Antifascist activism

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A place for antifascist activism on Lemmy

founded 4 years ago

The Fair Representation Act has been re-introduced in Congress. This bold solution can stop gerrymandering and make Congress work for every American. 

The Fair Representation Act can solve partisan gerrymandering, make every congressional district competitive, and encourage politicians to represent all of us instead of just their base. It does this by combining three reforms: 

  • Multi-member districts. In three- or five-member districts, nearly every voter will elect a candidate they support. Voters like Massachusetts Republicans and Oklahoma Democrats will be represented in Congress. Gerrymandering will become nearly impossible.

  • Ranked choice voting for all U.S. House and Senate elections. RCV frees voters to support their favorite candidates, and encourages candidates to reach out to more voters for second-choice support. When RCV is used in multi-member districts, it is a form of proportional representation.

  • Uniform rules for congressional redistricting 

The Fair Representation Act can be passed without a constitutional amendment. It truly has the potential to transform our political system and create a more inclusive and deliberative government which respects and empowers all voices.


I found an information, that Klaus Barbie, the sadistic head of gestapo in Lyon, was an U$ spy, but Wikipedia tells nothing about it, it only gives a criptic link at the bottom to der Spigel article:

The Spigel article says that Americans helped flee Barbie to Bolivia in 1951. In some Polish source I found that in 1951 he fleed to Argentina, with the help of catholic bishop Alois Hudal (the one who helped dr Mengele), and then Barbie fleed to Bolivia.

This is so dirty I want to vomit.


My first night in Valhalla

My ancestors will ask me How did you die?

And I’ll say fighting fascists

My first night in Valhalla The allfather will ask me

What manner of battle did you die in?

And I’ll say I died a guérilla

My first night in valhalla

My ancestors will ask me What battle did you die in?

And I’ll say I died in the class war


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BreadTube is a place to check out left videos, discuss content from creators, and share memes and ideas.


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The screenshot shows the recommendations from

Still being federated with exploding-heads does not mean the instance supports them. But it means that shit-heads are allowed to take part in the discussions on their communities. They do intoxicate the discussions we will have. They will attack minorities. Maybe you will not be harassed by them, more vulnerable people will be. They are allowed to moderate communities on these instances. Exploding-heads members actively guide young and unknowing people to their hateful instance.

They try to start discussions about the holocaust They create communities only to crosspost exploding-heads content They take over discussions against them "WHY are vulnerable people joining a decentralized system? Isnt this why you want a closed, not for public eyes community?"

This was a link to exploding-heads, because when someone copies a permalink of a comment from them on another instance, it will be a link to their instance.

Are we building a place where vulnerable people are welcome and safe or are we building a place where nazis are welcome and safe?

They want you to block them, they comment that everywhere. They block people who are in favor of defederating them When their opponents won't see them anymore, they can harass and recruit without being noticed.

Blocking will not solve the problem. They will spread even when you close your eyes.

~~Maybe this was not done intentionally, but now~~ there is a post with a list of 'health communities on Lemmy' with the first entry guiding to exploding heads.

It is still possible that some of the mentioned instances do support them. The owner of says that because of “free speech” all other instances would be allowed. It is suspicious to me that his line is drawn only for lemmygrad

The decision to block the Lemmygrad instance was less a question of censorship, and more an issue of personal conviction. As a volunteer dedicating my personal resources and time to facilitating a space for users to create, discover, and discuss - not just on this instance, but across the Fediverse - I admit that this choice was made alone, selfishly, without the consent or thoroughly considering the collective opinion of the community. With the above said, has had the lemmygrad instance blocked from its first day.

I’d like to also point out that the lemmygrad instance has far more blocked instances than what is currently blocked here. Maybe you can create a post on that instance to see what that’s all about and report back?

At the same time they seem to ignore the call and vote to defederate with exploding-heads

They rejected to delete The_Donald from until they feared to get isolated from the other instances: They where aware of The_Donald and ignored early warnings. ( TD was more important to them than keeping the only mod of their 4th biggest community c/patientgamers (,

Since The_Donald was removed, I did not find more racist content on the mentioned servers. That is part their tactics. They act harmless but recruit to their instance, attract likeminded people and chase others away. Discussions on about such topics are very toxic already, soon they might be able to do more harm.

(My research is very limited, as i could not search for all exploding-heads member content on other instances by entering their domain. I know there are nice communities on

What can be done? On there is a Mastodon Server Covenant with very few useful rules, one of them is "Active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia". It would be a first step to implement these rules for At least instances that want to be recommended on there should have to agree to that rule.

More actions should be taken now. Please make suggestions. Things will only become more complicated. The next reddit wave is incoming.

