Same, I was ready to just buy the first chinese mini pc that had the 128G strix halo processor. This is way better as it will have actual support and likely be better made.
It does ok with that. better than the default model, but worse than the built in search on my phone.
The best one I have found was one of the newer ones that was added a few months ago. ViT-B-16-SigLIP__webli
Really impressed with the accuracy even with multi word search like "espresso machine"
What do you mean unproven social media claims? the $4 billion in cash is in their quarterly earnings:
Pretty easy to verify yourself.
Guys it was just a prank. I’m not really fascist, I was just pretending. I just gave money to the fascists as a joke, isn’t that funny?
They are still part of and support that industry. It's part of how they can overproduce cheap crap. If it doesnt sell at the higher price outlets, throw it over the next level of discount store until it does. They make you feel like you are getting a good deal, but the clothing companies still make profit and still get encouraged to pump out the cheapest garbage possible.
Yea, he was CEO of VMware from 2012 to early 2021. All the issues VMware has now came from broadcom buying them which happened well after he left.
That sounds like he doesn’t understand how to use one pedal driving.
You shouldn't be comparing with DIMMs, those are a dead end at this point. CAMMs are replacing DIMMs and what future systems will use.
Intel likely designed Lunar lake before the LPCAMM2 standard was finalized and why it went on package. Now that LPCAMMs are a thing, it makes more sense to use those as they provide the same speed benefits while still allowing user replaceable RAM.
You were never actually able to buy a game, it has always been a "license" to play it. Even for physical cartridges and disks. The difference being, legally speaking, if you actually owned it, you could make and sell copies of it or take the assets from the game and make a new game with them and then sell that. Owning a license means you can play it, but cant make copies or reuse the assets.
Even with physical media, that license could in theory be taken away if the rights holder chose too. Realistically it would be impossible to enforce since there is no way of tracking down all the physical copies, so no one has ever tried to do it. But legally it works exactly the same as on steam. The only change is that a new california law is going to require steam, and other stores, to be transparent about it, but nothing is actually different.
Even on GOG, where they give you a DRM free binary, if the rights holder doesnt want it available anymore, they have to take it away. You wouldn't be able to download it and if you had saved a copy of the DRM free binary, playing it would legally be the same as piracy at that point.
Despite all of this, game preservation is alive and well and isn't going anywhere.
Have you looked at grapheneOS? Its essentially a fork of the android open source project with extra privacy features. So, regular android apps still work for the most part, but you dont have google spyware built in.