62% of the country supports deporting all illegals. Something that would be unbelievable a decade or two ago is now true for most Americans.
A strong majority of the country supports putting millions of people in camps and keeping them there for years. Of course GOP is more fervently against it- the same GOP that idolizes Reagan who gave blanket citizenship to millions of illegals.
Immigration detention centers have been around for a while now. Virtually all of them ran by private corporations. People rail against private prisons but they make up a tiny tiny minority of prisoners. Over 90% of immigration detention centers are privately owned.
So we're going to throw millions of people into camps so that a few corporations can extract a ton of public taxpayer money. They're also gonna stay there for years because it's logistically impossible to move over 10 million people quickly.
I didn't think fascism would happen again my lifetime. But I guess here we are