Garry’s Mod

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A community for everything related to the Source game Garry’s Mod (S2 S&box too)

founded 2 years ago

For those who don't know, TheInvertedShadow (Chris Roche) is a gmodder who is well known for his Kami-related videos, ones that revolve around TF2 to Pony Freaks, and as well as the popular Elements of Insanity (abbreviated as EOI) series.

Much like Kugawattan, I dislike him due to his political correctness, his hypocrisy of being against cyberbullies and harassers like Tyler Wilson, yet supporting some of them himself, with the likes of FinalPrank and SplattyBoy. As much as I do have bitterness towards him ever since, I don't always dwell on it and I do sincerely wish he could change for the best, but until then, I hardly have much respect for him as a person. Chris is pretty much a cynical, prideful **** for the actions he does, but worse than that, he is a blatant misopedist, because he admitted in a VR Chat server that he dislikes children (Timestamp: 33:51), even though he doesn't want to harm them. Having said that, he is no better than Tyler Wilson in that regard. Quite frankly, he should've been called out for it, which did not even happen. He is also not above using proven sexist terminologies, like mary sue, which is just utterly disgusting. If I was in his shoes, I would rather use "non-weakness characters" instead, not that he will ever listen. Even then, it is also important to emphasize that non-weakness characters, and overpowered characters, are not one and the same, so therefore, overpowered characters can still have weaknesses; such as Superman from DC Comics, and Aizen from Bleach. They are just the gist of them.

The other thing I really detest about Chris, is not just his obnoxious toxicity, arrogance, his willful political correctness, nor his flip-flopping attitude towards other toxic members within his own circle of friends and community, it is the censorship of others from criticizing him on the wrongdoings he does. I have called him out openly on one of his Twitch live streams regarding his wrongful actions, particularly how he approached in dealing with FinalPrank, and as a result, TheInvertedShadow banned me, and having my criticisms deleted so he cannot feel any sort of humility. This act of cowardice is really telling given that he is not the good gmodder that everyone is looking up to. He is also very toxic when it comes to the more "rabid" side of the EOI fanbase, given that he wastes his time berating and yelling in their faces to remain patient, when its not going to fully work. If I am in his position, I will not only do my best to ignore them, which he hasn't, then just leave them be in silence, because they sure do need to use the toilet, need food... they'll learn their lesson. He also never took into account that there are some of them that may seek to get a negative reaction out of him if that's anything to go by, on purpose. So why waste your time on them?

On March 7th, 2021, on a Garry's Mod livestream where he is working on Sam & Max: I'm Dreaming of a Pretentious Bloodshed, which is at the 1:40 mark at the beginning, Chris Roche goes on a brutal, furious rant against Tyler Wilson. Now, it is true that Tyler is a reprehensible individual, from his sexual targeting of minors, stalking people like Chris, and grifting off of his work, and yes, he must be held accountable and hopefully put behind bars for many years due to being mentally deranged and unhinged. BUT, that does NOT justify Shadow's reckless oration of threatening to leak his personal info into the ecosystem of social media to track him down. Because let's be real, doxing is illegal and wrong, because not only is it insanely moronic and reckless, it is also outright dangerous, as it can lead to an eventual, violent outcome, like possibly those who are in Tyler Wilson's family who happen to be innocent, getting subjected to harassment, theft, or worse, murder and/or swatting. Because I do know that hackers would get their private information, and make false accusations to mislead police officers with riot gear and rifles, to enter their homes and arrest them, or in the worst case scenario, shot by a corrupt officer. You said recently, that no one in Tyler's family is innocent? Really? How can you exactly know for sure? Fem Alastor, or whoever that person is, said that 2 to 3 individuals had targeted her, and not ONCE has she said that all of them are targeting her. By YOUR logic, you are saying that all of Tyler's family is guilty for the actions of a few going after people. By definition, this is collective punishment/vilification/shaming, and those sort of takes, is not just wrong, moronic, misguided, and unfair, but it is also fucking irresponsible. I understand you are desperate in wanting Tyler off your back for good and making sure he faces justice at some point, but you are not doing your public image or your own life, ANY favors, if you are going to be a hypocritical, vindictive, toxic &&&hole.

