[-] eltrain123 2 points 11 hours ago

You misspelled tax ‘scam’…

[-] eltrain123 20 points 1 day ago

This is the DARE program all over again. No quicker way to lose any trust in your government than getting fed garbage programs before you’re mature enough to understand them. As soon as you realize what’s going on, they lose all credibility…. and it’s hard to get it back once it’s gone.

[-] eltrain123 25 points 1 day ago

You also forgot that the first mover takes the heat, then all the other competitors quietly roll out the same feature with no or minimal backlash…

[-] eltrain123 11 points 2 days ago

The game be the game, yo.

[-] eltrain123 1 points 2 days ago

Not positive, but I think it’s a blend of canola, vegetable, and safflower oil. Whatever it is, it’s mild enough and mostly neutral to give the right flavor.

3-in-1 oil would be… unpleasant…

[-] eltrain123 77 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

It’s more complicated, but you can still use crowd-sourcing to recognize the ads. Then use an algo to analyze the ad, frame by frame, and reject that when it shows up.

It’ll take a bit of time, but their strategy isn’t going to last. It’s ‘arms-race’ style escalation on a digital front. Eventually, the crowd sourcing will be replaced by AI/ML tools. Ad companies, like google, will always try to fight back, but open-source will always respond.

You can’t beat nerds that are skilled and passionate about not getting fucked.

[-] eltrain123 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Man… I tried using all bacon grease as my fat when I made the roux…. That was a tough gumbo to get through. But canola with a bit of bacon grease is right. If you can find it, 1-2-3 oil in place of the canola is the tits.

[-] eltrain123 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Insurance companies give people discounts based on driving habits good driving habits, like the lack of speeding and hard braking… which can be determined by gps. They also charge more for people that drive more miles per year because it exposes the vehicle to more possibilities of being involved in accidents.

It’s not unreasonable for them to ask for access to your gps data… it is definitely unreasonable for you to give them access to your gps data.

[-] eltrain123 68 points 4 days ago

I always thought it was a huge concern to let the insurance company have gps access to my phone because it gives them exact times when I am away from my home.

Insurance companies’ more nefarious employees or employee’s friends have an exact playbook for when it’s safe to break into your home, how much money you have(based on how many and the types of cars you have policies on), how many people could be at home (insured on policy), credit rating… etc. It’s not data that you couldn’t get with a bit of research and time, but having a searchable database full of customer info makes it easy to list out hundreds of targets with little effort.

[-] eltrain123 9 points 5 days ago

Wait til he finds out aircraft carriers are made out of metal and concrete…

It’s not about how heavy they are, it’s about buoyancy. Fortunately, the engineers building boats aren’t as dumb as him.

[-] eltrain123 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Hey! I won’t stand by while you bad mouth cheap booze…

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