be skeptical and show everyone "they're not scared". So he asked me something like;

"Who's in the costume?"

I was a little confused and explained how the photo on the sign is a picture of the granddaughter of the town's founder, but that she wasn't wearing a costume, that was how people dressed at the time. The little shit rolled his eyes and told me he meant the woman in the cabin.

Of course I had to have a look, so I peeked through, and sure enough. A street light was shining through the dirty windows and letting in a diffused sort of light, and you could just make out a figure in a rocking chair sitting in the corner of the dark cabin, rocking back and forth. It was hard to get a good look at her, but from what I saw... She did look just like the woman in the photo.

I moved the group on pretty fast because quite frankly, I was a little afraid it was a homeless person who'd broken in somehow. If it was, I had a group of six kids and one parent (homeschoolers I think). I didn't want anybody getting hurt or snatched.

But I stopped by the cabin again on the way to my car, and the lock was on tight and undamaged. I peeked inside again, and there wasn't even a rocking chair in the cabin. In the whole time I worked the tour route (roughly two years) I never saw a chair in that cabin again. Or any old women, for that matter.

So anyway, those are my stories. I know they aren't as sensational as some, but I thought I'd share my experiences with you all. I have a few more odd stories that I can share if you like, but they're all more "explainable" by mundane means, if not still creepy and odd.


(Obligatory not mine)

So I'm using a throw away here for obvious reasons, but I'm a CO in the deep south and I just entered my 7th year working in my facility. I've always been semi-religious but nothing serious, just your typical small town church kinda thing. However I work in a big city jail, and I've had some minor things happen over the years that didn't really make me think ghosts. But it's creepy none the less, especially working overnights (20:00-06:00) it's dark, silent, your alone most of the time, plus your usually a little drowsy so I always chalked it up to that.

Some of these small experiences include random footsteps from around my control room when all inmates are locked down, voices in places that are no longer in use. However this isn't about any of those minor experiences I just mentioned, it's about this "encounter/experience" from around a week ago. I've talked to a couple of close friends, and some guys at work and we can't seem to figure it out, and I've tried to wrap my mind around this best I can but I'm honestly at my wits end. So might as well post it on the internet and see what sticks or if someone can perhaps help me reason with whatever happened.

So for context, the floor I work is typically a floor reserved for mid-security violent inmates. This would include robbery suspects, domestic violence, assualt, etc. Typical night for me is to come in and lock down all inmates for the night and then conduct what we call a standing head count. Basically I come in and put eyes on every inmate on the floor, if my roster says I have 170 inmates, I have to physically count 170 inmates. Well the facility is currently under going "modernization upgrades" this includes new doors, locks, day space tables/furniture, and most importantly cameras.

On my floor all pods are full to capacity except for C-block, this pod is currently locked out meaning no inmates are to be house in the pod until all upgrades are done and in place. They've been working on it for about 3 weeks now, they've put in all the new doors, locks, and cameras, the camera feeds are shown on a small screen inside the control room of the floor with their cell number placed in the bottom right corner of each cell. So I "shouldn't" have to worry about counting in C-block as there are no inmates in c-block.

Well one week ago after finishing my head count, I come back to the control room, and do my usual routine. Pull up chrome and just browse the internet until I have to do my hourly check to make sure no one is committing self-die. Around midnight of 5/2/23 I finish doing another check and sit down in the control room, as I go to sit down I take a quick glance at the screen with all the cameras. In c-block 4 cell I swear I saw a person standing in the center of the cell facing outward towards the door of the cell. I do a double take and of course nothing is there, ok maybe I saw someone in B-block standing in their cell or the cam froze for a second NBD.

About 30 mins later, I sit up in my chair as I'm putting my phone down. This time again I see someone standing in c-block 4 cell, and this time I know that it's that cell because I'm looking at the number, the cell door is wide open as are all the doors in c-block so it's for sure that cell. I full tilt SPRINT into that block and look up into 4 cell. Nothing and no one, I begin to think that I'm seeing things or the camera is some how fucking up. I put in a report to our electronic maintenance department they say they'll look into it. I come back the next night and the report states all wiring is fine, and that the camera feed is in fact linked to c-block 4 cell.

After going home and thinking about it, I convinced myself that I was wrong some how, that it was just me being tired. Again same process comes and goes, lock down, head count, back to control room to wait. I'm now glancing every once and a while at c-block 4 cell, nothing appears. Midnight comes and goes, I think ok yea it was me NBD. Well then 0200 rolls around, and again I do my check sit down back in the control room, again all the doors in c-block are ALL the way open, and these doors are not light, they are big metal doors easily 60-70 pounds. That's when c-block 4 cell SLAMS shut, then after it is shut and now locked, it sound like it's starting to be kicked by a horse. Like someone slammed it shut right on the back end of a full grown horse. I look on the camera screen and all the cameras in that pod are just blinking on and off.

