VR didn't fail, the industry just didn't understand it and thought they could create Ready Player One in real life. VR has, and always will be a gaming technology first and foremost, and will not replace flat screen games. it failed to capture a consumer base it was never mean't to appeal to.
joined 2 weeks ago
Global VR headset shipments fell 12% YoY in 2024, with Meta's market share rising to 84%; Vision Pro shipments fell 43% QoQ in Q4, but its enterprise sales grew.
I cannot tell you how many times I've had to help family members and friends "fix the sound" on their computers because they somehow changed their default audio output device without knowing it. I really wish people would just check their audio settings when they have a problem with it, instead of calling me to help every time.
the vision pro is the most laughable excuse for a product i've ever seen, over 3000 dollars for a VR headset that cant play games and cant connect to a PC is insane. its a glorified web browser that makes your face sweaty.