Feddit UK

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Community for the Feddit UK instance.
A place to log issues, and for the admins to communicate with everyone.

founded 1 year ago

Was feddit.uk down for a while yesterday

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I think I know the answer to this but just wanted to check incase it was something else. I'm trying to subscribe to some new communities and can't.

For example: https://feddit.uk/c/[email protected] returns the error message:

The server returned this error: couldnt_find_community.

I think it is to do with the 0.19 Lemmy instance upgrade (and the fact that we haven't upgraded yet) but can't confirm that.

Is that correct or is it something else? 🍻

Edit: Ok this is quite embarrassing. The moment I made this post I was able to access the community and subscribe. I swear this wasn't working a few hours ago and right before I made the post.... honest 😄. I'll leave this post up incase there's a better explanation in the comments.


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/4927687

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/9347983

What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.

Major Changes

This release is very large with almost 400 commits since 0.18.5. As such we can only give a general overview of the major changes in this post, and without going into detail. For more information, read the full changelog and linked issues at the bottom of this post.

Improved Post Ranking

There is a new scaled sort which takes into account the number of active users in a community, and boosts posts from less-active communities to the top. Additionally there is a new controversial sort which brings posts and comments to the top that have similar amounts of upvotes and downvotes. Lemmy's sorts are detailed here.

Instance Blocks for Users

Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn't affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

Two-Factor-Auth Rework

Previously 2FA was enabled in a single step which made it easy to lock yourself out. This is now fixed by using a two-step process, where the secret is generated first, and then 2FA is enabled by entering a valid 2FA token. It also fixes the problem where 2FA can be disabled without passing any 2FA token. As part of this change, 2FA is disabled for all users. This allows users who are locked out to get into their account again.

New Federation Queue

Outgoing federation actions are processed through a new persistent queue. This means that actions don't get lost if Lemmy is restarted. It is also much more performant, with separate senders for each target instance. This avoids problems when instances are unreachable. Additionally it supports horizontal scaling across different servers. The endpoint /api/v3/federated_instances contains details about federation state of each remote instance.

Remote Follow

Another new feature is support for remote follow. When browsing another instance where you don't have an account, you can click the subscribe button and enter the domain of your home instance in the popup dialog. It will automatically redirect you to your home instance where it fetches the community and presents a subscribe button. Here is a video showing how it works.

Authentication via Header or Cookie

Previous Lemmy versions used to send authentication tokens as part of the parameters. This was a leftover from websocket, which doesn't have any separate fields for this purpose. Now that we are using HTTP, authentication can finally be passed via jwt cookie or via header Authorization: Bearer . The old authentication method is not supported anymore to simplify maintenance. A major benefit of this change is that Lemmy can now send cache-control headers depending on authentication state. API responses with login have cache-control: private, those without have cache-control: public, max-age=60. This means that responses can be cached in Nginx which reduces server load.


Reports are now resolved automatically when the associated post/comment is marked as deleted. This reduces the amount of work for moderators. There is a new log for image uploads which stores uploader. For now it is used to delete all user uploads when an account is purged. Later the list can be used for other purposes and made available through the API.

Cursor based pagination

0.19 adds support for cursor based pagination on the /api/v3/post/list endpoint. This is more efficient for the database. Instead of a query parameter ?page=3, listing responses now include a field "next_page": "Pa46c" which needs to be passed as ?page_cursor=Pa46c. The existing pagination method is still supported for backwards compatibility, but will be removed in the next version.

User data export/import

Users can now export their data (community follows, blocklists, profile settings), and import it again on another instance. This can be used for account migrations and also as a form of backup. The export format is designed to remain unchanged for a long time. You can make regular exports, and if the instance becomes unavailable, register a new account and import the data. This way you can continue using Lemmy seamlessly.

Time zone handling

Lemmy didn't have any support for timezones, which led to bugs when federating with other platforms. This is now fixed by using UTC timezone for all timestamps.

ARM64 Support

Thanks to help from @raskyld and @kroese, there are now offical Lemmy releases for ARM64 available.

Activity now includes voters

Upgrade instructions

Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker. The upgrade should take less than 30 minutes.

If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.

Pict-rs 0.5 is also close to releasing. The upgrade takes a while due to a database migration, so read the migration guide to speed it up. Note that Lemmy 0.19 still works perfectly with pict-rs 0.4.

Thanks to everyone

We'd like to thank our many contributors and users of Lemmy for coding, translating, testing, and helping find and fix bugs. We're glad many people find it useful and enjoyable enough to contribute.

