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[–] stickly 1 points 23 hours ago (13 children)

It has been clearly demonstrated that vocal opposition to one of those things gets you disappeared by ICE

[–] stickly 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I think soft power only goes do far once you start achieving your goals. Propaganda got Trump elected twice, but now that the rest of the world sees him driving America off the cliff to toe Putin's line other countries are being hardened.

Its kind of like an immune response: look at the whiplash in conservative polling numbers in Canada or the mounting regulation/push back on captured social media platforms.

[–] stickly 9 points 2 days ago

Scotus can't save him from being GRILLED and SLAMMED! Don't worry guys, panini politics will save us again!

[–] stickly 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Thank you for doing the lord's work. You'll never get past the Russo-pilled parrot speak but it's a joy to read sane comments.

Edit: The guy has 1.7k comments in 4 months and literally every one reads like it's pasted from a propaganda LLM. Drives me nuts that you can't have a normal conversation on the internet without being assaulted by this shit...

[–] stickly 3 points 2 days ago

9/11 was a fantastic success for fascists, there's never been so much sweeping support for surveillance and racism. No reason to stop killing the geese that bleed the golden paste...

[–] stickly 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

I don't disagree that there's a lot riding on that house of cards, but as you pointed out the stakeholders in keeping that up are nearly every global state. Do the Houthis really hold any cards when they're under that microscope?

I imagine attacking a target that could literally collapse the world economy would be slightly harder than flying drones at a very expensive boat.

Edit: The petrodollar is all but phased out by Saudi Arabia. I don't think that current US financial interests are anywhere near as coupled to those oil fields (compared to just a few years ago).

[–] stickly 4 points 2 days ago (8 children)

You just described what the minimum wage was supposed to be, and plenty of red blooded American patriots already hate that.

[–] stickly 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Don't knock schizophrenia till you try it. 9/10 voices in my head recommend it.

[–] stickly 6 points 2 days ago

I see this in various flavors of anarchism and I don't get how it would work in practice. Hierarchies form to simplify the logistics and social cohesion of a disorganized network of subunits.

As a basic example, how the hell do collectives even communicate with those on other continents? It took millenia for humans to develop reliable seafaring technology, only made possible through the direction of state actors. Sea cables cost millions to maintain; satellite communication is even harder to achieve.

Assuming that any of these could even be accomplished strictly via collectives ("Why the hell should I give you my Chilean copper so you can throw it in the ocean to talk to Europe?"), operating these essential services gives access to power and coercion.

Somebody has to launch the ships or run the heart of the telegraph network. Will you centralize the authority of multiple collectives to regulate and monitor it?...

And if you don't do anything to bridge the ocean, what's to prevent ideological drift for that continent; getting a little too centralized for more efficient resource use? Even if your accessible web remains strong and ideologically pure, you have to pray that completely separate webs will be just as strong.

Anarcho-primitivism is the only critique that seems to own the inherent anti-civilization logic, but even then there's nothing stopping a collective-of-collectives from making a bigger pile of sharp rocks to subjugate you.

[–] stickly -1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I'm not sure how that link is supposed to refute anything? It says basically what the comment above says without using the phrase "mixed economies".

If you meant the power structure and public/private balance is heavily capitalist for Nordic countries then you'd probably want to post something else supporting that statement.

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