What Chris should've done, is to contact lawyers/open up a government petition to have people on the internet having to require the use of a virtual license to create a social media account, which will be stored very securely within the databanks of a social media business, such as strong passwords and encryption, so long as the same law applies to businesses and government officials too. But Chris has failed to do any of that.

Now I am not saying we should harass him or vindictively threaten him, that should not be happening, but my suggestion, is to actively call him out on the wrongful things he's done and said, and demand that he is no longer welcome to the community. And considering he has gotten hand of a person's personal information he threatens to dox with, Chris Roche should be arrested. If anyone knows who he is and what he looks like appearance wise, call 911, and get the authorities involved. This is only a suggestion, not a demand, so it is alright if you don't want to take that stance if you aren't personally affected by him in negative ways. I have downloaded videos that can be used against him too, and they will be included in the archive.

As for his content, he does brilliant stuff, and I give him credit where credit is due, even though I still dislike him.

UPDATE: In recent days, Christopher Roche on Twitter (or X as it is called now) responded to my exposé on here, and I am not impressed.

To put my cards on the table, there is no way that I am doing all this for personal gain, nor am I doing this all solely out of spite. It is the practice of ensuring that everyone in the community, myself included, are equal under the law, being against all enemies alike, and to keep the community we reside in, healthy and welcoming to all innocent people and not a toxic cesspool as it already has been quite frankly. That is what justice and fairness is, and given your conduct over the years, you have undermined that healthiness and fairness, and your degenerate sucker named TurkishPhantom, is no different. In the meantime, why on Earth would you explain why the rest of the stuff I am saying against you, is nonsensicle and petty? The only thing that would count as "petty" or nonsensical on my part, is to openly claim that you threatened to leak Tyler's personal info, when you never planned any of that from the start. I should've done my research on that, and that's me being fair to you. So what I did is correct the record here, but what do you do? Attack almost everything else I say against you being nonsensical and petty? I hate to burst your bubble, but most of the stuff I have explained, are both reasonable and accurate. My challenge to you, is to explain why exactly you think the rest of what I am saying is petty and absurd. I dare you to notify me on all that.

Plus, while I will admit that I was wrong that you are planning to leak Tyler's personal details into the public eye, and the fact that he himself had stupidly released it without any sense of care, you still threatened to dox him. The fact that you were threatening him, is just straight up criminal and wrong, and you are putting those who are possibly innocent within Tyler's family, at risk. You may not be as idiotic as Tyler is Chris, but given you had the audacity to threaten someone with doxing, goes to show that you never thought twice before committing career suicide and selling your mind away.

You may not have leaked his address or anything of the kind, but threatening/blackmailing is a form of criminal offense. This is exactly why I am calling for you to be put behind bars to teach you a lesson. Freedom of speech, does NOT extend to the right of making threats against people. You are a criminal. What I also find hypocritical and pretentious from you, is that for all your preaching of not wanting others to respond to toxicity with toxicity, you did the same sort of stuff yourself when it comes to threatening someone, and other stuff I am calling you out for. At the same time, your friends and followers, which of whom knew full well of what happened in the stream, as well as the wrongs you've committed, are partly to blame for not collectively admonishing and condemning you, let alone cutting ties with you, and getting the authorities to arrest you. If that is not so telling of how rotten this community has gotten ever since, I don't know what will.

