Fly low, the terrain confuses the targeting systems.
Wonder what wording they’ll use when the stock market actually plunges, lol
"There's been a slight pull-back, not outside of trend, nothing to worry about..."
The definition of precariat.
So that his name will be written next to it forever.
Is it supposed to be interpreted as see them tiddies, maybe?
Why do you think phones aren't listening? All of my anecdotal evidence leads me to believe that they absolutely will, depending on the apps installed.
I've been using LineageOS and GrapheneOS for maybe 8 years or so, and never have any social media / google apps installed, as well as ad / tracker blocking.
My friends, family, co-workers etc. are often served ads for very specific things immediately after we were talking about them. Toys, tools, kitchen equipment, even flights to countries or cities that were being discussed. All far too specific to be coincidence.
So while the phone itself may not be listening, apps can, depending on permissions etc.
So you can tell who they are. Also, what language are they speaking in heaven and hell?
Reading your list there, and they all sound like poor people problems. Have you thought about being rich instead?
Almost carton.
... Same sex active shooter drills?
It's shitpost, not Schittpost!