I vape so its not like I'm against it or anything but do you really trust that the coils are safe? Especially when all the pre-made coils are coming from China? I mean look at the baby formula fiasco from a few years ago or the lead paint in Children's toys. Not trying to fear monger but it's not far fetched at all that there could be safety concerns with a lot of vaping stuff.
Which is why I have never used a plow before and never plan to.
He's not selling them to California that's for sure. Too expensive.
All four knees are too sharp as well.
Yeah for sure. Citizenship is only guaranteed if you enlist in the United Citizen Federation. Would you like to know more?
Sorry but having nuclear weapons and 'other technology' doesn't make a nation a super power. Outside of the cyber and disinformation realm they can barely exert influence outside of their own borders. You could even make the argument that they don't even have complete control within their own borders as they have been unable to prevent attacks from occurring internally within their controlled territory.
A super power has complete sovereignty over their territories and global influence across multiple domains of which very very few countries could be considered to have that. Russia can barely project their power against what should have been a much weaker adversary. Also before you spout off some nonsense about the US/NATO arming Ukraine and unfairly tipping the scales.... If Russia were a true superpower they would not only have the military ability to project their power but they could also use their soft power in building a coalition of nations to accomplish their goals. They have failed to do either at this point.
Russia isn't a super power.
Alcohol is already a thing. There's no need to evolve any further coping mechanisms.
You must construct additional nuclear.
Around the time slavers were operating in Libya.
Check your firewall logs (Status -> System Logs -> Firewall for pfSense, can't remember for opnsense). I'd suspect you might see blocks from 10.0.66.x to your Playstation.
One has to keep radio frequencies from leaking the other has to keep water from leaking. One of the two are much harder to do.