As for you going into this whole what-aboutery of Tyler being much more of a danger to children considering his pedophilia, I am in no way saying that you are much worse than Tyler Wilson, that is clear as day. But because of your attitude towards children in general, is just reprehensible, and does not give you the verification to be the poster boy for the cause to go up against pedophiles. The two points here are simple: you are not a role model citizen to lead this whole crusade against predators, and secondly, you were a child once too, like it or not. Misopedists may not be the same as pedophiles, sure, but they are not good people either because of their toxic bigotry against children of all ages. Bigotry is obviously wrong. To go a step further, there may be children that happen to be nasty and very troublesome, but at the same time, like any group of people, they tend to be diverse in terms of behaviour and personality. Besides, even if there are ones that are indeed nasty, they still need to be given the chance to learn and better themselves overtime like I have, and they always do. But like I said, you were a kid once, and so are your other friends and followers. If you said upfront to a child in your family with not liking children, let alone saying the same to other people's faces with their kids being around, would you still firmly believe you are doing the so-called right thing? I VERY much doubt it. So stop acting like you are the much better person in the room, because you're not.

As I have responded to a Reddit post on why so many people of Generation Z hate children (though it is not a generation thing, but general bigotry of certain specified people), is again, children, like almost any other group of people, tend to be very diverse, some less like-minded than others in terms of being more responsible, kind-hearted, semi-sane/plainly sane, well-mannered, modest, the whole nine yards. On the other hand, I think there needs to be much better education in society in general, that instead of disliking/hating children for who they are, it is important to just hate the bad behavior most might resort to, whether it's the fact they don't know any better, feel under appreciated, whatever the case may be, they should be loved/liked. And like any other person, teenagers, or otherwise, are still capable of learning. And that's what the likes of you Chris, and other people need to understand. So it is definitely wrong and painfully misguided to hate children, and besides, we were all kids once, as I said previously. In similar fashion to... bad behaviors, we can all like children, but be against pedophiles especially; so it's not binary. There may be children who also happen to be evil, I know that, but by the same token with any mortal being, namely us Humans, children are not hive minded; they don't behave or even think the same. In a similar manner to pedophiles, I hate misopedists too, because they are a type of bigot, but specifically towards kids. And believe me, I hate ALL bigots, regardless of their backgrounds, excuses, or reasons. Now I am not saying I am talking about those who simply have no interest in children as opposed to disliking them, full stop, but I AM talking about those who are so cynical and/or narrow-minded and have some form of hostility towards kids for very irrational/stupid reasons. And it is possible that there are misopedists out there, who are near-pure evil/pure evil criminals wanting to hurt or kill children and pre-teens. But just because there are only some misopedists that are like that, does NOT give misopedism a green light to anyone else. It goes to show that neither side (pedophiles or misopedists), can be any good, especially within the context of societal norms. All in all, as a Gen Z myself, I like children, but I am against pedophiles and sexual behavior towards children. That's essentially what I said on Reddit tonight from where I reside.

I may not be a good person (which is not true because I do firmly look out for others and treat others with respect unless they are bad people), but where I am different, is that I am conservative on crime, and I am against all forms of enemies. That's the way it is all meant to be, as opposed to being such a naïve moron who does not have a grasp of what conditional loyalty is. You are one of these people when it comes to the likes of FinalPrank of all people, who is a coward and a degenerate, harasser like Tyler is. Again, so much for your preaching of not wanting others to "respond with toxicity with toxicity," huh? Even though you may have cut ties with FinalPrank, you never expressed an iota of public condemnation against FinalPrank for his toxic conduct and behavior to other users. And believe me, you are among those mindless Sheep and a selection of stubborn Mules not wanting to concede that he is a horrible person, despite all the evidence against him coming down the pipe. People like you Chris, have instead stuck your heads into the sand and not giving anyone a chance to come forward with their concerns and accusations. This is yet another example, of how damaged this community is, if it also applies to the Source Filmmaker community. And I sure as Hell don't hate or dislike children. We can all like/love children, and be against pedophiles at the same time. Now it is time, as a community, to really look at ourselves, and retrospect on our actions over the years, and make much more of an effort to remain consistent against toxicity of all kinds, and bad people of all kinds.