For those who did not already know:

This is not the first time new platforms face these problems, do we really have to repeat the same mistakes?


-Contact admins

update: lemmy.word defederated eh


Antifascists arrived to the scene at 1:30pm, and SWS had already staged a large speaker system and had a handful of people in their crowd right outside the Lynnwood Event Center. Lynnwood PD had about 6 officers forming a line designated the area between the two protesting groups. All officers were facing antifascists at first, as if protecting their white supremacist brethren. They would later be directed to rotate every other officer to be facing the other side.

An umbrella wall, speaker playing the gayest copyrighted music, and a bunch of local queers of all ages held our side with us. TERFs and III% spent most of their time and energy trying to capture photos of our mostly covered faces. SWS tried to have people give speeches, but our chanting and music drowned them out and prevented them from finishing.

They played copyrighted music of their own, effectively preventing themselves from being able to livestream or use longer clips of their event. All [neo]fascist “reporters” tried their best to cut up their footage to make themselves look good, but they were not super successful. The copyrighted music made it hard to post to social media and with our umbrella wall and the police line they had trouble getting meme-able reactions from us that could go viral.

At one point, the antifascists played the national anthem, and the song “Proud to be an American,” at which point the TERFs actually turned off their own music to sing along while the antifascists laughed at them. They could not reconcile being upset with us for playing it and their need to stand with their hand over their heart and cry that we were anti-American terrorists.

It was estimated that the fash had around 70 people on their side at peak of the protest, with antifascists having more. Due to the inequitable space provided for the counter-protest, the fash were able to spread out more and make themselves appear bigger. But cameras don’t lie, and their own drone footage showed how much we outnumbered them.


Aside from a friend that was injured and a church community intimidated by the prospect of having been made into a hate lightning rod by the far-Right, it was an undisputed win.


In videos posted to social media online, antifascist protesters could be seen holding banners reading, “Never Again” and “Your Hate Is Not Welcome Here,” as Ryan Messano attempted to take the podium. In response, the Sacramento City Council was shut down, as the crowd erupted into shouting as the neo-Nazi wearing a Goyim Defense League shirt was seen throwing up a Hitler salute.


Community and housing advocates have been rallying at the Sacramento City Council in the last few weeks, demanding the city address the ongoing attacks on the houseless community. Attempts by Messano and other neo-Nazis to hijack these meetings to spew their racist and anti-Semitic conspiracies only serve to advance the same interests of wealthy developers and city bureaucrats who are pushing to steamroll the poor.


According to The Tribune, the counter-protest came together after several community members saw a group of four masked neo-Nazis holding a banner over a freeway overpass and one individual was seen giving a “raised…arm…“sieg heil” salute.”


Recently, we have formed a news agency under the name “M.A.R.T. Corp.” to reflect our position from Ukraine and Russia to progressive forces abroad.

The news agency M.A.R.T. Corp. expresses an independent view from the broad circles of the Ukrainian people who are opposed to the Kiev authorities. We wholeheartedly welcome and support the launch of a major campaign by the public of the United States and other countries for peace in Ukraine, in particular, the event of March 18.

For our part, we are looking for opportunities to express the opinion of Ukrainian citizens in support of the movement for peace in Western countries and ask them to voice the following points of our views at your event:

  1. The Kiev regime uses chemical weapons in the conflict zone in Ukraine, in violation of all existing conventions on the prohibition of chemical weapons. This may provoke asymmetrical retaliatory measures on the part of Russia.
  2. At the same time, U.S. President Joe Biden is inflating the Pentagon budget to the detriment of U.S. residents. The ruling circles of the United States are curtailing a number of projects to support socially vulnerable segments of the population, primarily people of color and the unemployed.
  3. The regime of dictator Zelensky in Ukraine is based on power dictatorship and repression. Dictator Zelensky, for the sake of preserving his undivided power, wants to drag the NATO countries and the European Union together with the United States, into an all-out war with Russia, where there will be no winner.
  4. If peace is established in Ukraine, the dictatorship of Zelensky is over! The Kiev regime has no interest in peace in Ukraine.

The present-day U.S. and British politics of sanctions must end! The sanctions do not stop the conflict. They [serve] to prolong the conflict in Ukraine for the benefit of ruling elites in the U.S. and Britain! We ask you to voice these views and, if possible, depict one or more of these points on your posters.

This will express your solidarity with the struggle of the Ukrainian opposition for peace in Ukraine and show the dictatorial regime of Kiev that the opposition is alive and capable of action and not completely destroyed in the dungeons of the Kiev security forces, in bloody repressions and prisons!

