Defence Tactics

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I finally got around to reading this the other day and I was absolutely floored by the wisdom of this book. Obviously it is a bit outdated and I don't agree with everything but I feel like I've glimpsed into the mind of a warrior who truly understood combat. Did anyone else have a similar reaction?


Excellent video! He makes some great points!


Hypothetically, there's no immediate option to escape a person who has attacked you and is intent on causing you further harm. Do you think you would be able to fight back and create an opportunity to escape? Do you have a plan for if things go sideways and you end up on the ground with them raining blows down upon you? Can you fight to survive until your last breath?


Your typical martial arts/self defence clubs can be prohibitively expensive for the poorest sections of the working class and they foster a culture that is hostile to people of our background and politics.

Everything from the imposed necessity of gis, which significantly break from the real life conditions in which one might necessarily need to use self defence skills, to engagement with the belt system, which necessitates the purchase of more and more belts as one advances in their chosen art; all of it erects barriers that deter ordinary people from establishing their own independent community through which to cultivate self defence skills. On balance, most traditional martial arts gyms foster a reactionary political perspective amongst their members, and are dominated by figures with such an outlook.

If we're to break with this tendency we will need to establish our own socialist infrastructure. This might sound daunting, but it's already been done; In my own city, there already exists a red gym that is highly accessible to people of a left wing persuasion. It protects and welcomes queer people into their classes and equips them with the skills they need to defend themselves at an extremely low entry cost. Belts and gis aren't a part of their progression, and to my knowledge all members dues have gone towards keeping up with the rent at their venue and acquiring more and more equipment. To my knowledge, nothing is skimmed off the top. The organisers of this gym cut their teeth in Anti-Fascist Action, an organisation that confronted and fought the neo-Nazi thugs of the national front and the BNP throughout Britain in the 80s and 90s. Now they turn their attention to passing their skills on to a new generation. If it can be done here, it can be done in your neighbourhood too.

I appeal to any and all socialist martial artists on here to organise your own clubs in your communities. Reach out to each other, network, pool your equipment and be on the lookout for appropriate venues to hold classes. We don't need to be beholden to reactionaries for self-defence training, we can build our own alternatives instead.


Recently I have been harassed by strangers for my appearance and I feel unsafe where I live so I would love to learn how I can defend myself safely and effectively.