Support development

We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for over three years. This is largely thanks to support from NLnet foundation, as well as donations from individual users.

This month we are running a funding drive with the goal of increasing recurring donations from currently €4.000 to at least €12.000. With this amount @dessalines and @nutomic can each receive a yearly salary of €50.000 which is in line with median developer salaries. It will also allow one additional developer to work fulltime on Lemmy and speed up development.

Read more details in the funding drive announcement.

Some questions (self.feddituk)
submitted 7 months ago by Prking to c/[email protected]

A couple of weeks have passed, the dust seems to have settled but there are a few important questions remaining. These give a little concern for the future.

Is there more than one admin able to update the instance?

Does someone other than Tom have access to the server in case it goes down or has a problem?

Are backups being taken and if so does more than one person have access to them?


Wikipedia Article, Website. I love this colour scheme and I was wondering if an admin can take a look at adding a theme for it. If you did I would really appreciate it.


First off, I understand that this isn't our top priority right now, but I am scared that this can will be kicked far too down the road. I also don't want to cause a storm of drama here, nor a split. No hard feelings here to Emperor, Tom or Albatross.


When we came up with the idea for our next Instance to replace feddit.uk, we settled on a name and bought a domain for it. That domain was quackhouse.uk . We decided it was a fun-loving name and carried numerous benefits: • .UK TLD. Which was very important. • Not tied to Reddit. • Easy to say and memorable • Not tied to Lemmy. • Not tied to the Fediverse.

We were quite excited for Quackhouse, and to have such a last minute development for Quackhouse was disappointing.

Why Quackhouse?

Why did we decide the last two weren't a good idea? Well, to start, people who are interested in Lemmy and the Federation aspect would go for a lemmy instance anyway regardless of the name. I believe we aren't that stupid as to say "oh, it has lemmy/federated in it, it must be good!". HOWEVER just say you are trying to persuade your mate down the pub to join. He likes the idea of a forum for British-type subjects with no advertisements, tracking, and is voluntary donation-funded. However he isn't tech savvy. It would still be perfectly reasonable to tell him "Hey! There's a really nice community for discussing UK Related subjects! It's called Quackhouse.uk! (Mention some forums etc), Want to join?" Therefore for all he knows is that he's joined up to a site, there is content and discussion, he's happy. He doesn't know yet that there are users from other websites interacting with him, but he knows how to use it and he's happy. He'll probably figure out about it eventually but it won't be off-putting.

This approach wouldn't harm the "power-user" tech enthusiast, but it would be inviting to both and benefit growth.

Lemmy's growth problem

People were saying during Reddit's downfall to "join Lemmy" but I must be honest, even I resisted at first. The whole step of choosing an instance was REALLY off-putting. So I think an alternative approach would be to tell people about the instance instead of the fediverse in some cases.

The Feddit.UK problem

Has anyone here tried telling anyone who wasn't in the know about Feddit.uk? If you don't believe me, tell someone. Your response will most likely be: "Is that a Reddit knockoff?" Everytime I have told someone about this place, I have gotten a weird look and something to the tune of this response. Reddit isn't really the most heavily regarded site in the eyes of some, so who would want to make a Knock-off Reddit

I am not Tom and I mean no harm at all to him, but I reckon he kind of just set this up in haste as a pet project (which is perfectly fine, I have had similar experiences)

The fact of the matter is, this is a Reddit knockoff. You cannot deny it. And the main reason you cannot deny it is because it's literally in the name. However we can claim that the upvote/downvote layout is just a bog-standard forum layout (quite a few sites like Stack Overflow use it now anyway)

And I think this community is better than being named after a Reddit knockoff.

Feddit.UK's doomed future.

Feddit.UK has two inevitable futures.

    • The Fediverse loses hype along with lemmy and everyone who wants to join has joined. We fade into obscurity.
    • We keep growing, and then Reddit will eventually notice and will shut us down because we literally are infringing their copyright. We have no basis or ground to defend that.

My proposal to you:

We change domains, preferably to Quackhouse.uk. We even had a logo and a mascot designed 🦆. We were on the verge of launching it as well, domain bought, server bought.

My proposed method.

I don't think we should see this as making a new community per say, but making an extension of an already existing house and moving our good stuff over to the new part of the building. Or even better yet; just a name change

We do this in phases:

1: The hatching: Once we have everything soon enough settled, we make Quackhouse.UK as it was planned. Enable sign ups.

