I like how Biden is powerless to do anything and it's not his fault that he can't get anything passed but all of a sudden when Trump gets in office he has the power to do anything he wants.
You know Trump was already president for 4 years and wasn't throwing people in jail for saying bad things about him right?
My view is their view and their view is that they would rather be lost in the woods with a bear than with you.
I loved the first one but the 2nd one just couldn't keep me engaged. I played it for like a week then put it down and never felt the urge to pick it back up again.
The combat in those games is very addictive, it's just so smooth and enjoyable. So like you said I also don't think they would need to change much as the gameplay is already top tier.
I also think it's bullshit to ignore the fact she had to move across the world due to harassment because she is Trans. The same people making videos about her today are the same people who were making them back then before she started being "problematic" and at the end of the day there are 500 other infuencers who are worse than she is and these people aren't making videos about them... I wonder why these people single her out... couldn't possibly be transphobia... yeah ok
Lemmy is literally an exact clone of Reddit... it's existence is to be an alternative to reddit.
Cool, we can add a clause that prevents that.
Every problem you can think of can be solved.
This is how laws are made. People sit down and have discussions like this.
Found the transphobe
Hey maybe if you don't want Trump in office you should go protests bidens terrible policy. Or you can just shame people who can't morally vote for Biden
Sucks for yall then, maybe you should have pushed Biden harder to not commit a genocide if you didn't want Ttump to win.