My issue is honestly just the inconsistency of when spells would work or wouldn't. That and the fact that many dangerous situations could have been ended immediately if they used a spell they knew. I watched the movies and was yelling at the screen to use a certain spell to solve the situation but they just run away scared and helpless.
Well if none of them can have an adult conversation that happens. I've "debated" with them on here and it devolved into Twitter. Insults, grand claims with no evidence. Yes, we've created an echo chamber where you have to actually prove what you say, and they couldn't survive. I'm ok with that.
That "Made in America" logo is going to start being viewed very differently than when I was a kid.
Damn, don't hate me but I've never seen it, so the quote went over my head, my bad. That's a damn good view on things though. I gotta make time for that one.
Well first off, I listed many riots and it only takes one instance of one existing for what you said to be wrong.
Secondly, there were instances I listed of people who rioted for rights they already had, but we're doing it for others. Full stop. This was done with many rights movements I listed. Who started them and why is irrelevant, they did the thing you said they didn't do.
Holding signs and singing chants in the streets doesn’t change anything but it can easily be framed as a justification for more police and military spending to “maintain order and peace”. If you consider the elites who actually control the flow of commerce, it’s a net loss for the protestors who only have their jobs to risk and possibly jail time and a fine. In fact, the State applies Deterrence Theory in this way to keep the public from rioting and it has, so far, been extremely affective in the modern era.
I don't get how this is relevant to our convo... You said people don't riot unless directly impacted. I showed instances of where they did. Why are we talking about state responses to peaceful protests?
Oh, and those hippies who protested the Vietnam War were a small percentage of white middle class youth that went on to be corporate leaders in America, many of whom are the primary antagonists we deal with today.
Source for that bold claim?
I’ll end my rebuttal simply stating that the examples you’ve mentioned involved people who consciously viewed themselves as interconnected with those they were protesting alongside of. This is something we severely lack in today’s social-political climate; a shared consciousness, which is what a grassroots movement requires.
..... So you'll end by saying the thing you said never happens does in fact happen, but you don't think it will now. I mean, I agree, but that wasn't the topic at all. It can happen, and it has happened. Saying it never has is wrong and not only ignores people throughout history who put their lives out there, it also sends a message that it's not possible. It is. We've done it before and we can do it again.
Lot of people telling each other to riot but I don't see anyone actually doing it. If everyone who told people to riot actually riotted themselves we might have something.
A lot... Trying to act like none of your life choices matter due to government BS is a sad look at life. Many of the choices you make matter, what you do matters, it can all make a difference.
It did make some changes in laws and policies. Change isn't an all or nothing process.
Historically, the only people who have ever rioted were people who were directly affected by said issues.
Really? The only people? Throughout history. Bold claim...
I don't get why people make these grand statements then push off any burden of proof to those that might disagree, it's dishonest. But just so everyone else doesn't fall for this misinformation, here are some:
- Abolitionist Riots (19th Century, U.S.)
Many white abolitionists participated in violent riots against slavery, even though they themselves were not enslaved.
Example: The Cincinnati Riots of 1836 involved white and Black abolitionists clashing with pro-slavery mobs.
- Anti-Apartheid Protests (South Africa, 20th Century)
Many white South Africans and international activists participated in riots and violent protests against apartheid, even though they were not personally subjected to the system’s oppression.
- Vietnam War Protests (U.S., 1960s-70s)
Many young people who were not drafted or eligible for military service still participated in violent protests and riots against the war.
Example: The Days of Rage (1969) in Chicago, led by the Weather Underground, saw middle-class activists riot against U.S. militarism.
- Civil Rights Movement (U.S., 1960s)
Some white activists participated in violent actions alongside Black activists fighting for civil rights, despite not being personally discriminated against.
Example: The Cambridge Riots (1967) saw white activists and Black residents clashing with authorities over segregation and economic inequality.
- BLM Protests (2020, U.S.)
Many white and non-Black protesters participated in riots and violent clashes with police over racial injustice, even though they were not directly affected by systemic racism.
I can keep going if for some was reason that isn't enough for you to understand that your statement is wrong. Either way, please stop spreading misinformation.
I think it will be interesting. Seniors who voted for this asking to be taken care of by people who may not have voted for this but have to help you survive your bad decision. My dad has never been much of a, well, father. We chat, but not much. I certainly would not turn my life upside down to support him.
I think the moral dilemma of knowingly committing crimes is easier when your only source of income is cut.
Yeah, and buy it all cash so you don't contribute to the banks profits. About as feasible for most, honestly.