I go into the block and as I'm going up the stairs towards the door, more doors start to shut. From 6 to 5, 3, 2, 1. At this point I'm done, I ran out of that block, shut the door, and called for a supervisor and maintenance. We check the footage of the event on the supervisors computer in his office, and of course none of them show anything. At around the 0200 mark they all just go to no connection with our local server at the HQ building across the street. Maintenance did say that it was definatly not the lock, but it did look like someone had tried to kick that door off it's hinges because the door frame itself had chipped paint after having just freshly been painted.

I've scoured incident reports back 5 years and I can't find anything about any violent deaths or just anyone dying in general on this floor. That being said my department has sealed reports in the past where if you are under an LT you won't be able to read the report. So I'm not sure, I'm still working on this floor, they are on the last few days of fixing up c-block and then they'll move to d-block. They still have 3 more blocks after d-block to do. So I'm a little concerned of what'll happen once those are empty and not in use. Things in c-block seemed to have calmed down as nothing major has happened since last week. Doors still move and I've had 2 shut, but not like that night a week ago.

I've put in for a vacation towards the end of May, so I'm hoping time away is going to help, and hopefully it'll be a fix. But this has turned me from a non-believer to skeptic on the low end to a possible believer on the high end. I just don't think the A/C could blow a 60 pound door shut, nor could it cause the door to be hit that violently. If anyone has a simlar experience or has any ideas please let me know.

Cabin guest (self.paranormal)
submitted 1 year ago by Hooligan to c/paranormal

(Not my story)

One I posted before--I’ll be the first to say that all this stuff could have taken place in my head…..the mind is a freaky thing and can play some pretty trippy tricks on you. Sorry for the length………. Whenever I was scared as a kid my dad had always told me that in life, you should not be scared of ghost….fear the living because they can actually hurt you.

In my late teenage years I came into some money after my father committed suicide and I received an inheritance from him. At time of my dad’s passing he and my mom owned a cabin up in Oregon by Mount Bachelor. The cabin had been put up for sale since my mom could no longer afford the payments and renting it out was not covering the payments either. The cabin was set to go on the market for sale in less than a month and was in the process of finalizing all the paperwork with the Realtor and lawyer. So for that month's time the cabin was not going to be rented out any longer and was going to be vacant. I saw this as a chance to get a way for a while and clear my head in light of all the things going on. I quit work, packed up my snowboarding gear, grabbed my dog and headed up in my dad’s car( that he had willed to me) to the cabin. Now this was our family cabin that my parents rented out throughout the year when we were not using it. I had keys to the cabin and also had the code for the alarms so I did not feel the need to stop at the rental management company and advise them of my stay. This has nothing to do with the coming story, but felt the need to mention it anyway.

My first two days at the cabin were normal and nothing out of the unusual happened. Spent my days playing with my dog in the snow, snowboarding and the evenings playing PlayStation or listening to music, drinking and smoking out on the balcony. Had already stocked up on food, cigarettes and liquor so I was pretty much a shut in aside from the occasional out to hit the slopes. With my dog as company and dvd’s/PlayStation as entertainment, I was quite content and started to feel relaxed after all the drama that had preceded my outing. The cabin itself was two stories, bottom story had the living room and a side guest bedroom along with small kitchen. Upstairs had another two rooms along with a walk out balcony attached to the master bedroom. Most my time there was spent either in the living room, kitchen or master bedroom. I never ventured into the other rooms and always kept the doors leading into them shut (open doors to dark rooms always creeped me out). Anyhow, the third day came around and I was going through my usual routine of playing with my dog (his name was Midnight by the way and he also since passed) playing games and watching DVD’s. That day it was pretty heavy snow fall so I did not feel like trekking down the hill to the main road in my car and decided to stay in. That’s when things started getting a bit weird. In our area there were only two other Cabins adjacent to ours (maybe a block away from each other). All other cabins aside from these two where around a mile away from ours. Surrounding us was mostly forest and very tall pine trees(tall….this is important later on). Both these cabins were empty and from the past couple of days I knew that no one was currently staying there.

Gave enough background and am going to jump to the weirdness…. ...Around midday while outside with my dog I noticed what looked like footprints in the snow around the area surrounding our cabin. It was still snowing so the foot prints looked semi fresh like someone had been there in the last 20-30 minutes before me. I thought that maybe someone was staying in the cabin near me that I may not have noticed…..maybe they were shut ins like me….alright…whatever, the prints lead away from my cabin and they disappeared in the snow towards the denser part of the trees…. disregarded the footprints and went back inside.

