Yeah, it's easier compared to C++
I think you'll need to go back to Zeffo after Kashyyyk lol. I don't even get all secrets in Zeffo, too much area to cover
I'm not that brave doing development by connecting to Production database
Homelander also waiting for this
Nice app, considering i still lurk on some subreddits using mobile browser.
Btw, is there a way to refresh the subreddit page? Seems I can't do usual pull down to refresh for now
Well based on the article they had 20% chance to turn it around, which is relatively good
This is the third spin offs, the milking happened a while ago
Maybe you need it to be ten times bigger like the OP's picture
can't wake up
just try to wake up on time
Thanks i guess
Pretty sure it's happened in Linux before, but because it's much less users, obviously it won't have same global outage like what happens now
Yeah, there wasn't any loose ends either, as far as i remember. Seems they just don't want to let the IP unused