These make me cry every time
They really fucking are
Well now I just want to join the CIA and do cocaine all day
Theyll main-line Linux straight to their domes
There Are Places to post porn and you are posting in the wrong places
I think I could tolerate it for a couple months at most. The problem is that good advertising doesn't exist very often so it's all just fucking annoying
It's very interesting to me that everybody thinks I'm a man.
Sounds like everyone on this thread is.. men aren't inherently fucking dangerous just because you are scared of them
Another part of the problem is seeing a man in the woods and Assuming he's a murderer instead of thinking oh maybe he's geocaching or maybe he's hunting or maybe he's collecting mushrooms or maybe he's a photographer or maybe he just likes being in the woods or maybe he's going fishing or maybe he has a family that he's providing for or maybe he's an artist like there are so many other things to think of a man in the woods then oh my God this man is going to rape murder and stalk me to death I'm going to die. The 'othering' of men is an actual danger to society.
Men aren't raised by bears.. maybe we should take it up with the women who are raising the men.
I thought Tyson was so fucking bad that it got shut down
Like just rearrange your sentence... men also live on planet Earth so it's pretty normal for men to be there there's a decent chance it's just minding it's business I wouldn't want to be around a man but I also wouldn't want to be around a man with bad intentions do you see how shitty that sounds when you say you don't want to be around all men? Because of men with bad intentions? All bears will eat you not all men will rape you
The Met Gala is for funding art.