I've got the Gold Helm background from the Steam Monster Game and never changing it. RIP Steam summer sale games.
Since I I'm explicitly arguing these programs aren't perfect, even at generating blocks of text, I don't really understand why you are insisting on arguing semantics here and don't really have any interest in continuing...whatever this is. Have a good one.
What if you put it in a balloon and pop it into a funnel aimed into your mouth and you have no gag reflex?
You tried, little bot.
Hence why I didn't say writing. I said "blocks of text".
This is not a comment on you, but I do the same thing and have come to realize it's at least in part a response to being judged in some way (or feeling judged at least) over things I shared with my family, so now I just don't share.
If it's important to you, it might be worth having a conversation about why they are withholding and, if it's for similar reasons, addressing why they feel that way and assuring them you'll do your best to keep them from feeling bad about sharing.
Online content always seems to provide sub-par quality, even on good connections. Don't need to worry about that with downloaded media.
Streaming services are bound and determined to make themselves Cable TV all over again. We had it good for a little while, at least.
Lol, good troll account. Here's your downvote.
Not so much my favorite game, but just one of absurd obscurity: Special Training ‘99
It was a game I found in school that I lost track of and nobody I asked about it had any notion of what I was talking about. Only just found it again recently.
The quote is from the GOP group threatening Target.