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Woke Rainbow Capitalism (nerds)

Trains, free trade, and open borders; trans rights and taco trucks on every corner. Please read the sidebar for more information.

Community Bookmarks


1. Instance Terms of ServiceComply with the terms of service.
2. CivilityRefrain from name-calling, slapfights, hostility, doxxing, or any uncivil behavior that derails the quality of the conversation.   A specific one of importance you might not generally expect on Lemmy or the wider fediverse, and enforced to further community health, is Do not engage in excessive partisanship.
3. BigotryBigotry of any kind will be sanctioned harshly.
4. Unconstructive EngagementDo not post with the intent to provoke, mischaracterize, or troll other users rather than meaningfully contributing to the conversation. Don't disrupt serious discussions. Bad opinions are not automatically unconstructive.

Do not reflexively downvote just because someone has a different opinion.

Also, as a general disclaimer, keep in mind that votes on posts and comments are discoverable as they federate with other instances and that is outside the control of this community.

5. Off-topic CommentsComments on submissions should substantively address the topic of submission.
6. Glorifying ViolenceDo not advocate or encourage violence either seriously or jokingly. Do not glorify oppressive/autocratic regimes.
7. BrigadingRefrain from brigading other communities or fediverse instances, or coming from another community or fediverse instance and brigading this community. Links within the community are encouraged provided no other rules are broken.
8. Off-topic, Meta, or Duplicate postSubmissions should be relevant to public policy or political theory. Meta posts should be posted to the discussion thread. Generally avoid editorializing submission titles.
9. Submission QualityLow-quality or irrelevant submissions will be removed at mod discretion. This applies in particular to low-quality or repetitive memes.
10. Tag Communities and/or Users WiselyDo not tag communities and/or users to troll, spam, or brigade.
11. Bonk-Posting/Sexual ContentGo be horny somewhere else. Do not post inappropriate content of a sexual nature. Both SFW and NSFW content can qualify. Repeat infringements can lead to bans.
12. Toxic Nationalism/RegionalismRefrain from condemning countries and regions or their inhabitants at-large in response to political developments, mocking people for their nationality or region, or advocating for colonialism or imperialism.

Other Fediverse Communities:

We in c/Neoliberal support:

Neoliberals can be found in many political parties and we are not dogmatic supporters of specific parties. But we tend to find ourselves agreeing more often with parties that espouse liberal values, internationalism and centrist economics, such as the Democrats in the US, Liberal Democrats in the UK, FDP in Germany, Renaissance/MoDem in France, the Liberal Party in Canada, and so on.

Further Reading:

News sources:

Here are some suggested news sources that we like and tend to find reliable. Please note that posts and threads are not at all limited to these sources!--

founded 1 year ago

What do the latest polls tell us?


An interactive and visual illustration showing how either candidate can win the Electoral College.


538 uses polling, economic and demographic data to explore likely US election outcomes.


The discussion thread is for casual and off-topic conversation that doesn't merit its own submission.


This is the community thread for tonight’s US Presidential Debate between the democrat nominee & sitting President Joseph R. Biden and the republican nominee, 34 times convicted felon, & former President Donald J. Trump.

Feel free to comment! Live coverage of the debate starts at 7:00PM US Eastern Time, but the actual debate starts two hours later at 9:00PM.


How the world’s greatest businessman drove his newspaper into a ditch


Our daily political update, featuring the stories that matter


It puts the Conservatives on a record-low 76 seats, with the Liberal Democrats and Reform UK making gains


Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorsed President Biden’s reelection bid Wednesday, a day before the first presidential debate against former President Trump.


The approval of the nation’s first publicly funded religious charter school was struck down as unconstitutional by the Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday.


Former President Trump ran up the national debt by about twice as much as President Biden, according to a new analysis.


Boebert's victory comes after she switched congressional districts, while Bowman lost in a race that included the most ad spending ever in a House primary.


The Conservatives have dominated British politics for 14 years, holding onto power through crisis after crisis, including some of their own making.


A fund-raising pact with the Republican Party is expected to replenish the money Donald J. Trump paid his lawyers as he faced three indictments and finished a criminal trial in New York.


A growing number of rural Americans now plan to vote for Biden, fearing Trump could cost farmers again


A federal appeals court ruled Friday that a Christian-owned business can’t be compelled to cover preventive medications as is required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but it determined a Texas judge carried out an “abuse of discretion” in his prior ruling by blocking federal agencies from enforcing the rule universally.


Truth Social owner Trump Media & Technology Group has gone ice-cold.


Denmark's Fehmarnbelt tunnel will slash travel times between Scandinavia and Central Europe.


The Interview.


I should also add that the admins over at were kind enough to appoint me mod status in the community (as it had been abandoned.)

Despite the way things look from the mastodon side of things,’s @neoliberal is no longer abandoned!


Well, with down again I’ve started posting over at the @neoliberal community. It looks like it should be followable from Mastodon, so feel free to join and participate!

Hopefully ernest is able to recover soon; kbin was a great idea and it has a lot of potential.

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