A list of websites, blogs, books, podcasts, software, twitter feeds, etc., for writing resources. If you have anything to add to the list, please comment below.
- Writing Excuses
- Self-Publishing Podcast
- Critiquecast
- The Creative Penn
- Rocking Self-Publishing Podcast
- Dead Robots Society
- Grammar Girl [thanks to /u/RussLinton]
- Terrible Minds - Chuck Wendig's blog
- Story Fix - Larry Brooks' blog
- Copyblogger
- LitReactor
- Rewrite, Reword, Rework - Rebecca Miller's blog [thanks to /u/RussLinton]
- SlushPile Hell [thanks to /u/alexfalangi]
- National Novel Writing Month [thanks to /u/willbell]
- On Writing by Stephen King
- Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
- Write, Publish, Repeat by Sean Platt and Johnny B. Truant
- Writing Tools by Roy Peter Clark
- The 90-day Novel by Alan Watt
- Characters & Viewpoint by Orson Scott Card
- Story Physics by Larry Brooks
- The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White [thanks to /u/IWishIWasATurnip]
- Smashwords Book Marketing Guide by Mark Coker [thanks to /u/RussLinton]
- Writing Fiction by Janet Burroway [thanks to /u/Prankster_Bob]
- Writing for Story by Jonathan Franklin [thanks to /u/Prankster_Bob]
- Save the Cat by Blake Snyder [thanks to /u/Kuiper]
- Scrivener
- yWriter
- WikidPad
- Ommwriter
- Poe
- LibreOffice Writer
- Microsoft Word
- CeltX [thanks to /u/thatslexi]
- Quoll Writer [thanks to /u/slurpme]
- FocusWriter [thanks to /u/-I-I-]
- Hemingway App [thanks to /u/Sheisafiresign] Find someone to critique your stuff:
- Scribophile
- Critters
Sell your stuff:
- Duotrope
- The Grinder [thanks to /u/coatimundim]
- Elance
- Odesk Self-Publishing:
- Createspace
- Smashwords
- Lulu
- Write About Dragons (Brandon Sanderson's writing lectures)
- Advanced Fiction Writing (NB: particularly his article on the snowflake method)
- Brandon Sanderson on Description and Viewpoint [thanks to /u/Kuiper]
- Brandon Sanderson on Plotting [thanks to /u/Kuiper]
- Dan Wells on Story Structure [thanks to /u/Kuiper]
Other Lists:
- Enormous Lists of Websites compiled by /u/beardedmask and /u/Mutant_Squirrel
- Randy Recommends
- Useful Links [thanks to /u/danceswithronin]
- RSP's List of Resources
- SPP's "Tools"
- Rebecca Miller's Resources
- 25 Screenwriting Books [thanks to /u/WritingPeople)
Posted from : https://www.reddit.com/r/writing/comments/25jt4p/lets_compile_a_comprehensive_list_of_resources/?s=8
Not sure why it’s weird, it’s just reddit but open source?