Boomers Being Fools

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A community for stories regarding boomers being fools.

Unaffiliated with the subreddit.

founded 6 months ago

In a clip from the show, which aired in November of last year, the 68-year-old suggested that the generation didn’t want to work and if they did, they would for as little as four hours.

Goldberg also insisted that moving out and buying a property has always been hard and young people simply needed to 'get it done' like their parents, grandparents and great grandparents.

The One in a Theme Park (self.boomersbeingfools)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by cheeseblintzes to c/boomersbeingfools

In a former life, in the faraway land of not my current location-- I worked at a theme park whose name sounded like Paul Whitney Earth.

I worked in restaurants and custodial while there, so I always enjoyed picking up shifts covering the evening parades in other locations on my days off.

One evening, I was on the main drag of that location's parades making sure the patrons were keeping the walkway clear as they found their prime viewing spots.

As I am meandering up and down the road, I find a boomer standing in the middle of the walkway. I put my biggest, bestest, smile on and proceeded with my rodent-approved monologue, asking the boomer if they could please find another location either further up or further down the main drag to safely view the parade... they huffed off and I expected that to be the end of it.

Ten minutes later, as I'm whistling while I work and having a zipidee doo dah day, I run into this villain again-- this time, hiding in a doorway.

While rodents can quickly escape doorways in the event of a fire... humans cannot.

I needed this boomer to move,

I needed them to move NOW,

and I needed to stress the importance of this in as happy a tone as possible... lest the big cheese snap his mousetrap on me.

So, I give it my go... somehow turning 'if you stay here and we have a fire you are far more likely to die than the other tens of thousands of humans here NOT standing in a doorway,' into the rootin-est tootin-est nicest vocal dress down in the west.

Mrs. Facilier proceeded to grab me by my bowtie and shirt, start screaming in my face that she wasn't causing any problems, that there was nowhere else to stand, and that she was STAYING IN THIS DOORWAY MOUSE DAMMIT.

A lifetime and galaxy away... I wonder if she regrets having a lifetime trespass. Must suck not being able to take your grand ratdroppings to the Cheese Chalet, when it was seemingly so important to be there to begin with.

Southwest Airlines Boomer (self.boomersbeingfools)
submitted 6 months ago by cheeseblintzes to c/boomersbeingfools

At the top of the month, my husband and I were flying to Texas for the weekend so I could keep my A List perks.

When we landed in Dallas, I noticed the row behind us had one person on either side of the aisle-- both pilots.

As we were waiting to disembark, I started talking to the one directly behind us-- who was around our mid-young millennial age-- about his job, how they travel between airports or flights, and proceeded to thank him for getting passengers to their destinations safely when he was in the cockpit.

As we proceeded off the airplane, the boomer from two rows behind the pilot who tried to disembark before our rows looked at the pilot and said, "You know... I was in Nam."

The pilot exchanged glances and a pained smirk with my husband and I, and proceeded to shut the boomer down with, ""

Arguably not the best example of a boomer being a fool... but the most recent one I've had. Still makes us laugh.

New Community Alert!! (self.boomersbeingfools)
submitted 6 months ago by cheeseblintzes to c/boomersbeingfools

Hi all!

I created the Lemmy version of Boomers Being Fools because I felt we were missing a core location to aggregate their follies.

I am not associated with the subreddit r/boomersbeingfools. I am open to their moderators coming and joining the mod team here, however.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season-- I hope you can keep your boomers at bay!