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A place for parents to ask questions, get advice, and generally communicate with each other.

founded 1 year ago

Makes me realize how important curating media is for her. She's going to think any bad thing that happens to a kid is happening to her.


Common Sense Media editors help you choose Great Podcasts to Listen to as a Family. Kid-friendly podcasts that you'll love, too.


So my 16 month old has suddenly decided that his bedtime is now 8:30 rather than 7:30. We're not a fan of this change but...well, what you gonna do?

How are you holding up?


Hello fellow tired parents. So I just wanted to ask if anyone else suffers pretty significantly with anxiety around their kids 'overnight activities'.

It's something I've been dealing with since my eldest was a baby, but it's got significantly worse since our second came onto the scene 16 months ago (he's yet to sleep through the night and requires constant soothing).

When they're ill I feel this constant sense of dread throughout the day. It's gotten to the point where I'll just lay there for hours on end just waiting to hear them cry, sometimes I even hear phantom cries.

It's really starting to effect me. Is this normal, do we all have it? Any tips??



Welcome to Parenting!

As a Reddit refuge, one thing I was concerned about losing was my access to parenting related subs that I relied on a lot. I was a member of /mommit, /new parents, /breastfeeding etc. all instrumental in my confidence as a mom of 3.

I wanted to create a space here in kbin where us parents can seek advice or post memes relating to all manner of child rearing subjects.

I’ve never moderated anything before, so if anyone would like to help, let me know