Minecraft Help

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Have an issue/problem with Minecraft? We're the community for you! Please read our rules before posting.

Official Support Link

Moderator Discretion

Mods are free to use their discretion when removing or approving content. For most rule breaking a strikes system is enforced. Warning -> 24h ban -> 48h ban -> Perma-ban.


1. Be civil and helpful at all times.

Being rude or offensive is not a productive means of communication. This includes, but isn't limited to:

2. All posts and comments must be in English only.

This community's visitors and mods primarily speak English as the common language.

3. Keep the community tidy.

To keep the community easy to read, and to keep solutions easy to find, the following things should be uploaded to a paste service such as paste.gg or mclo.gs and linked in your post.

4. We don't support piracy or breaking any relevant EULA.

We won't provide support to people who are found to be pirating the game.


5. Don't waste people's time.

Examples of time wasting include;

6. Posts titles must be descriptive and contain one of our required tags.

Click here for a full description of this rule

Valid tags:

7. Don't post/comment unrelated content.

Only post Minecraft support related content. If you aren't looking for help with something, you shouldn't be posting here. Posts/comments breaking this rule will be removed.

8. Mark your post Solved when the issue is fixed or your question is answered.

To do this, edit the post title to include the flair [Solved]

Posts that are caused by verified bugs should be marked solved.

Mods reserve the right to mark post solved as necessary. For example:


Reposts are allowed, as long as your post follows the guidelines below:

When reposting, make sure the word "Repost" is included in the post title. A link to your original post should be included in the body of your repost.

10. All comments must be truthful, helpful and support related.

Comments that don't follow this rule will be removed, and a warning issued.

11. No necroposting

The act of commenting on a post that is too old to matter any more, or has served it's purpose.

You should not post on old posts for any reason.

A post is considered old if any of these conditions are met:

These rules were adapted from the r/MinecraftHelp rules.

founded 2 years ago
  • It must be in the post title.
  • Only ONE required tag per post.

Any post tagged [Java] should also mention the Minecraft version number.

Any post tagged [Bedrock] should also mention the device you play on.

Post titles should describe the issue you're experiencing. Posts with generic post titles will be removed. This includes:

  • "Help me."
  • "It's broken."
  • "I need help."
  • Titles containing only a tag.

Required tags:

[Launcher] You must also include the game you're trying to launch in the title or body of your post.

[Java] You must also include the MC version number in the title or body of your post.

[Bedrock] You must also include the device you play on, in the title or body of your post.

[Dungeons], [Legends], [Legacy] You must also include the device you play on, in the title or body of your post.

Legacy versions include: Minecraft: PS4 edition, Minecraft: PS3 Edition, Minecraft: Xbox One edition, etc. These editions do not have a link to the Minecraft Marketplace.