Later, having received from you links, photos and videos of your event, where the views of the Ukrainian opposition were demonstrated, transmitted from M.A.R.T. Corp., we can distribute these photos and videos among the broad circles of the Ukrainian public, crushed by official propaganda, to clearly demonstrate support for our position from the people of the United States and other countries of the West.


The University will not block this speech, based on a theory that has been debunked many times and that has been on the basis of several mass shootings around the world, based on Nazi rhetoric. This is just a few weeks after a far right extremist in the city was shot and killed during a police raid. Multiple guns and plans to commit a terrorist attack have been found in his home.

Leftist groups in the city have made a coalition to protest the speech and several hundred people have said to be willing to come to the protest. It's under heavy criticism due to 'freeze peach' and because a few days ago, the guy got punched at another speech in another city. Far right groups label us terrorists already and are becoming agressive.

We will be there anyway, because hateful speech is a crime against humanity. I hope things will go well.

No pasaran!


A petition has been set up and a counter protest is being planned. In the meantime the far right nationalist student club (yes, they are neonazi twats) are labeling our party as a terrorist club (apparently the person that pushed/punched the man was of our party).

Since the last call for action against the far right festival went well over here, I will keep you updated if I need your help <3


Vid in article


The Modesto experience shows both the strength of organizing autonomously, but also how hard it can be sometimes. Autonomous organizers have everything stacked against them: non-profits and local faith leaders push people not to protest, while the police join the attack on communities already under assault by the state and the far-right. While the media can bring attention to the threat of reactionary forces, more often it is simply interested in publishing click-bait and sensationalizing “both sides” without ruffling the feathers of those in power. The ability to go beyond and outside of all of these pitfalls demands of us not only infrastructure, legal observers, medics, communications, media, and beyond, but also the relationships and base building needed to actually organize — especially at a time when social media is hitting a wall of diminishing returns.


In hopes of nipping the event in the bud, we moved to organize a phone zap, targeted at ASU president Michael Crow and the venue originally hosting the event. Despite the student body and broader community taking to the phones and emails en-masse, ASU’s response was predictable. Regardless of the threat it posed towards marginalized students and the widespread opposition to its continuation, the event would not be cancelled. Michael Crow himself stated via email, “Jared Taylor is one of many people today who exploit public forums of all types to engage in intentionally destructive and divisive rhetoric solely for the [s​​​​​​​ic] self-serving and attention getting purposes,” but that ASU was not able to refuse him a platform, due to restrictions placed upon them by state laws regulating the actions of public universities.

We find this justification to be flimsy, at best. ASU has refused speakers, despite concerns around so-called free speech, for several reasons, including the example of Mik Jordahl, who was banned from speaking due to his support of the anti-apartheid BDS movement and his refusal to sign a form stating he would not advocate for a boycott against Israel. It is clear to us that ASU picks and chooses who, exactly, receives the benefit of free speech on campus. They may find white supremacists somewhat distasteful to their liberal sensibilities, but they are acceptable guests, unlike those opposing ongoing genocide, even non-violently.


At the end of the day, despite being vastly outnumbered by many different far-Right organizations, a relatively small group of activists were able to contain the threat to Hollywood and Vine and block the march from taking place. Their rally also ended two hours earlier than expected.


Hello, I will post this here as well

The 27th of August, the Belgian city of Ypres (very important Battlefield in the world Wars) will host a far right music festival called Frontnacht. Performing on this festival will be bands that are linked to neonazi and fascist terrorist groups throughout Europe. Belgian left wing groups are now looking for ways to counter this.

Several groups I know of will contact city officials to show their disgust. I don’t think anyone here can help with that, because it has to be somewhat legit.

BUT: the festival also has a site where you can register to volunteer. It would be a shame if, let’s say, the site gets flooded with a massive amount of applications of non existing people.

Here's the info: We can spam the organizers’ online form looking for volunteers with fake applications: The more the better. Make it impossible for them to sort through all of this, trying to figure out what is real and what isn’t. TIP for the last field in the form: Belgian mobile phone numbers always follow this format: 04XX XX XX XX.

Open the form in private browsing, submit, reopen from private browsing. Don’t open from your normal browsing because if you are logged into google, you will give them your email address.

Here’s lists of common Belgian first and last names: (first names) (last names)

Proximus numbers begin with 047x, Base numbers with 048x, and Mobistar numbers with 049x.


From the comments section of the subreddit thread:


Ladies and gentlemen, we got 'em.


The article is 29 minutes long so definitely take a break here and there whenever you can or feel like it.

I like how it invokes Bertolt Brecht and T.S. Eliot, two literary figures, on their way of writing. Definitely something to keep in mind for the potential fiction writes here, that is, me, @[email protected] and @[email protected]

Anyways, I haven't finished the article yet but it seems pretty interesting.


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