Lemmy Wish list

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Things you wish for or suggest for Lemmy webapp, smartphone apps, alternate webapps, etc.

Let application developers, programmers, designers know what you think Lemmy could benefit from

founded 1 year ago

Please add the tools to be able to crop your avatar and banner picture before you upload it to your profile.

Rich text/WYSIWYG editor (self.lemmywishlist)
submitted 1 year ago by trymeout to c/[email protected]

A WYSIWYG editor for posts and comments


Lemmy is essentially also a federated forum (Really a link aggregator). The only real difference from a link aggregator to a forum is that forum comments are in order by date and time while a link aggregator is in a tree with the replies to other comments.

Essentially add a button next to chat and a setting in the account settings to sort the comments the exact same way as in "Chat mode" except it will show the oldest comment first up top and the newest comment last at the bottom like a forum thread.

(Describe your proposed solution here.)

Adding a toggle button on every single post called "Forum" or something like it to sort the comments by date and from oldest to newest. And for comments that are commenting on other comments to have a link to the parent comment and the parent comment in quotations in the comment child comment.

And to also have a setting in the account to have all threads sort comments this way if the user chooses without needed to press the "Forum" button every time.


Title. Subscriptions should be dedicated for paying users, the amount of which would be set by the instance admin according to how much he sees fit ( he can add the sum of donations and average it on the number of donators, then substract less or add more according to his financial needs). for non paying users, just roll ads. was commented on this by a user.


well, lemmy devs deserve support too. lemmy devs should charge a fraction of admin owner incomes. or admins take into account dev cost. This is lemmy economics at this point. someone need to figure this out. But priority to hardware/bandwidth costs i guess :/


Like, i dont want to read anything about reddit, or elon musk, so i put those keywords in a filter that would hide posts/comments related to those. used to work like a charm on Ruqqus.


Lemmy Rust code: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/blob/cb28af508d030683561bdc9dde2299cf818f2c6b/crates/api_common/src/community.rs#L76

Allow directory of communities specific to a particular Lemmy instance, ones already know to the local server.


In the Lemmy web app I'd like the notification count to stand out more with respect to the bell icon, for example by displaying the count in a contrasting color such as red.

At present the count is more subtle and I often end up missing the latest notifications (which, now that I think about it, some may consider a feature 😀).


Sometimes users submit some content (post or comment), and due to a bug or performance issue the content doesn't appear, even if the instance already saved it. So the user resubmits it over and over... like this:

(This is not my own comment, but I had this issue already.)

While this isn't usually done for the sake of spam, it's still a source of noise for the community, and annoying for the user oneself.

So my suggestion is that, when a user tries to submit a piece of content to Lemmy, Lemmy should compare it with the last piece of content already submitted. And if they're identical, prevent it with some error "warning: duplicate" or similar.


This is a Link to a Lemmy posting, it is suggested you comment on the original posting in the [email protected] community.


There are users who are going to upload the same reaction images and content to comments all over the place. And those users will be on their same home server. Increases performance for all the people reading the comments. Reduces storage for the server operator at the expense of some extra calculations.


However far off multi-communities are, it would be nice if it were easier to manage the communities I'm subscribed to.

Easiest, low-hanging fruit would be to allow me to create my own lists of communities for when I want to visit communities independently and would like to do so in a more organised fashion. Also, providing a basic text search window for the names of my subscribed communities could also help.


When sorting the feed by "Active", "Hot" or "Top Day" etc, your "Subscribed" feed will tend to show posts only for the most active communities, while posts from smaller communities will never have as much activity or as many upvotes.

It might be nice to counter this tendency by comparing a post's upvotes/score by the average of the community it comes from, so that being "Top" is really "Top for its community".

You probably wouldn't want this to be the default. Perhaps an additional feed sorting option.


I'd like to see a button that hides a post from my timeline and fills up the slot with the next interesting thing. Well, yes, just like Reddits hide post feature.


Right now, on 0.18.0 at least, it's all one big generic search interface that it makes annoying to find exactly what you're looking for, like when you're just looking for a community.


It would be nice, I think, if there were more ways for the members of a community and instances to interact democratically with the rules and moderation.

I.E. Mod elections, being able to put users bans up for vote, vote on sidebar changes, vote on feature selections, vote on when or if to stop accepting new users, etc, etc.

Basically anything a mod or site admin does being up for democratic vote, even if it doesn't generally need to be extended to all the users (because of possible brigrading or fake users).


In June, the word form the project has generally been "go create empty new instances to solve scaling", and now there are a lot of instances that may be giving up or shutting down in the coming months.

A procedure and code for moving a community to a new home is a wish.


In Reddit, users can create lists of subs, called "multireddits". And you can browse the content of all those subs in a multireddit as if it was a single community. You can also share your multireddits with other people.

Reddit itself implemented the idea and never touched it again, but it be amazing in the federation. For example, someone who's interested in cooking could create the following ~~multireddit~~ multicomm:

That increases discoverability of the communities across the Lemmyverse (as people share their multicomms), and also makes it easier to handle redundant communities across instances. Because of that, I feel like the concept would be right at home in Lemmy.


The first on the list is indeed "active", but the next 3 are all pretty stale.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm not suggesting this straight to the devs because come on, they got too much on their hands already.

Skin switcher

A drop-down menu allowing you to choose which style you want to use with Lemmy, like a built-in Stylus.

Reverse Slashdot voting system

You have one upvote ("like"), but plenty downvotes ("disagree", "rude", "unfunny", "off-topic", "incorrect", "insightless"). So to downvote you'd click first on the downvote button, then again on your chosen reaction.

I'm suggesting this asymmetry because good content has often multiple qualities, so it's sometimes hard to choose on which one to vote. Plus positive feedback should be as streamlined as possible, as it makes people feel good.

On the other hand, bad content has often an obvious flaw, and it's more important for the commenter/poster to know why people dislike their content than why they like it. It would demand a bit more effort to downvote (two clicks instead of one), slightly discouraging people from mindlessly downvoting.

Custom sorting system

It would require a multi-dimensional voting system, as above. Let users sort their feeds by assigning a weight to each thing that could be used to sort it - recency (as in "new"), upvotes, each type of downvote, etc. So for example if you don't care about coarse language you'd weight the "rude" downvotes as zero.

Bonus points if comm mods can set up a custom sorting system as the comm default. I could picture for example a discussion-based community ignoring "unfunny" downvotes for the sake of sorting, while a memes community would ignore if the content is off-topic.

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