VLC: Very Large Cone
Well, considering the amount of memes with broken English that Trump supporters shit out, that’s probably not the best indication.
You’re very much right
First thing this comic made me think of. Might have to listen to the album on the way to work.
I see Sonic has been hanging out with Lego Yoda
If someone somehow doesn’t know this then they’re going to get t-boned pretty quick.
Are you sure you’re not uploading it from your deep fryer?
I got a free membership to a car wash, and they would not let me cancel over the phone. They made made me go to the physical location, which doesn’t even have an indoor part! So, I had to go through the car wash line to talk to an employee, and then didn’t even get to go through the car wash, lol.
Probably the reason it’s empty and probably has been for years
There was also the recent cocaine bear documentary!
Pulse is even better than the original