He is either trolling or his stupidity is impossible to comprehend
If you don't vaccinate your pet, you should be disallowed from owning it
So it's okay to support a shit tradition meant to oppress women? Tradition that pushes inferiority of women over men?
Send this fucker to the front
They are not choosing shit. They are being forced to wear them by their parents. It's indoctrination and abuse
I don't know what they were expecting.
They got too high on their own propaganda and copium supply
Russians started the war with the childish notion that they can bomb ukranians all they want and that ukranians wont bomb them back.
The sowed the wind, now they shall reap the whirlwind.
Cables or the ports?
Can't you always buy a better cable?:(and most likely cheaper, given its Apple shit)
Do correct me if I'm wrong
Alonso is 3rd, stroll 19th (and by a mile)
Just get stroll out of there, honestly
Neither do they