To go a step further, bigotry also taps into other forms of prejudice, such as hatred against people of dark-skin. It is a stain on America as a country considering its history of slavery and tyrannical influences. It may be a much more drastic example, but for all the evolution of America as a country, and presumably you Chris, finding this prejudice disgusting and reprehensible, how on Earth, can you not hold the same principles against misopedism? That is something I would LOVE to hear.

All that being said TheInvertedShadow, if you are reading this, the ball is in your court, and you have a lot of fixing and retrospection to do. And no, I am not being obsessive or petty, I am doing what is necessary that bad people, regardless of background, face punishment and justice, like you are. Plus, I am not bothering people as you proclaim, I am spreading the word as a warning to others that you are no role-model citizen, and to set an example to both the SFM and Gmod communities on what not to do within the prism of the internet. It is to be morally upright, and that is what's important to make sure the communities are not a toxic playground full of degenerates like you. And besides, this is not me spamming the same exact messages over and over again, otherwise I will be spamming. The point here, is that I am only sharing ONE comment each in spreading the word against you, and then moving on. It is not the same as spamming or bothering someone. If you still firmly believe that, you are delusional.

Whenever it comes to the TF2 Freak stuff you speak of, I assume you are talking about the community, such as Xho/MrAmbisinistrous, SarisKhan, ShermanZAtank, and Kugawattan? I have some news for you Shadow, Chris, or whatever you call yourself... those people are not good either, and I have made a more clear cut rant against them, coupled with evidence on why the TF2 Freakshow community is in a terrible state, particularly the higher-ups. You should watch the whole damn thing before you jump on the bandwagon of defending those people and their actions. If you really think I am going against those people for all the wrong reasons, you are insultingly ignorant. Kugawattan is not your friend, he is the sort of person to grift money from people if they want to be his friend, he treats other people like dirt when no one else is around, and throws anyone under the bus once he no longer needs them. This is what he did to J.C Thornton, who is the creator of Piss Cakehole after he is done with improving Tella's ragdoll.

And he is such an egotistical narcissist who abuses his administration on both the TF2 Freakshow Wiki and its concept derivative. Don't believe me when it comes to him grifting and being disrespectful? I have saved every single one of his streams, some of which proves that he is not a good person, and he does all of this money grifting on his streams so often. It is not all hyperbolic, they aren't conspiracy theories, they aren't rumours, and I am sure as Hell not smearing anyone here. All of what I am saying, is unfiltered truths, not lies or half-truths. And you don't have to take my word for it, look at the other testimonial orations of others who shared similar grievances against Kugawattan. And as much as I despise GmodViolet for betraying me and being a toxic individual like Kuga is, he himself is also against Kugawattan for very valid reasons. Then maybe, just maybe, you will feel ashamed of ever being a friend of his.

Quite frankly, you may have apologized, but you only apologized because you feel you have been caught out. Apologizing is not enough here, and I think you should erase yourself from the internet completely, and turn yourself in to the authorities. Otherwise someone else will. I also went out of my way to try and contact Glitchy Productions in order to both get you fired from animating for them and to have them publicly denounce you. Once you are put behind bars Chris if found guilty of threatening someone with doxing... you have no one to blame but yourself. Its as simple as that. And that is not a threat, but a firm warning against you. And to also be quite frank, most of the content you make, is much better than you are, brother.

But as a form of mercy, I am going to give you some advice regarding your own projects, like the Elements of Insanity, Untold Darkness, and all the rest of them. If you are to inevitably quit/retire from being a gmodder, and all the upcoming/ongoing projects of yours are to get cancelled/be left unfinished, it is imperative to make your Garry's Mod machinima projects open-source, so anyone can take it on themselves to work on the Gmod video projects out of their own free will and leisure. If you are perplexed, open source projects do not just extend to programs on a computer, but they also extend to other forms of media, such as movies, anime, western animation, etc. The idea here, is to allow for custom distributions of adding in episodes that fill in the blanks, recreate the episodes, coupled with different endings to the story by different gmodders, etc, so long as the true creator(s) of the projects will be credited as sources, and the characters are faithful to what the bundled character articles entail. Your projects can become open-source projects considering the fact that most of them are unfinished, and it will be such a waste to have them canceled. However, I also want to emphasize that... in this recent year, I created new TF2 Female Scout lines, considering that DustyOldRoses has been absent for years when it comes to voicing Fem classes. I will provide the link below. This is considering you have Female Scout TF2 Freaks and characters.

