Where Jews and Indians will be made fun of a lot so if you're not into ethnic slurs or whatever don't join.
What a fucking group of people. Way to make watching movies not fun.
You're right.. a woman would take you home first before she fucking drugged your tea or whatever the Hell she's going to do to you. Just because women have less muscles don't mean they're not just as psychopathic as any dude murderer. The long-term damage that women can cause on the mind and body is fucking creepy and terrifying. Even creepier and more terrifying when you realize how many women utilize manipulative psychopathic actions in regular day-to-day life. Women are total horror shows for me. Unknowable, unsafe, unreliable, unstable. Terrifying.
I don't know why you're being downvoted nobody has ever actually just acquiesced and listened to me so thank you for listening to me and not arguing with me.
Yeah that's fucking pimping with extra steps.
Straight up.. it seems like when I tell people that I'm scared of women they want to quantify it or somehow tell me I'm wrong for having the opinion I do it's fucking hilarious.. the same women who would shit on a man for being a man are the same women who couldn't possibly believe that women are the problem for some folk.
Nope I definitely trust men more than I trust women. I don't know what part of what I said sounds like that when I said I don't trust women, not people.
I'm a woman and the same way that women feel about men in this whole meme thing, is the exact same way I feel about women...
I don't trust women within a hairs inch of my life and I would rather be with a bear than a Woman but I bet you I'll get super downvoted for this opinion.
In your legalized sex brothels, do you legally have to pay a portion of your paycheck to the house? If you're working for yourself, do you have to purchase a license from the government, and do your own taxes and all that on your income?
I'm a fucking sex worker I know what I'm talking about, rude cunt
This shit right here is why I'm not poly.. it was a fucking joke your crowd has never been able to understand humor. God. Way to make me feel gross about the whole thing and ruin it.
Thanks back to you