This is probably how I'll die tbh
To quote Wikipedia:
It was also later discovered to cause lung cancer, mesothelioma and also because of its fibrous structure; it breaks into lots of tiny little microscopic needles when agitated. Those little shards get inhaled and poke tiny holes in your lungs which causes Asbestosis (kind of like Emphysema for smokers).
I'm so so sorry to do this to you. Double battles were introduced with Ruby and Sapphire... 22 years ago...
Same. Only reason I lock it when I leave the house is so my cat can't crawl around on the keyboard and fuck with shit.
This is also why a lot of beer and other alcohol is bottled in brown bottles. The brown glass blocks some amount of UV exposure which can affect the final product over time.
Green glass has no such benefit though. Just looks nice.
Personal responsibility is great but you won't affect systemic change through personal action. I'm not suggesting you stop being a conscientious consumeror but we have a tendency to keep insisting that the first step is for everyone to individually change.l their behaviour.
E.g. If you want to personally abstain from contribution to climate change then that's A-OK but if your goal is to actually prevent it then you need to think and work systemically.
I don't mean organise in a workplace (though we all should) I mean organise in a community sense. The idea that you are responsible in part for a systemic problem because of your own consumption habits was foisted on us by corpos to shift blame for the economic and environmental destruction they chose to cause.
In aggregate yes but individually no. Unless there's some wider structure organising individuals to withhold their consumption for explicit reasons that the corpo can hear then your unsub won't have any effect beyond your own sense of self-satisfaction.
That's not to say that it's pointless but if you want to hurt a corpo you need to organise.
How is this not a movie yet?
Warner Brothers is not losing their copyright on Harry Potter over a public library doing a themed event lmao
If they've got 4 fruits left and they're all hanging over the fence then they just harvested their tree. Let's not look for hyperspecific edge cases here we're discussing a rule of thumb.
If it's overhanging public property it's fair game. The owner has plenty of fruit on their side too I'll bet. If they take issue with it they can guide their plant so it's confined to their property. That being said I wouldn't be reaching over the fence to yank a cucumber or apple.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If your site doesn't work on Firefox your site doesn't work. As web developers your job is to develop applications for the web not for one specific browser. This goes double for essential services.