When life gives you lemonade, make lemonade
Both are D. B. Cooper
Don’t expect him to pay you for kinky sex work like that fyi
Thunder Clap? They knew, man.
One could always refer to another as “one”, but one would soon realize how clunky and awkward that is.
Can you make one with Trump and Musk that says “All Devils, No Eggs”?
Thanks! I hemmed and hawed for a while over what punctuation would work best
They can’t read
Your second “it’s” should be “its”. Only mentioning this because of the stone throwing and the glass houses
Hopping in here to clarify for OP that these aren’t AI. They’re just spam bots. Their scripts are pre-generated and may at most contain a vague reference to specifics of the video. They are not unique to CBS videos in any way. Many YouTube channels curate spam out of their comments but that process is time-consuming and/or leads to accidental censorship of unproblematic comments.
Not giving both sides of an argument your platform to opine on if one of the sides is plainly bigoted and/or anti-scientific