
joined 9 months ago
[–] matilija 1 points 17 hours ago

That’s great to hear. I only have experience with a few finishes, but a little reading tells me your combo is popular for wooden food contact surfaces. What else do you like about it?

[–] matilija 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

It’s oak (Q. agrifolia), pruned from an old tree on private land in a mature forest. It’s a struggle to find branches of an appropriate thickness and length that are generally straight enough, at least when considering only what actually needs pruning. So that one isn’t the best shape for a walking stick, but I had slim pickings and was motivated to find a piece to work with. It’s strong enough to be a serviceable walking stick and hold weight while flexing only slightly.

I like the look of keeping most of the bark on, though I hit all the smaller branch points with the belt sander. I only stripped bark in the area where it’s likely to be held, and sanded only lightly. The apparent striations aren’t perceivable by touch as grooves - they’re filled with inner bark that was incompletely scraped, and the color contrast is accentuated by the finish. I put multiple coats of tung oil over the entire stick, including saturating some moss on the outer bark. It cures to a nice finish, although I’ve never seen any instructions that suggest using it on rough bark.

I might see shrinkage and bark separation from the wood over time, but I’m hopeful it will last several years without substantial deterioration. I think the stick dried for over a year before I finished it.


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Walking sticks

I’ve been using necessary tree pruning at my house as an opportunity to select ideal branches for walking sticks. My self-taught finishing process mostly consists of a bench top belt sander, hand scraper, and tung oil. It’s going pretty well, but I don’t yet know about the long term bark durability and adhesion.

[–] matilija 3 points 1 day ago

It’s the most curved but it’s oak and so far it has been strong enough for my hiking use.

[–] matilija 3 points 1 day ago

Only one of them features a piece of quartz at the top to concentrate the wielder’s magical energy.

I, however, have no such power, so it’s functionally just a stick.

[–] matilija 11 points 1 day ago

Thanks, that one is my favorite! It does have some curve to it, but only in one dimension so it hides when leaning against a wall like this. But it does feel like the heftiest choice to fight off a coyote that wants my little dog for a snack.

Walking sticks (

I’ve been using necessary tree pruning at my house as an opportunity to select ideal branches for walking sticks. My self-taught finishing process mostly consists of a bench top belt sander, hand scraper, and tung oil. It’s going pretty well, but I don’t yet know about the long term bark durability and adhesion.

[–] matilija 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

What features do you use? Their website seems pretty slim but makes it appear that their apps are primarily about home fitness training, not necessarily trail mapping. Being a Polish company might help as they would have designed everything with GDPR in mind, even if they’re not required to avoid invasive tracking of international users.

[–] matilija 2 points 5 months ago

Thanks for the recommendation, but I’ll have to pass on it. I’m sure Gaia GPS is great for hiking, especially with offline topographic maps, and presumably good for MTB as well. However, it’s owned by the same folks as Trailforks. They started with a bunch of venture capital in 2020 and went on a tear buying other companies in 2021 and 2022 including Trailforks, Pinkbike, and Gaia. It took a couple years for them to start enshittifying Trailforks, but now that the process has begun I have little doubt that I want to avoid giving them data through any of their other brands as well.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by matilija to c/mtb

The increase in pervasive commercial surveillance has me wanting to stop uploading my GPS MTB ride data to places like Strava and Trailforks. But I still want to be able to see easy to use trail maps with my data overlaid, like Strava or Trailforks. Bonus points if it can integrate with a Bluetooth (or ANT+) heart rate monitor and show basic fitness stats like duration and average speed. Double bonus points if it integrates with something like ProBikeGarage to track distance and hours of ride time for monitoring parts service intervals.

Does that exist anywhere with data privacy? I’m happy to spend some money on a dedicated device if I can sync and view the data on my phone, but still don’t want it in the stupid cloud. Outside seems to be trying to turn Trailforks into a social network and it’s giving me huge Facebook creepiness vibes.

