Marvel Theories

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In the Thor Love & Thunder film, Jane (Natalie Portman), correct me if I'm wrong, was terminally ill with cancer. But with "broken" Mjolnir she transformed to a fit Mighty Thor herself with accompanying Thor-like costume, while Steve did not back in Endgame. Or perhaps because Steve purposefully didn't need or want to back then.

So wouldn't it be similar with old Steve. Imagine him temporarily transforming to a fit Cap again as any dire, desperate situation, Avenger-level event would call for. He could easily make an educated wish to grant him a more classic scale-armored Captain America with side "wings", which could be designed enough to make it more Norse/Thor-like too yet still very much Cap. Which would also differentiate to Sam's own present Cap incarnation.

Now, I might as well. Regarding Jane if she was "worthy" back in L&T, I theorize she wasn't initially. But since Thor inadvertently put a spell or similar to Mjolnir when he asked it to protect Jane, the hammer responded to her when the time came to do it, which was when she was sick and she went near it in the movie. It restored her to full health with bigger physique too, although only temporarily.

Odin's old enchantment is always there, which is "if he be worthy", and NOT "if he be NOT worthy". So if worthy, then the hammer will respond. Then if it is Jane, then it will also respond. But if Odin's enchantment was something like "if he be NOT worthy, he would NOT possess the powers of Thor", then if Jane was indeed not worthy initially, then the two would simply cancel each other out. Equally, perfectly balanced like all things should be.

So at least seemingly two rules the hammer will follow or respond to. Then later, Thor talked to Jane that she was worthy.


Spoilers for both seasons of What If ahead.

spoilerWhat If is riddled with plot holes, from Thanos acquiring the soul stone without sacrificing Gamora to Captain Carter being able to wield all six stones in one hand without the Infinity Armor.

The plot hole I'm going addressing is Supreme Strange simply dropping all the heros and villains into the forge, even though the majority of them are capable of flight, and some of them are even capable of teleportation. So why are they all simply throwing their life saving tech and legendary weapons to Captain Carter instead of using them on themselves?

MCU's newest retcons (self.marveltheories)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by BendADickCumOnBack to c/marveltheories

I have a very strong feeling that the Netflix shows being added to the MCU was a last minute change of decision to accommodate a pivoted Daredevil restructuring. It seems pretty clear that the Netflix shows have been folded into the MCU continuity but I believe Marvel was planning to show the characters as Variants of the Netflix universe, but changed their minds only a few weeks before Echo's release.

There's gonna be some spoilers ahead for the newest show Echo.

spoilerDoes anyone wonder why Fisk's hammer was different, or why his memory of his anger reaching the breaking point was also different? Combine those examples with how they used the Netflix scenes in one of the trailers and I can't help but wonder why the show wouldn't make the effort to get these details right.

I'm sure we will never have a definitive answer on these behind the scenes decisions, but it seems fairly obvious to me that Marvel decided to fold Netflix into the main continuity as an effort to salvage a last minute pivoted Daredevil show.

What do you think?


My favourite old theory was the T.H.A.N.O.S. theory where each letter was the starting letter of where each stone was hidden in the MCU.

T. Tesseract

H. Heimdel

A. Aether

N. Necklace

O. Orb

S. Scepter

Of course this theory was officially debunked but back in the day people had a lot of fun theorizing how to make the acronym fit.