That's all you will get. Good riddance.

UPDATE 2: Here we go again, yet another response from TheInfartedShadow... Why am I not surprised?

To start off Chris, I was also not expecting Glitchy to take my accusations seriously, as they are overly adament to keep you in order to make animations for them as opposed to being concerned of their reputation and name. This is almost the same sort of parallel with the BBC in the UK, covering up for Jimmy Saville and his dirty deeds, with the exception of the pedophilia. So in short, I am not surprised in the slightest.

My point being, and I don't care if you don't claim to be some form of celebrity, because you are NOT, a bloody role model. By the same token dude, you wanted to claim that you are no celebrity. I heavily doubt that, because when looking at your main channel on YouTube in the about section, I saw this:

"Just a place where I--a self-proclaimed underdog in the Gmod community--upload many videos made in Garry's Mod, featuring a variety of differing themes and media. It's pretty much just stuff I like, and nothing less.

It has been said I'm a credit to the Gmod machinima community, as my friends, followers and many other fellow Gmodders have said to me. And I'm humbly honored to be titled as such. :)"

And don't think that you are being humble, because that's you only sugercoating your pompous and haughty language that you used not so long ago. What that shows, from my judgement against you, you have too much of an ego and an arrogant sense of self that you cannot truly bring yourself to admit on the wrongs and toxicity you do. All this time, fine, I am desperate, but the only thing I am desperate in here, is to shed light that you are using and manipulating friends of yours through lies and half-truths that you are some sort of hero, which is just simply pathetic, and to have most of your acolytes going after and shutting down your critics. You are NOT a hero, nor are you a good person. You are just a narcissistic, cynical douchebag wanting people to blindly go along with everything you say and do, despite proclaiming that you don't.

What shocks me, is that I never thought you would stoop this low; is that you delved into my comments history on DeviantArt and extracted one of my hashtag comments, that are meant to make finding images for others more easier, in an attempt to villify me. You also go out of your way to claim that I have fetishes to accuse me of being a pedophile! Brother! Have you even thought through that dense head of yours whether or not I am being sexually predatory? What annoys me even more, is that you yourself had watched The Loud House show, and you know deep down that farting/dutch ovens, or gassiness, is actually part of Lynn Loud Jr.'s tomboyish persona. How much of a reckless wighead are you? You want me to call pety? Then this is mutual. To go even a step further, even if I do have a fetish like that, which most people do, how on Earth can this be used against someone if they are not found to be a criminal? I'm sorry, but you once again crossed a line, which is accusing someone of being a pedophile over simply having a fetish. And again, this is also based on a tomboy character who is purposefully written to be like this! And besides, the comment I made on Caprine's AI art(?) of Lynn, is not just me joking around, but of course I am doing a request. But here's the thing, this is not just meant to be a homage on Lynn Loud's character, but let's be honest, this is not me being sexual. This is me taking delight and cracking some humour. In short, you need your head examined before making inflammatory accusations like this. What will also happen down the line, so long as you recklessly make accusations of this nature based on trivial things unless taken too far... you will be facing legal consequences for defamation and framing of innocent people. This is what disgusts me most of all about this whole thing, and there is no point in arguing otherwise. To also note, for all your admission of being petty yourself, you resumed to going back to doing it. Either you stop being a petty douche, or you don't. Which is it?