[–] matilija 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I had a model year 2002 as well, and it went through head gaskets pretty reliably every 30-35k miles. The failure mode wasn’t catastrophic damage every time, but it wasn’t pretty. I think exhaust gases would start getting into the coolant especially when the engine got hot, so I’d be maybe going uphill and notice the temperature spiking. Then I could pull off to the side of the freeway and wait for 30 minutes, start out again and drive home slowly.

Subaru admitted a gasket design fault for something like model years 1998 through 2000, but claimed for a while that everything was fine in 2001 and 2002, jerking me around and generally being awful.

It’s too bad. It was my second car and I was excited for the reputation of reliability and capability of Subaru, but it left such a sour taste in my mouth that I’ll never buy one again.

[–] matilija 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

If the carpool stickers had come with a 20 year guarantee then nobody could reasonably be upset about the rules changing later because “forever” turned out to be too good to be true. This would be like solar, except that they want to change the rules later anyway.

If they simply left the original EV carpool stickers grandfathered but stopped giving out new ones, people who missed their chance would be upset. But the program would have worked exactly as intended, to incentivize early adoption of EVs by giving out a priceless benefit. It should never have gone on as long as it did, but government reacts slowly.

[–] matilija 4 points 6 months ago

You’ve articulated well a lot of good points, but you’re missing a few key considerations. One elephant in the room is that the Investor Owned Utilities (which cover the vast majority of accounts in California) are abusing their monopoly powers as much as possible (including regulatory capture). That is sadly inextricably linked with the resentment felt by their solar customers, even as it is also felt by all of their non-solar customers.

You’re talking about the kind of tradeoffs that make sense in an ideal system, pricing things according to what they actually cost to provide. But the IOUs price things at “how much can we get the CPUC to allow us to charge?” And they love to stoke class warfare politically when it suits their business purposes. It’s just one more area where the actual problem is the billionaires (or just call it capitalism) against the 99% but they keep the water too muddy for most people to see it.

I believe it’s also still generally either illegal or at least infeasible to disconnect from the grid entirely in most of urban and suburban California, because it’s tied to occupancy permitting. I think the best hope of ending the madness does lie in that direction though. Solar customers tend to be much wealthier than non solar customers, which in aggregate means many of them will have the means to go full battery off grid as the pricing disparity continues to grow. This loss of legally-mandated captive market is the only chance to force monopolies to behave better.

[–] matilija 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I used to have one of those and loved it but 3 head gasket replacements was too many and it was time to move on. Good luck with yours!

[–] matilija 4 points 6 months ago

Only in electric vehicles. Gasoline and diesel engines generate a lot of waste heat, which is why they have radiators at the front of the engine compartment for water cooling. The cabin heater in most vehicles is an optional air path though a small heat exchanger on the radiator water loop, so it’s as efficient as possible. That’s also why the car has to be running for a few minutes before the heat starts working.


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Matilija Poppy liked the wet winter

Hi, Reddit refugee lurker here, missing r/Ceanothus. It would be great if more people start posting content here since the niche communities are what’s really missing here. To that end, here’s my Coulter’s Matilija Poppy! I planted it as a 1 gallon from a CNPS sale last October, and it has had amazing growth over the past 8 months!


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Solar project to destroy thousands of Joshua trees in the Mojave Desert

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Solar project to destroy thousands of Joshua trees in the Mojave Desert

It's crazy to me that a destructive photovoltaic solar project like this one is considered reasonable, but a new nuclear power plant within or adjacent to a city is beyond the pale.


submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by matilija to c/[email protected]

Hi, Reddit refugee lurker here, missing r/Ceanothus. It would be great if more people start posting content here since the niche communities are what’s really missing. To that end, behold my Coulter’s Matilija Poppy! I planted it as a 1 gallon from a CNPS sale last October, and it has had amazing growth over the past 8 months!

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