2: The Flock Migration: We migrate all of our main staple-UK communities over to Quackhouse. Eventually culminating in them being closed here through turning off posting.

  1. Shut down Feddit.UK sign-ups. Keep the instance itself running forever unless Reddit get angry. People can keep their feddit accounts, just keep it updated for legacy's sake. Put no pressure on Feddit users to migrate their accounts, but maybe offer the option.

Why not make Quackhouse a separate Instance and keep Feddit.UK unlocked? Right now, Feddit.UK is the Go-To place for British Discourse on Lemmy. We need the whole community behind this and unity. If we keep Feddit.UK up, then it will likely choke out Quackhouse's communities as there would be no reason to switch. Quackhouse was always planned to be a new home for Feddit.UK users. However, now Tom has kind of come in last minute and... Well.. our plans are a bit screwed.

Feddit.de is fine, though?

For now it is, I feel it will face a similar fate if it grows. Reddit is not going to like this violation one way or another.

All country specific instances uses feddit

While that holds a bit of water, there's no reason why we have to conform to that.


I think it's more worthwhile inconveniencing people to resub to specific communties rather than letting them die in the inevitable downfall.


Feddit.uk is a problemed name and it needs to be changed. I propose we push on with changing it promptly, but when the time is right. It should be done in a way so that people don't lose their existing feddit.uk accounts.


We're looking to put together some more detailed rules on what should and should not be submitted to the instance. Things such as, but not exclusively:

  • What types of message you would always like to see removed on sight
  • Whether there are any types of message which should be left up (borderline, with strong corrections from the community)
  • Where the line is drawn on political views (and how gray areas should be treated)

I'll make no bones: Moderating uk/ukpol has been a learning experience for me.
I've learned that there often isn't much difference between "leaving a comment up because the community has done an excellent job highlighting flaws" and "I should have removed this hours ago, the community shouldn't have to do this".
As there isn't a way to mod-tag a post, inaction on negative posts can reflect badly on the instance as a whole.

Having some clear guidelines/rules will hopefully simplify things.
And more admins should mean that if a report isn't looked at, someone can review it as an escalation.

I've also enabled the slur filters. And we'll be listening to see if anything needs adding/removing (the template had swearing blocked :| )

So...Answers on a postcard, I guess!

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi all, sorry for a lack of updates but there's been a lot going on behind the scenes and events moved rather rapidly.

I recently posted that we were going to have to move to another instance because our only Admin was missing and problems looked to be piling up.

Fortunately, Tom dropped me a line the other day and he has updated the instance and made GreatAlbatross and myself Admins.

So the immediate crisis has been averted and we've fallen back to the original plan which was get more Admins in place and work to ensure there's no single point of failure, so any one of us could get hit by a bus (bagsy not me) and the instance will carry on.

Soooo bear with us while we thrash out the details of what else needs doing to ensure the continuity of the instance and while I figure out what all the new buttons do (hopefully not by mashing them all at once just to see what happens).

In the meantime there are likely problems that need fixing. I know, for example, that some are still having email verification problems and have been waiting a while, so I'll figure out how to resolve this and work through the pinned post here. If you have this problem then post there and we'll get it sorted.

If there are any other issues you want to flag up for attention then you can do so here or contact one of the new admins.

And, finally, thanks to everyone for their enthusiasm for this instance in the other thread and elsewhere, if the folks on here hadn't formed a great community that they felt was worth the time and effort to save we wouldn't be here now with the future looking more secure. Tom built the house but you all made it a home. So carry on...

edit 1: I'll keep tagging things on as I think of them. Firstly, we'll be keeping the Matrix space - it'll be our fallback if the server goes down and provides people with an encrypted (and private if needed) channel of communication. If you add your Matrix ID to your profile it adds a secure DMs button to your.profile, so Matrix and Lemmy are integrated to a degree.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sooo if you skim the previous posts on here, you'll know that Feddit.uk's only Admin (@[email protected]) has been missing for a couple of months and in that time we were defederated by lemmy.world (although we're back now) and we are one upgrade behind (just a minor fix) with one much bigger one whistling down the pipeline that may defederate us from other instances that upgrade (it may not but I know most of us don't want to roll those dice).

We've tried various ways of contacting Tom and had no reply so we are forced to move forwards with moving to a new instance.

So, this is the plan:

~~Phase 1: Register a domain~~ hndone by greatalbatross.

~~Phase 2: Sort out hosting~~ - done by me.

Phase 3: Start instance - pending a final inspection of the hosting in the next day or so.

