Ich würde so gerne mit Öffis zur Arbeit fahren aber ich brauche eben mit dem Auto 25 min und mit Öffis 2 Stunden.
Muss man halt auch außerhalb von Großstädten Infrastruktur bauen.
Ich würde so gerne mit Öffis zur Arbeit fahren aber ich brauche eben mit dem Auto 25 min und mit Öffis 2 Stunden.
Muss man halt auch außerhalb von Großstädten Infrastruktur bauen.
Das Problem besteht natürlich absolut aber um ehrlich zu sein - der Typ wirkt hier sehr unwissenschaftlich.
Wodurch machen diese Lebensmittel denn süchtig? "Ähh, joa, sie machen halt süchtig, fast 50% der Menschen sind süchtig".
Na danke.
You could try shortstories. I like horror so I can recommend Lovecraft. Most of his stories are only between 5 and 10 pages long.
Thanks for this, never heard about this song. Very intetesting.
Imagine how dumb you'd feel if you were the only person to walk under it and it fell on your head and kill you.
You'd be so pissed.
Favourite: Baiken Parry. Nothing else sends Dopamine to my brain as fast as hearing the sound of a succesfull parry.
Least favourite: HPB. Everytime I get hit by one I feel like I'm being forced to see a 90 minute movie about how bad I am at this game.
Have you ever considered how much of your body weight at any given time is poop?
I'd love to know how this came to path
I keep switching between Kimberly, Cammy and Juri. Can't really stick to one.
I kinda like it but there are a couple of things that don't vibe with me too much, maybe because Strive was my first fighting game and I'm so used to it. SF6 is pretty much my first SF aswell.
Like that many specials have 4 different modes in light, medium, heavy and EX. That's both hard to see visually in the heat of combat and also just not very interesting to me? For most speicials I'd prefer just a normal and a EX version and the won space used to just give evryone one more special or Command normal or something.
I also miss Roman Cancels way more than I expected.
Music, Lore and Characters aren't as great as GG but thats hard I guess. It's just not oit there enough for me. "Graffiti-Music-Ninja" and "Non-Consentual-Ballet-Mommy" are great but I'm missing shit like "Possessed Bedframe" and "Yu-Gi-Oh Wizard".
This all sounds pretty negative, but I'm nitpicky here. SF6 is a great game and I'll play it from time to time. GG is were I'm at home though.
Release the river!
Buddy here watermarking their bloody memes