
joined 2 years ago
[–] Frostwolf 13 points 2 years ago (10 children)

Not sure why it’s weird, it’s just reddit but open source?

[–] Frostwolf 34 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Firefox is the least evil as far as I know, given its non profit roots. Chrome is owned by google, Opera by a chinese company. Firefox is the closest we can get to a FOSS browser.

[–] Frostwolf 10 points 2 years ago (1 children)

If you use a password manager like bitwarden, there’s no need to enter all your logins. I guess that’s why I’m a bit browser agnostic. I use different browsers for different purposes. And I don’t have to worry about remembering my passwords with bitwarden.

[–] Frostwolf 3 points 2 years ago (7 children)

You can still download firefox on iOS. Snowhaze for really sensitive stuff. Safari for anything else. Using different browsers for different purposes help defend against profiling.

I personally use firefox for work stuff, firefox focus for banking, safari for personal and snowhaze for ehem.. err adult stuff.

[–] Frostwolf 39 points 2 years ago (34 children)

Hmmm, on the bright side, with lemmy going mainstream maybe some of this culture (including privacy and FOSS) becomes more and more openly discussed.

[–] Frostwolf 10 points 2 years ago (3 children)

True. It takes a big chance to switch browsers for some. And there may be learning curves, but being intentional about our internet and app use goes a long way to saving headaches in the future. The early investment (ie learning a more open source and free, even FOSS software) will help mitigate loss in case a profit driven company changes or “pivots” to a new direction.

[–] Frostwolf 3 points 2 years ago

Haha. Our lives were taken over by fanfics at some point. Though I wouldn’t trade fanfiction for anything. It was my comfort zone, my teacher and to some really loaded ones, a mentor and a therapist. A fanfic even helped me process a painful break up. Where others would just say “you’ll get over it”. I find the fanfic communities are more supportive than people IRL.

That said, your advice is very solid. A lot of us had that negative review from time to time. But we can always delete or ignore them. Fanfictions are our safe space. We read and write at our own comfort levels. :)


A list of websites, blogs, books, podcasts, software, twitter feeds, etc., for writing resources. If you have anything to add to the list, please comment below.






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What would you add?


Many more Apps will suffer the same fate. Capitalism is good for progress and innovation but unrestrained greed is bad for everyone.

A healthy, delicate balance between capitalism, socialism, government oversight and user freedom sustains a healthy sustainable growth, a commentary that extends to the real world, beyond Apps and the internet.


A fitting gameplay for a lawless terrorist. Mengsk will pay but the galaxy is too scared to rebel. Well, Raynor Raiders got your back :)


Hey, it really does work on Win 10. :)

[–] Frostwolf 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Not sure if this is available for iOS, though. But thanks for the suggestion :)

[–] Frostwolf 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Not available on iOS though. :(

[–] Frostwolf 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

No need to apologize. :) I haven’t tried this game before. But exposure for lesser known games is always welcome. If it has RTS elements, it’s still welcome.

[–] Frostwolf 1 points 2 years ago

Yeah, I think we’re similar. I tend to write my Naruto fanfics where Neji is actually alive. And I’m making it my goal to get TenTen and the rest to shine.

[–] Frostwolf 6 points 2 years ago

True. Even buying things on say the playstore, App store, steam or any platform really is a ticking time bomb. If the platform disappears or the companies running them have a change in management, there’s no guarantee.

At least with physical copies, our software is with us regardless of what happens to the companies behind them.

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