Phase 4: Onboarding - this will happen in waves:

Wave 1: Admins go in and make sure nothing is broken.

Wave 2: Moderators sign-up and re-start communities, get any bots running and just generally get a second set of eyes on things so we can be happy that we are ready to let people in.

Wave 3: We'll start adding people already on Feddit.uk by hand - invitations will presumably have to go to inboxes on feddit.uk so we can ensure no-one is poaching a username for devilment. This will give the system a bit of a stress test.

Wave 4: We'll let people apply to join and this should get things moving quicker.

Wave 5: Open registration.

Phase 5: Shuttering Feddit.uk - the Moderators will post pinned messages in their communities directing people to the new ones and then we'll start the sad process of closing down the communities that we can.

Events should all start moving pretty quickly and, whole I may be being optimistic, we will likely reach the point of no return (specifically Tom's return) in a week or two.

Current Admins:  

There's a Matrix space that we'll keep as a fallback in case if problems with the instant (although it will be renamed at some point). It also provides secure encrypted communication if anyone needed to flag anything up privately (and Matrix is built into Lemmy - add your Matrix ID into your profile and it provides a secure messaging button in your profile, so if you need to contact an Admin you can do it directly from there too, at least for me).

Sorry about all hassle, none of us wanted this but it is forced upon us and the feeling from everyone's previous comments is that we didn't want to lose what we have here, even if we have to rebuild in a new instance.

I'll throw the floor open to comments and questions.


More possible woes for Feddit.uk? The next version of Lemmy is coming but it's at least 4 weeks away.

Reading the comments though, is was interesting to find out there are two guys developing Lemmy full time with another two about to join. That doesn't include the people who contribute in their spare time as well.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We are federated with the paedophile instance people have been complaining about. And I don't think I want to wait until their content starts showing in my time line. We need an admin ASAP or jump ship.

See here: https://sh.itjust.works/post/6400367


As already noted in the thread on our being defederated by lemmy.world, we are now refederated for the time-being. However, as noted by one of the l.w admins if there are any spamming issues we'll be back out again and if the upgrades stop we will have trouble with federation (lemmy.one is still not on the latest version, while we are), so there is still a need to sort this out.


I start a space on Matrix as a fallback in case of issues here. lemmy.world have one (and a Discord channel) in case their instance is down and it's a handy way to push out announcements. Hopefully, it doesn't need to get used much but...

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've noticed today that [email protected] hasn't had any new posts or comments for about a day now.

However when I go to https://lemmy.world/c/world in the browser there's way more activity.

The post when on feddit.uk https://feddit.uk/post/2700378

Same post when on Lemmy.world https://lemmy.world/post/5717372?scrollToComments=true

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

@[email protected] I am seeing a lot of spam from kbin.social and, digging into it, it looks like there's a bug in kbin so that moderation decisions don't federate properly.

L.W have already blocked their communities (rather than defederate them, as some instances have done) and it's only going to become a bigger issue - discussion of L.W's decision in the link.

edit: here are two examples: 1 and 2.


Hello again, posted a few weeks ago about turning on 2fa by mistake and that I'd turned it off soon after. When I went to login again on desktop I was prompted for 2fa token, a token I do not have.

Now afew weeks later I still have not resolved this issue. Is this something that an admin would even have the power to rectify? If not then could they delete my account to free up my email. I am currently using eternity a client app for Lemmy feddit and does not have account tools to delete..


Hopefully it stays that way

Thank you Tom :)


Hi so I was in my feddit account settings on browser and I enabled 2FA but didnt see a code to add to authenticator so disabled it straight away, I am now trying to log in on desktop again and I'm met with input for 2FA token.. Can this be resolved?


If I click a post from my profile, it won't load the parent comments. I then click show context but it just reloads the same.

Any ideas?


Seems like .world is where all the big communities are but I'm sure there's other instances with some cool discussions going on


JSON.parse: unexpected character

I keep getting this error code when I try to upload photos, even if I save them from paint. It happens if it's png or jpg. Can someone help me?


Anyone else having issues updating settings or profile? Pressing save doesn't do anything, but works fine on other instances for me.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey guys,

Sorry about the absence, have been super busy with life, other projects and the nightmare of buying a flat lol.

Instance should be updated to 0.18.3, as some of you have noticed the website has been periodically down the last few weeks (at most by half an hour at a time) will keep monitoring the uptime after this update but hopefully this partially fixes it


Curious if there is a specific update schedule when the site goes down for maintenance/when the latest releases are loaded or if it's ad-hoc?

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