Omg right? A lot of times it happens when I'm literally asleep and my leg just decides to rip itself apart for no reason
tbh these days i think i'd hang on to any shiny i have (i had tons in let's go) but i've also sold a lot of my old pokemon games just bc i need to focus on raising money right now.
is wefwef an actual downloadable app or is it a webpage? i'd prefer an app but i'll give it a go either way.
yeah that might be it tbh. i really dislike sparkling water but i can't deny the mouthfeel is a huge part of it.
He's like, 60% Jack Black
i haven't watched the whole show but tbh i get the feeling a lot of people didn't believe walt but didn't want to seem impolite when approaching the situation
hey, no pressure. i'm only here so often to kill time during work lol. you're providing content for free and this kind of thing is supposed to be fun for everyone, not just the lurkers.
yeah there's a handful of horror games that have lady protagonists i could recommend but most/all are on ps2
so is this an ai thing or is someone really in there taking fucking dramatic photos for him to post on twitter?
it's definitely different to get the balancing act right. i think another way you could approach this is to play more into the emotions. the times i've been in extreme emotional distress i've completely shut down, not eaten or cleaned myself, and i think drawing on experiences like that could be a way to enhance the story also.
bite, snarl, nimble. little dogs make great tattletales when sounding an alarm for a bigger dog to fuck things up. nimble to go for the fish and other cat.
i'll stand by the fact that one of my favourite books of all time is the phantom tollbooth. the best children's content is something that can also be enjoyed by adults.