I was so happy for like 2 seconds
My HRT appointment is scheduled for next week!
Correct. Tolerance is a social contract, not a moral absolute.
Hello! I don't intend to convince anyone one way is better than another, but I wanted to share why I like the mm/dd/yy format.
Simple reason, the number of possible integers increases as you go left to right.
That's all, got it out of my system. Thank you for reading.
I agree, I'm also happy that people like Walz seem to want to give people a better option, making a protest vote even less appealing.
That song goes hard. Hard like, oh I don't know, I'm sure there's a fitting analogy.
While it's now available, they're not done with it.
Ooh nice, maybe we'll get one of the ladies as a romance option.
Depending on support they do plan to expand it further with Halsin’s romance storyline.
I'm sorry you had that experience. Personally I didn't think Dread's bosses or levels were significantly harder than classic entries in the series, and some are straight up cake-walks once you know the patterns.
Regarding the instant death, it really didn't bother me. In the older games, you would find hazardous rooms that you couldn't progress through without a suit upgrade. The rooms with the E.M.M.I function the same way, except you get to interact with them instead of just turning around to explore elsewhere. They enhanced my fun with the game.
I'm glad Dread was generally well-received, but I guess it would be nice if they made an assist mode for people who just want the story, and the dopamine from killing a boss without having to try multiple times.
Wait, what in Dread was like Dark Souls that wasn't already in classic Metroid games?
Mailed my in-patient documents to the closest LGBTQ+ affirming doctor. (about 30 minutes from me) They will call me to schedule my hrt consultation once they receive it!
If my grandma had wheels she'd be a bike
I agree, but that's not happening here. AP was even barred from the white house over refusing to call it the GoA.