Turns out there's this: https://fedipact.online/
Let’s all unite around pride in America instead of falling into the trap of dividing along lines of identity politics.
They say, totally not engaging in "identity politics" 🙄
As others have stated, it's very little to do with being "prudes" and much more with being tired of horny anonymous posters just being horny. If it were something informative, that's a whole other thing.
I get that. As a scattered, "throw things at the wall" tactic, it serves well enough. It is far from the all-in-one answer people seem to think it is, though. It can be a good first pass, but like you said, more often than not its output is riddled with errors and needing lots of refinement.
If a calculator gave a random assortment of numbers that broadly resembled the correct answer but never actually did the math, then yes, it would be exactly like that.
I seriously underestimated how little people understand these programs, and how much they overestimate them. Personally I stay away from them for a variety of reasons, but the idea of using them like OP does or various other ways I've heard about is absurd. They're not magic problem solvers - they literally only make coherent blocks of text. Yes, they're quite good at that now, but that doesn't mean they're good at literally anything else.
I know people smarter than me see potential and I'm curious to see how it develops further, but that all seems like quite a ways off, and the way people treat and use them right now is just creepy and weird.
Of either Threads instances or instances that defederate Threads, not that I know of, but I expect it'll be a thing in short time.
Lemmy doesn't need to compete. Hell, it can't compete. It's an open-source platform developed basically as volunteer work. Meta (and Threads) has millions of dollars and massive teams behind it.
Thankfully, we don't need Meta. We just need to do what we can to resist. The best we can hope for and what we should aim for is to limit the impact/damage Threads will have on our segment of the Fed. How to do that, I'm not sure exactly, but my first instinct is to block off anything corporate. Any interaction at all is basically just asking monied interests to take over.
Right now? Have a Lemmy account on an instance that defederates anything Threads.
Those are findings specifically from industrial areas, and specifies that it is levels over 75db that are dangerous for the most sensitive individuals (younger people). I'm not sure what the db exposure for a service on one's yard would be, but I doubt it's on the same level as working in a factory.
How would one find this? Is it just a console command?
Far Cry 3 was so frustratingly dumb and yet so popular. The gameplay was fine, but everyone was blowing up about the stupid ass sub-villain with his Philosophy 101 ”zingers" in "White, suburban YA saves 'savages' from themselves with horrendous war crimes" the game. It was really irritating.