Smell was actually one explanation I thought people reading my comment would think of. I start each day with a shower and wear deodorant, even applying it a second time during the day if I happen to have been active or sweaty. When I’ve worked up a sweat at work or whatnot or if I’ve swam in a lake or pool, I shower afterward. I hope I don’t need to mention this, but I also do wipe thoroughly after using the toilet. I also don’t smoke cigarettes or weed.
With your story of the smoker, that kind of makes me even more inclined to think it’s not smell since I’m apparently light-footed enough to accidentally sneak up on and startle people when I approach them; this has happened a number of times. If they don’t notice a smell or sound when I’m right next to them, then I’m probably not emitting either of those strong enough to be sensed close up. Additionally, my barren experience on dating apps, for example, wouldn’t be affected by smell.
I don’t have any family that I would consider trustworthy on the matter.
Me calling into work because I woke up transformed into a gigantic insect