Nighttime came around and decided to head to bed. My dog Midnight was laying on the bed with me when I noticed his ears perk up to a standstill/listening position. This was followed by him quickly jumping off the bed and running downstairs to the living room. I lay in bed and stayed silent (I was kinda freaked out) and could hear him moving around down stairs back and forth. After around 5 minutes he ran back upstairs to me and started to do his doggy dance for the sign that he had to pee or that he wanted to go outside. Shit….well fine. I cant say no to him so we both went downstairs to the outside driveway for him to his thing. Only, he didn't want to pee. As soon as we were outside he started to pull on his leash trying to drag me to where he wanted to go. He kept looking into the dense part of the trees were the prints had been earlier. But he also kept sniffing the side of the house and looking up towards the roof. After he figured out that I was not going to go to where he wanted he sat himself down and just stared into the darkness……a bit unusual for him but alright, maybe there are forest animals out there that he wants to chase down. But fuck this, did not want to chance anything so I pulled him back inside and we both headed back upstairs. Around half an hour later I was lying in bed when I heard what sounded like hooves walking on my roof. It was only a series of around 6 steps and I rationalized that it could be a pine cone falling from a tree onto the roof or maybe a kind hearted forest animal running around. But here’s the thing, the steps seemed to be spaced apart like a man length stride. So it was really freaking me out. Midnight also heard the noise and was quick to run to the balcony screen door expecting for me to let him out. Alright, you know what, I’m a tough guy and at the time considered myself to be fairly well built and strong enough to handle myself…..So I grabbed my coat and shoes along with my cigarettes and flash light and went out onto the balcony. Fuck it right? As soon as I was outside I lit up my cigarette and started canvassing the roof with my light….nothing there and the snow on top was undisturbed. Weird, must have been all my head? What about Midnight hearing the noise? Maybe he was feeding off my fear or paranoia. I started to calm down and relax again. (by the way…I am shaking right now and my heart is beating hard as I am typing this next bit).

My eyes started to adjust to the darkness and I kept smoking and just staring at the stars and trees next to our cabin. That’s when I saw it. In a tree that was a little taller than our cabin and around 20 feet from the balcony I saw what looked like a man crouched in a squatting position in between two branches. It was squatted on one branch and its arms were extended above its head holding onto the branch above it. Fuck me………what the fuck is that? I wasn’t sure if I was really seeing this thing and stood just staring and sat there motionless. I noticed Midnight stand up and start pacing behind me and lightly barking at the same time. The thing still did not move. I put my cigarette out and was debating on shining the light in the things direction, but something in my head kept screaming not to. So I walked backwards to the inside of the room and pulled Midnight with me. Once inside I locked the door and shined the light in the things direction but there was nothing there. I shut the curtains to the screen door and retreated back to bed. But later on in the night I heard light tapping at the screen door, like someone was tapping on the glass with their fingers. It was consistent and did not stop for nearly an hour. Midnight seemed to stare at the door but he wouldn’t go near it anymore. The weirdest part was that I had a feeling like someone was inviting me to open the door. But at the same time I kept hearing my dad’s voice in my head telling me to stay in bed and not do it. I listened to my dad’s voice and just stayed were I was. Passed out eventually and woke up in the morning and everything was normal. The rest of week I spent there was non-eventful and nothing else out of the ordinary happened. I totally admit that it could have been all in my head. A lot of stuff was going on at the time so I was pretty fucked up from all the drama.

Tekong Camp (self.paranormal)
submitted 1 year ago by Hooligan to c/paranormal

(Not my story)

I used to be in the military and the training camp bunk that we lived in was said to be haunted.

Occasionally, our stuff would go missing and reappear in weird places, like under our bed, or inside a bag that we had zipped up and stuff.. no big deal right? i mean human error and all. Then came the instance that freaked everyone out.

It was one night after lights out and my friend was on his phone texting his girlfriend. Most of us were drifting off to sleep, and were lying on our beds etc. suddenly, he heard the shuffling of feet from the corridor, so thinking that it was our sergeant, he quickly hid his phone under his pillow, rolled over on his side and pretended to sleep.

Till this day, what happens next chills me to the bone. While he pretended to sleep, he heard someone right behind him, at the other side of his bed going "Don't worry, you can continue to pretend sleep."

I would dismiss this as a figment of his imagination, except about five other people around him heard it as well, including me. creepier still, there was no one there, and it was the voice of a little girl that said it.

