That was the point... Did you reply to the wrong comment?
That's flattering, but I was actually just expecting a press release. So where is it?
She sure can't. Sounds like all OpenAI has to do is produce the voice actor they used.
So where is she? ...
140 != all
Dont expect more replies.
Thank Christ.
But that wasn't the question, was it? United international action works and also doesn't really exist. You think billionaires are going to just throw up their hands and give governments their tax dollars if enough nations agree they should. Doesn't work that way.
Read the article you linked. Who's going to jail in Panama? A few bankers--maybe. Panama changed its rules, and the billionaires just moved all their money elsewhere--exactly as predicted.
The solution to tax evasion isn't more tax law. That's like saying that if only everyone agreed rapists should go to jail, people would stop committing rape.
I'm in favor of a wealth tax just because any action beats no action, but it is absolutely a half measure. The real solution to this problem is not financial. It's personal.
It's a safe bet. The number of voters Biden loses if he were to change positions enough to appease any authentic anti-Zionists (as opposed to agitprop elements, for whom no position would be good enough to silence) would dwarf the number of voters he might gain. That might not mean he gets reelected, but hell, changing positions at all would cost him votes. Like I said: all choices are bad. It would have been a political disaster for any president, because every voter who cares enough about it to be a single-issue voter is entrenched enough to not be swayed at all unless the other side is completely alienated.
He can't find a way to appease both sides? Well what does that look like? What's the position that appeases both staunch Zionist voters and the subsection of the anti-Zionist protestors who vote? That's not a rhetorical question. Every other US politics-adjacent post on Lemmy recently has been OP or one of their comrades criticizing Biden for his position on Israel, and I'm genuinely interested to hear someone articulate the nuanced position that Biden should supposedly take that he's currently failing at, and how he's supposed to do that and not immediately lose all prospects of reelection. FFS, even characterizing this as a division between "pro-Israel" and "against genocide" is already throwing nuance out the window. From where I'm sitting, Joe Biden has as nuanced a position as he can, because the nature of foreign relations in the Middle East in 2024 is itself nuanced and, for US interests, profoundly precarious. If you want nuance, you better be prepared to swallow a healthy dose of realpolitik alongside it, and that's something that as of yet I've not found any noble armchair advocates and red-shadowed "patriots" willing to do.
I love Biden. He's easily the best president of my lifetime.
Would you respect a judge that quotes Harry Potter in official documents on a regular basis?
YES! If the judge used the Harry Potter quotes to advance sound legal reasoning, I'd consider it a potentially clever and humorous way to inject some levity into something that's otherwise likely mundane and dry. Also I guarantee you a judge has quoted those books in opinions, along with every other popular piece of literature.
I'm sorry to remind everybody incensed here, but the professionals in the profession get to decide what is and is not professional, and the legal profession has a long history of quoting material that's non-germane. You can be upset about it if you want, but we're fortunate that judges explain their reasoning at all.
Quoting a book you don't like doesn't make a decision bad. A decision is bad if it's wrong on the law, and as I think everybody in this thread knows, the Bible isn't the law of the land! Quoting non-law in order to bolster a line of reasoning isn't good, bad, harmful, or harmless by itself, because the reasoning is the important thing. The Bible has been used to stand for many bad positions--but if it hadn't been, those positions would still have been bad!
While you lot are pulling out your pitchforks because a judge quoted the Bible for the billionth time in the last 200 years, did any of you even bother to find out what the decisions actually were?
Windows 10 LTSC 2021 ends support in 2027 (although it doesn't matter quite as much). And it's likely that the Win 11 LTSC later this year will necessarily be free from much of 11's bullshit. Linux is still the right call, but for those of us who need to run a Windows machine for whatever reason, there are alternatives, so, you know... yarr.