I drive a lot, but I rarely go into shit like grocery stores cause I'm so lazy I just order them nowadays. Easy choice.
Did he really say that? That's absurd if so
I wonder sometimes how they get their data. Maybe it's mere coincidence, but I feel like I'll be having a conversation with someone, in say, VRChat, and then suddenly like 2 hours later I get an ad about the same damn thing, without having searched anything online about it or anything. It doesn't happen too often, maybe once a week. So I guess there's still benefit of the doubt. But man, I'm not the only person to notice this. I'm sure you all have too. There's no way to feel peacefully in private anymore without a good linux box and Tor.
I don't know what people can do for general healthcare. Personally, most of my medical costs are from HRT related medicines, and I simply began obtaining it without the middle-man (pharmacies). In the trans world this is referred to as DIY (not legal). I have no idea if things like this exist for the majority of healthcare.
The average skill (not rating) of players is much lower on Chess.com because it's the first platform people see. Lichess has more "power" users but that does not mean it doesn't have lower-rated players. The purpose of a rating system (and it does its job well) is to match you with players of similar skill.
Holy shit the anti-ad campaign thing is awesome. I never knew they supported it.
In what ways is Chess.com actually better though? The people I've spoken to always say Chess.com is better, but when I ask them how, they always draw a blank, or bring out unsound arguments. I think the fact that it's paid content makes people think it's premium or something.
Right? It's baffling how some people still insist on using Chess.com
Also, if you like cool software, and you have a Linux box available, or Android, or a Kindle (YMMV), or a Kobo, or some other devices, KOReader singlehandedly got me back into reading. It's such a good and well-rounded piece of reader software, that tracks in-depth your reading time statistics, plus many many other things. Perhaps you could use your time spent reading as a dopamine catalyst. That's part of what I do.
In my personal experience, when I do a lot of quickly rewarding things, the pace of my life speeds up. Drastically. It's something that takes weeks to recover from. For example, whenever I hit the road for a few months, away from my computer, using my phone for only a couple hours a day, I find this peace. It's not the sort of peace you feel when you're just chilling during the day. It's lasting peace, on a large scale. And I read a lot when I'm out there. But as soon as I return home, I return to my computer, and suddenly, life is full of opportunities for instant rewards (dopamine) again. And then I lose the patience for the slower and greater dopamine sources. It's like, why would I want to wait hours to receive a lot of dopamine, when I could just have a little bit now, and a little bit then, and a little bit later. It takes willpower. You need to take a step back from the daily rush, especially involving your phone and social media, and YouTube and stuff.
It will require willpower, because the change will not be instant. Going outside and basking in the breeze is one of the easiest ways for me to just slooow down. Try meditation too. Just sit there, thinking of nothing (or if you have to, think about your breathing, or even think about thinking about nothing), and feel your body relax. You do not need to be doing things all day every day. Boredom can even be your friend. Learning to become one with nothingness is how you're going to start reading again. Be patient, and commit to things without expecting instant gratification.
I remember connecting to my mom's car via bluetooth to play music one day, and then like a year later I visit her again and it starts autoplaying some random shit I was watching on YouTube without any prompt. The prospects of what that might unexpectedly reveal to people are terrifying.