I understand that it's normal, but the argument still doesn't make sense for the purposes of this discussion. For people who do use Linux, it is worthless since they can't use it. I also can't blame Linux users for not liking a company that has been hostile to them (i.e. removing Linux support from a game that had it.) You're just reinforcing that Steam is a better option for them.
Has there been any news at all on who the potential successors are?
I really don't understand this argument. Aren't you basically pointing out that Steam is better because they cater to a demographic that most companies won't consider because of the small market size?
It's kind of funny. I feel that the rebranding was because those launchers sucked ( a common marketing tactic.) The thing is though, the EA App still sucks so it doesn't do anything for its reputation.
I'd like to enter for God of War.
So what made me happy this year is that I finally moved out and have less interaction with my extremely toxic family. Also my GF came back from abroad and we're going to be working towards getting a place here so that we can start living together.
In any case, thanks for this OP and good luck everyone!
They also supposedly have a plan where everyone will still have access to their games in the unlikely event that Valve shuts down.
Hope you enjoy it!
I suppose you could say it's story heavy since what you're doing is piecing together what happened on the ship. The story is that you're a insurance investigator and have to find out what happened to every person that was on the Obra Dinn. It's a great game. If it matters, it's a Lucas Pope game, the guy who made Papers Please.
I don't actually know all the games that did this, but the most famous examples are Phoenix Point and Shenmue 3. I already read that Outer Wilds was another one that took the exclusivity deal.
I meant with crowd funded games. I'm aware that they still buy exclusivity. Though from what I know they pay indies less compared to what they used to pay.
Yeah, this caused A LOT of controversy back then. As far as I know, Epic has stopped doing this and has pivoted a bit more into funding game development (i.e. Alan Wake 2.) That being said, that gave Epic a terrible reputation when they initially launched EGS.
First time hearing about this. Hope it works out.