Going back to the whole misopedism thing, I still stand by with everything I said against you in that regard. Not only do I find your claim that so many people don't like kids, is not just a disgusting insult to child victims, but it is also a blatant lie. While it is true most if not so many people hate children, these are bad people anyway you are talking about. You may hate to hear this, but this is a fact; just because misopedism exists, does not make these sort of people to become immune to being also pedophiles themselves. See, this may be a more drastic example, but to barrel back to the whole Jimmy Saville saga that happened a century ago, whilst the allegations against him are ongoing, Jimmy openly stated that he hates children in order to manipulatively absolve himself of ANY wrongdoing. And disgracefully and horrifically, it partly worked for him, but as far as logic goes, this is him adding another layer of corruption to his toxic and malignant persona. So to anyone and yourself presumably, that thinks hating/disliking children will save you from being pedophiles, is insanely cynical, naïve, and idiotic. And my retort, like I said before, you Chris and ALL of us Humans, were children once, and you refuse to ram that into that thick skull of yours. Considering that you are a misopedist, and claiming that I am being a petty person, it again proves that, if anything, you are a double-hypocrite. In other words, you hate/dislike hypocrisy/hypocrites, but you are being a hypocrite yourself. And that's exactly how you behaved here.

"Now before I close things off, I'll say again, Toxic. I was prepared to ignore you. I was. But when you went the extra mile to try and get good people to break off from me because you're a petty, vindictive, degenerate manchild, you broke off any goodwill I had." Like you had any measure of good will to begin with, because I heavily doubted that. You NEVER, had any sort of good will.

"If you see Toxic on these accounts or anywhere, just block and ignore him." To argue against this, blocking me is not just betraying the democratic values we follow in not taking away people's voices, but it is also a cowards way out, no matter how you want to gloss it over. Deny it all you want, but you don't even respect democratic rights of others. The only scenarios where blocking someone should be plausible, is A) if someone is constantly harassing you, or B), is posing a significant threat to you.

All in all Shadow, Chris, or whoever you want to call yourself, all of what you are saying doesn't change anything, and most of what I am saying is indeed true. And you cannot fight it. So for your own sake, and your public image, back off from the community and never return, if you know what's good for you.

UPDATE 3: First off, Chris, your accusations and responses are not only reckless but also demonstrative of how little thought you put into addressing the arguments presented to you. Your latest tirade is not only misguided but outright laughable in many respects. Allow me to dismantle your points piece by piece:

You’ve gone so far as to baselessly accuse me of having inappropriate intentions toward a fictional character, Lynn Loud Jr. This is an outrageous leap of logic, and your attempt to weaponize it as a smear tactic is pathetic at best. If you’re so disgusted, why not direct your outrage toward The Loud House writers, whose creative decisions defined the character, rather than someone critiquing the show or its themes?

More importantly, let’s address the heart of the matter: the idea that discussing a fictional character’s traits equates to condoning inappropriate behavior is absurd. Fictional characters are not real people, Chris. Learn the difference before throwing around dangerous accusations.

Regarding my comparison to the Jimmy Saville scandal, you’ve twisted my words into a fabricated claim. Let me be clear: I never said you are equivalent to Saville. The point was to critique the false belief that disliking children inherently absolves someone of predatory behavior. That’s the same flawed logic Saville exploited to cover his heinous actions. I referenced this to deconstruct your notion - not to equate you with him. Your inability to grasp the context is both concerning and disappointing.

You consistently jump to conclusions without properly considering what’s being said. Your accusations against me regarding pedophilia are not only slanderous but completely unfounded. I never called you a pedophile; instead, I criticized your dismissal of others’ concerns with your hostility toward children. If your behavior invites such questions, that’s a reflection of your inability to articulate your stance clearly, not of my arguments. Grow up and take accountability for your words.

You claim that I am spamming or harassing people by leaving comments, yet fail to see the hypocrisy in pointing out others’ actions while excusing your own. Criticizing someone publicly and providing counterpoints to their views is not harassment. In fact, your attempts to rally others to block and report me for simply countering your baseless claims show a troubling level of fragility. Public figures, especially those with a community like yours, should be held accountable for their words. If you can’t handle that, perhaps you’re the one who should step back.