For reference, our training camp was in the middle of an island, and was set up away from the main admin blocks. The island has been closed by the government for army training purposes for the past 15 years so there were definitely no civilians around, let alone kids.

To make matters freakier, when we came back from our weekend home leave, there was a bunch of female hair on his bed, neatly bundled up, long and jet black. under his pillow was a note - "remember me?".

Now as i said we were in the middle of a forest, in the middle of an island. And at that point in time, there were no female recruits / personnel on the island. Our bunks were locked up for the weekend and the duty sergeant had no idea that the incident happened. we never spoke about it after that night.

still chills me to the bone thinking about it.

EDIT: yes guys, I am from Singapore.. and as those of you guys who are from there would know, until recently, army camps in Singapore did not allow handphones with cameras... so no pictures.

Also, for those of you that say it may be a prank.. yes it very well may have been.. but if it were, it'd be one heck of a prank and i was really fooled bad.. the complexity of that prank would have been crazy and i applaud anyone that was able to pull that off.

That being said.. many Singaporean guys will tell you that the camp (Tekong) is a place where a lot of paranormal stuff happens.. most guys that have been through that camp have either experienced something first hand, or know someone that has experienced it first hand.


Like there’s no content here. I love to read through the paranormal stories (especially the king ones) to help me fall asleep. So, should we just start copying posts from Reddit to give people something to read? Might help get things going?


After recently moving out of that house and with no incidents in the month since moving, I feel like I'm ready to share my story. Essentially, in the house my family used to live in, there was some sort of entity that could shapeshift and look and 'mimic' people/animals.

The first encounter happened in late 2019, after we had already lived in the house for well over a decade. I was in bed with my girlfriend. We hadn't yet fallen asleep that night, and I was getting out of bed to go to the toilet before going to sleep. On the way out I turned off the light. When I returned and opened the door, she called out and asked who was coming in. I responded that it was obviously me, and she screamed, so I turned on the light. She was freaking out, so I asked her what was going on. She said that a couple of minutes before I got back, someone (who she presumed was me) had entered the room, got into bed and started cuddling up to her. when I actually came back and she realized that she wasn't laying next to me, she moved as far away as possible, but when I turned the light on, no one was in the room besides us. She said it felt just like me cuddling up to her. We ended up staying at her place that night, and she refused to ever come back.

The next incident happened on the 11th of July 2020 (I looked up the date of a football game that was on). I was watching the TV by myself when my dad opened the door and stood in the doorway. I wasn't paying much attention to him and absent-mindedly asked him if he ended up watching the end of the game his team was playing in (they had made a pretty good comeback). He didn't respond, so I looked over at him, and noticed that he was wearing one of my shirts, which was weird because it's not something he had ever done before. I then looked down and noticed that both of his legs were there. He had a leg amputated in 2017. Normally, he'd have a fake leg, one that is basically just a metal pole with a foot on the end, not one you could mistake for an actual leg. I must have had a serious look of shock on my face, because right after looking at his legs and noticing what was wrong, he backed away and slammed the door. I ran down to the back shed where my dad was earlier and found him there. I asked if he had just been in the house. He said he hadn't left the shed in hours. I didn't want to tell him what happened so I just said I thought I had heard him calling. I found the shirt 'dad' was wearing on my floor along with a bunch of other dirty clothes.

The next case also involves the mimic pretending to be dad. Dad is a diabetic and will occasionally have a hypo, where he becomes non-responsive and it can sort of like talking to a child who will hardly respond and doesn't know where they are or what's going on. Mum found him sitting on the couch, and he wouldn't respond to her when she talked or nudged him, so she worried that he was having a hypo. She went out to the kitchen to get insulin, but when she returned, he wasn't on the couch. she then freaked out because she couldn't find him. After searching for a few minutes, she tried calling him, hoping that his phone was on him and she'd be able to hear it. Dad answered his phone. He'd been at work the whole time.

The last encounter we had was a couple of months ago, about a week after our dog had passed away (she was old, I don't think the mimic caused it if you were wondering). We were in the kitchen, from where you can see down the hallway. leading off the hallway is another short hallway part, with a door on the end where our dog's doggie-door is. We heard the doggie-door open, which was strange as we only had the one pet. We looked down the hall and saw what looked exactly like our dog. Mum was besides herself with fright and said that 'now it looks like Molly (our dog).' I was scared too but aggressively said to it 'We know you're not her, she's dead, FUCK OFF.' Then it made a horrifying noise, it sounded like a cat who had had it's tail stomped on. It then bolted out of sight and through the doggie-door.

Mum and Dad decided that they wanted to move, so luckily we were able to move out about a month go. I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary since that last incident, so I'm hoping it was attached more to the house than us.