
joined 1 year ago
[–] cyd 14 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (2 children)

Polling of hypotheticals is notoriously flaky. If a fresh D comes in as nominee, all the "have to beat Trump" talking points will still be there, and all the "this guy has dementia" talking points will be wiped away. It's hard to imagine any other nominee having negatives that could be worse than credible accusations of dementia.

Edit: except for Harris.

[–] cyd 22 points 1 day ago (9 children)

Oh good, I guess Biden has absolutely nothing to worry about then...

[–] cyd 23 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Okay, so he's still able to read off a teleprompter and seem "forceful". Now put him in front of the editorial board of any major newspaper for an hour long interview.

[–] cyd 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

From the individual consumer's point of view, it totally makes sense to keep guzzling gasoline. US gas prices are far cheaper than elsewhere in the developed world, even after inflation. US carmakers have priced EVs at premium price points, and the charging infrastructure is mediocre. Add to this Biden's lock-out of EV imports and efforts to keep gas prices down ahead of the elections.

Anyway, it's a difficult set of problems, but I would not characterize Biden administration's climate record as being "full of wins". They're like a startup that brags about receiving lots of VC funding (big wins!), but flailing about when it comes to delivering an actual product.

[–] cyd 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (11 children)

The Biden admin's main selling point on climate is bragging about how much funding they've gotten from Congress. That's a legislative achievement, but the execution part -- which is the point of their branch of government -- has been incredibly rocky. You got $7.5B in funding for EV charging yielding 8 EV chargers nationwide. And Biden has slapped big tariffs on Chinese solar panels and EVs, so that renewables will get more expensive and American carmakers who are skeptical about the EV transition will get to drag their feet even more.


In the US, skyrocketing tuition fees are a major political issue, with pressure for student loan forgiveness, etc.

So it's interesting to see two East Asian countries having the opposite problem: tuition fees are too LOW, straining university finances and hindering the objective of delivering a good education.

[–] cyd 40 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Obviously, there's a more disturbing background at play here, but churches shouldn't be untaxed in the first instance. The dude literally said to render unto Caesar, etc. etc.

[–] cyd 4 points 6 days ago

Just Google for Mihoyo and Energy Singularity. They invested $65M back in 2022.

[–] cyd 83 points 1 week ago (2 children)

This is the one that's partly funded by Mihoyo, using the absurd amounts of money they made with Genshin Impact.

The power of the anime waifu, in the palm of your hand...

[–] cyd 9 points 1 week ago

Saul Goodman probably would...


Archive link:


Complains about overproduction of green technology, because it's important we don't have too much green technology....


Always weird to me how France is so insistent on clinging to its colonial empire, two decades into the 21st century, despite the headaches that causes.


Climate change and inflation are both important, so we're going to make it as expensive as possible to switch away from fossil fuels.

submitted 2 months ago by cyd to c/japanlife
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