You love to preach about not responding to “toxicity with toxicity,” yet your own actions - public insults, baseless accusations, and rallying others to block me - contradict your supposed principles. You claim to despise harassment, yet you use your platform to engage in exactly that. This isn’t just hypocritical; it’s blatantly manipulative. Practice what you preach before accusing others of failing to meet your standards.

You suggest I’m attempting to “cancel” you when the truth is, I’m holding you accountable for your actions and statements. You refuse to take responsibility, instead resorting to ad hominem attacks and inflammatory rhetoric. The fact that you feel threatened by accountability says more about you than it does about me.

Bringing up my autism as a way to dismiss all my arguments is not only mentalist but entirely hypocritical given your claim to be autistic yourself. You of all people should understand that autism is not an excuse, nor is it a weapon to invalidate someone’s position. That you would stoop to such levels is not only disappointing but reflective of your inability to engage in good-faith discourse. And besides, that message was so many years old, meaning I was a different and more of an immature person back then. So how is this evidence even legitimate at this stage? Same time, I do regret what I did back then, and yes, autism should only be used as an explanation, as opposed to being an excuse for one's own actions and words.

You end your response with insults, calling me a “degenerate, desperate, petty, vindictive manchild.” This personal attack only underscores your inability to argue substantively. Name-calling doesn’t strengthen your position; it weakens it by showing that you’ve run out of legitimate arguments. If anyone here is acting childish, it’s you.

Chris, you’ve consistently misrepresented my arguments, weaponized baseless accusations, and resorted to ad hominem attacks when faced with valid criticism. You claim to be justified in your actions, but your words and behaviors prove otherwise. Accountability is not harassment, and criticism is not toxicity. If you truly want to foster a positive community, start by looking in the mirror and addressing your own failings.

You’ve accused me of wanting to “cancel” you, but in truth, I simply want you to take responsibility for the harm your actions and words cause. Until you can engage in good-faith discussions without resorting to personal attacks and inflammatory rhetoric, you’ll continue to be part of the problem.


I criticize you people based on substance of what your peronas entail, as well as from what you say to my and others faces, as opposed to fabrication. You Shadow and Turk, may have the potential to be honest, but from what I had seen, is that you people are being extremely two-faced in this regard. Why? The reason being, is because half the time, you mix together facts with something very dishonest and accusations that hold no water, meaning the both of you are not people of logic and reason, but people of emotion.

And don‘t sit there with both of you saying that you don’t, because I have witnessed you both trying to condemn and gaslight me over something I had said, when really, what I said is anything but. That’s something similar to what sensational and cancerous red tops/yellow journalists do. Sensationalism exaggerates problems to the point something becomes uncredible and very unrealistic. Call me a charlatan if you so please, but I am not an idiot. I know you and TurkishPhantom’s type from observation of your personalities over the years. If you guys stop gaslighting, exaggerating my criticisms, and manipulating your audience with your narcissistic expletives, then maybe I and others who are against you, will take you seriously. I don’t claim to be holier than thou, because I do have plenty of faults. But you people are no better considering all the crap I have previously mentioned. The burden of proof is entrusted to you, but I am not expecting you people to learn the error of your ways.

When it comes to teen years, it can be incredibly difficult if not impossible to tell what exact age the characters are, unless noted by the creators. Is that something to fault porn creators of? No one is at fault in that regard, so why claim otherwise? Child porn is disgusting and reprehensible, and I don't shy away from saying it. I am not a pedophile.

Because you are too much of a stubborn Mule to internalize my points and consider through them, we are getting nowhere. There are some who are against me, don't get me wrong, but not only is that not true (because all gmodders is again, unrealistic since not everyone knows me), but most of them are also toxic people like GmodViolet, who stabbed me in the back twice.

