In Sweden, heat pumps are the standard for new housing and a LOT of older houses get converted. It's totally normal. Either geothermal, exhaust air, air/water or air/air, almost all smaller houses have one of them. The exhaust air one is especially interesting becouse it's also a ventilation system. Being cheaper than geothermal, many house builders go for them.
Could you give an example of what would be "a reason not to"?
Thanks! English is not my first language, just wanted to make sure I understood it correctly.
The part about Media Segments sounds really interesting. Could it potentially work like in some streaming services, where you can just hit a button to skip a tv show intro? That would be amazing!!
My dream right now is getting something like a Dasung 13" touchscreen monitor and use it with my phone. That way I don't need to find a device with brains, only a phone that fits my needs. Unfortunately, my phone (Pixel 6a) does not support video out from usb c (thanks Google), so I can't test it. Can this idea be something for you?
I really wish they would enable support for my Pixel 6a...
IIRC, Lineageos has a setting like that.
Banana is a common topping in Sweden. Add some curry and peanuts while you're at it.
Only if the delving is also greedy
Kind of, thank you! Salary isn't the issue though. Money isn't everything 😀
Snyggt, gör idioter till martyrer, det löser säkert alla problem.