Call me a hypocrite if you so wish, but if anything, we are all hypocrites, you, me, TurkishPhantom, etc. That's as even and as fair as I can get. But you are not helping your case if you and Turk, are going to arrogantly dismiss absolutely everything I say without any semblance of thinking objectively. And again, you are denying your own faults, of course the both of you are exaggerating what I am saying. If you want me to look in the mirror, why can't the both of you take in your own words?

Just because you and TurkishPhantom, don't want to listen to me, does NOT always make me wrong. If I were to call out a member of yours within the community while you dismiss what I said, yet the same person betrays you and viscously throws you ignorant morons under the bus, how would you even feel at this stage about what I tried to warn you about? My answer to both of you, is don't come crying and sobbing to me about it, and I told you so. Both of you have too much of a stroked ego to even take all allegations, claims, and accusations seriously, which shows how toxic this community has gotten. You also didn't even bother, to take my past seriously on how I went down into this spiral in the first place.

Let's do a recap; ever since 2011, when I first joined the TF2 Freak community, I was a different person back then, and I was more immature. I recklessly added theme songs to all TF2 Freaks and stupidly didn’t do my own research if there are guidelines. And most of all, I did not care enough to take false information seriously back then. Kugawattan banned me, justifiably, I admit, but as years go by, my grievances started to crystallize the more I am within the community, especially considering the callous, unscrupulous persona Kugawattan has, which become more glaringly evident. Same goes for some of the TF2 Freakologists like SarisKhan, Xho, and ShermanZAtank. These people, considering their toxicity and draconian guidelines, are partly to blame for my reputation back then, and it is something, to this day, I am NOT even proud of in the slightest. What I shouldn’t have done, is mention you in one of my poorly done rants back in 2015, then I wouldn’t even be here in this ordeal right now. But even then, that is before I even fully saw you for who you are. I don’t want to go on yet another lambasting scripture of what the TF2 Freakologists were all about, because I already done that, and I already have links in this very description, so look again.

If you people think the Garry’s Mod and SFM communities are healthy, welcoming, and unifying landscapes, you are truly mistaken and astonishingly naïve. The world is not as black and white as you think. The pain and trauma I went through, is something I am justifiably bitter against. Kugawattan may be gone, for now, but much like you, Shadow, and other toxic members, deserve to be ostracized from our community, because your divisiveness and toxicity, are poisoning it from within. If I had my way in government, while I do appreciate freedom of speech, it is not absolute, so I will be more than happy to make opinions that are truly divisive and poisonous to society, such as bigotry like misopedism, racism, etc, deserve to be made illegal. I understand Germany would have the same thing in place for understandable reasons. And quite frankly, we are being far too easy and nice to bigots in terms of their reprehensible world views. It’s harsh, but so long as bigotry lingers without any repercussions, it is a disgraceful state of affairs within the prism of democratic systems. Bigots should be branded as criminals, regardless of their background. They may still have due process, but there needs to be an example made of these people.

The choice is yours Shadow and TurkishPhantom, on the behalf of everyone else in this community, abandon your divisive and toxic behaviours, publicly apologize to me and all of your followers and viewers, make amends, or continue this war. I won’t be holding back, and I will sure as Hell fight fire with fire.

You have one last chance to grow up and address all of what I said in a more meaningful way, otherwise I WILL have no alternative but to not just block you, but delete your comments here for constantly pestering me. So much for you Shadow saying, "don't respond with toxicity with toxicity..." So stop being a petulant coward and start listening. I reiterate, this is your final chance. Understood?

#tishadow #rant #theinvertedshadow #toxicpeople #turkishpantom #darkturk #garrysmodcommunity #toxicindividuals #bigots #antibigotry #misopedism #antimisopedism


Video by Richter Overtime:

Orderin' a pretzel. (
submitted 2 years ago by NoKnowledge7965 to c/gmod
Harlem City (
submitted 2 years ago by vintprox to c/gmod

So, it's an old slideshow/video I've made back when "Harlem Shake" was all the rage (kinda) and people gathered on some Russian server with gm_bigcity. Everyone dance!